Today I had my first English exam (I have two) today was the language exam. It was an alright paper, I enjoyed the creative writing aspect. Before the exam started I had a hunch that the text transformation would be a speech and I was so right! It was a relief really, I feel as though that section of the exam is definitely my strongest part. The second section was a little bizarre, it wasn't easy but it wasn't drainingly hard, I did my best all the same. My last exam, the English Literature isn't until the 8th June. That gives me a little break, and just not make me stress. I napped when I got home today, it was more than needed. I am happy that most of my exams are done with, English is my better subject so I generally feel more confident with this than my other subjects!
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My exams start next Tuesday, they're being kick started with film. Study leave begins on the Monday but I'll be going in all to revise. The pressure is definitely getting a little on top of me, but as always I'll cope and I will boss this exams. If you're doing exams too or anything that is important or just putting pressure on you in general just think positive thoughts,we will boss and pass our obstacles.
I will be spending a lot of time revising but I'll keep updating my blog as you guys know I practically live for writing! I thought this little post would just explain things being a little hectic for me! Stay smiling!
I will be spending a lot of time revising but I'll keep updating my blog as you guys know I practically live for writing! I thought this little post would just explain things being a little hectic for me! Stay smiling!
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
So this week has been one of poems, I have been busy but I've been trying to keep up to date. As you know if I miss days I will catch up and post how many I need to on the following days. This is just a chatty post, bits and bobs and whatever else comes to mind.
I'm 18 in 10 days - I cannot believe it, like at all.
65 days until my first exam, which is film.
116 days until I break up for the Summer.
124 days until pride!
What an exciting time to be alive.
I have been thinking about my future, exciting and scary prospect of life, and well after college in 2017 I think I want to go to University. Due to not doing so well last year I am obviously redoing my first year, which means my friends are going to University this year. I don't mind too much that I will be going later, at least I am on the track to bettering myself and getting where I want to in my own time. I've been looking about for Universities and courses, I kind of always had my heart set on Newcastle Univeristy, it's close to home and their library is amazing. However, growing I realise I need independence, I need distance from the norm, I need to stand up on my own two feet. So I have been looking at places away from home. I know I want to write, like that is a must. So my English teacher helped me and I found the perfect course and the perfect University - Brighton University - English Literature and Creative Writing. I've always wanted to go to Brighton, it's stunning, alternative and kind of old fashioned, apparently a lot writer's live there. That is where I aiming to go, I understand that there is higher universities on the league table but that kind of doesn't matter. I have to take the place into consideration, I don't want to go to University where I don't like the location. So I am aiming for Brighton, I have to keep looking around as for Ucas you have to put at least three maybe five. Next on the list would be Bolton, admittedly that may just be because I am a sucker for the accents and it's where Danny Jones is from (he turned 30 yesterday, still my favourite, and he's still attractive as ever!) but you know, we will see what happens.
What's next on the agenda to talk about? Snapchat. I have discovered the new Snapchat filters on my phone, it's an android and I kind of assumed they were only available for iPhone. I was wrong and now I am addicted, my niece adores the doggy one, she loves it. They're fun and personally if I feel a little crap and look a little rough then puking rainbows or drag filters take that worry from me.
I've been playing a lot of Sims lately, I am even considering getting the Sims sign (plumbob) tattooed behind my ear, it would be super cute.
I am kind of full of cold, which sucks. But I am drinking plenty of tea, and I would say keeping myself warm but I am wearing ridiculous multi-coloured leggings and a white vest.
I have been thinking about what to post so here is a list of things for you to expect within the next week or couples of weeks
- 17? Reflection on growing up.
-18? Officially an adult.
-Film review - The Green Mile
-Book Review - Fangirl
-Film Review - Shawshank Redemption
-Outfits of the week - Attempt to look somewhat girlie.
- Favourites of the week - foods, drinks, items, songs and other stuff
Thank you, and I'll see you in tomorrow's post. Recommendations are always welcome, thank you and have a good day.
Sunday, 13 March 2016
I returned to sixth form today, it turns out yesterday was staff training and there were no lessons, only I didn't know this until I got to sixth form. After a wasted three hours of travelling I returned home and decided to play sims. Last night I checked how many hours I've spent playing the game since I installed it (which was Saturday) and so far a good twenty hours. Kind of obsessive but I loved every minute of it.
I am spending the next two hours reading PowerPoint's and revising, it seems I could possibly have a mock exam today for Media Studies, so I am using the free time I have wisely. I just finished a cappuccino and truth be told I feel a little light headed, and perhaps staring at a computer screen (like I have done for the past three days) isn't the best idea, but low and behold I am going to continue to do so anyway.
Today will consume of Revising, Exam, Chinese and later spending time with my niece. That is what I like to call a well rounded productive day!
I am spending the next two hours reading PowerPoint's and revising, it seems I could possibly have a mock exam today for Media Studies, so I am using the free time I have wisely. I just finished a cappuccino and truth be told I feel a little light headed, and perhaps staring at a computer screen (like I have done for the past three days) isn't the best idea, but low and behold I am going to continue to do so anyway.
Today will consume of Revising, Exam, Chinese and later spending time with my niece. That is what I like to call a well rounded productive day!
Mock Exam
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
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