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 Hello, my lovelies!

I meant to share the post with you a little while ago, but life has been super busy! I do not want to go into too much detail, but I started a new job and have been on a few small adventures (with more to come), and things have been changing super quickly around me. I haven't had much time to stop and write, so it's nice that I can do so now!

It's no secret that I spent my birthday in Rome (back in March); it was, in fact, a dreamy long weekend holiday that was just gorgeous and bookish! Rome was my second solo trip, and I think I'm addicted to travelling alone? Especially when it means I can visit all the bookish spots I want. 

My birthday looked like this:

Keats-Shelley House Museum

Before the death of beloved writers John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley, they lived in small quarters in Rome. In 1909, the house was opened to the public as a museum and library. As a lover of literature and a writer myself, the Keats-Shelley house was at the top of my list to visit. I'm very glad it was because it was beautiful.

It was a very small museum, but it was powerful. You could see old texts of the writers, letters from close friends and even the bed Keats died in. 

The gift shop was quaint but lovely. I picked up a couple of poetry books, including a collection of poems about Rome. It was only natural that I found myself buying more books on my trip!

Birthday wish at the Trevi fountain

One of the first things I did on my birthday was head to the infamous Trevi fountain to make a birthday wish. I had, of course, seen many photos and videos of the beautiful fountain, but none of them had ever done it justice. It was truly beautiful, and many people flocked to see it and toss a coin.

Antico Caffé Greco

After my touristy exploration, I decided I needed a little midday treat at Antico CaffĂ© Greco. The establishment has been around since 1760 and is known as an 18th-century cafe and writer's haunt.  

I found this spot on an Instagram reel, and naturally, it had to be at the top of my list of places to visit in Rome. It did not disappoint. 

The decor was beautiful, the service was amazing, and it was definitely one of my favourite spots on the trip. 

Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola

I'm not a religious person, but I appreciate the architecture and beauty of churches. I had seen many photos and videos of the Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, and I knew I had to come and see it for myself. Seeing the beautiful ceiling and artwork within the church was certainly a highlight of my trip to Rome.

Liberia Tuba

I ended my birthday night with a Cosmopolitan at the brilliant, bookish bar. The owners are lesbian, and it's a sapphic safe environment for queer people; it was only right I visited a place that embodies so many of my own beliefs. The atmosphere was amazing and I'm really glad I got to visit this great space!

My birthday in Rome was truly special! I had so much fun exploring, and even on the days around my birthday, I visited some amazing places! I ate incredible Italian food, took many photos, and just enjoyed my visit. The other days, I visited incredible spots like the Colosseum, Vatican City, Spazio 7 (a book cafe), and many more. 

I have decided to make it my annual tradition to wake up in a new country every birthday. I do have my heart set on Paris next year!

A Bookish Birthday in Rome

Saturday 8 June 2024

Hiya lovelies,

It's been a minute since I've done a life update, and since I've got an exciting week ahead, I decided to come and write about it. I will head out of the country on my first solo trip abroad in a few days. When did I decide this? Just under three weeks ago. It's impulsive, I know, but I have been so eager to travel, and this year has been lowkey tragic and quite frankly, I refuse to allow the whole year to be a loss. 

I'll be heading over to Croatia for my first-ever solo trip abroad. It's not an overly long trip, just five days, but it's the perfect opportunity to dip my toes into solo travelling. I want to do a much longer travelling stint around Europe next Summer, and this is the ideal opportunity to see how I do. I'll be staying in hostels, exploring and taking the world in. 

Within three weeks, I've had to do so much preparation, from seeing if the country is LGBTQ+ friendly to ensuring I don't get my period while I'm away and making the best travel-inspired playlist for the flights. I opted for the free luggage option, which is essentially one bag, and oh boy, has it been a challenge to fit everything into one flight-friendly bag. I've had the most issues with liquids, so many hair products, shower and hygiene bits, and sun cream- getting them all into one small bag was challenging. I have managed to master packing lightly, though I really had to be succinct in my options. 

I've never been more prepared for anything in my whole life.

I'm looking forward to watching the sun set and rise in another country, exploring and trying new cuisine and enjoying new cultures. I have a couple things on my to-do list, like exploring the old town, visiting The Organ, and having some downtime on the beach with my Kindle- my chosen holiday read is Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko. I've been feeling off balance for a while now, and an adventure and some much-needed time to myself will help me rebalance and feel more like myself. I've been so eager to get away, and I saw cheap flights and thought: when was the last time I did something spontaneous? So, I jumped at the chance.

This is not to say I don't have some worries, I've never stayed in a hostel before, but that's part of the lifestyle of solo travelling. The best way to travel is to keep it as inexpensive as possible, and accommodation can be expensive! Equally, if I'm not that into staying in hostels, I can plan accordingly for my 2024 trip. I am excited; above all else, my soul needs this trip!

No doubt I'll be doing some writing whilst I'm away, and I'll be taking lots of pictures, so expect a blog upon my return!

Preparing to Solo Travel

Thursday 13 July 2023