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As Autumn knocks on the door, I reflect on the Summer. It has been an eventful one. I met my good friend Meg in June in York, a quaint and beautiful town. Before her train arrived, I had the most blissful breakfast, drinking coffee and writing by the river. 

York was filled with inspiration and some excellent coffee spots. Once I had breakfast, I had such a lovely walk through the museum gardens. There was this special moment when a young girl was hand-feeding a group of squirrels. They weren't afraid of her, and she was so kind to them. It felt like a moment from a Disney film. I sat in awe, and it was one of those moments where you really appreciate life's beauties. 

Once I met with Meg, we explored the wonderful town. York has many interesting shops, the sun was at its best, and we visited a few cute spots. It was nice to be reunited and see somewhere we had never visited. We had these fantastic treats from a nice little place called Bao in the shambles. 

We were also grateful for the seating areas anyone can pull up at; York is one of those chilled places. There were many people, but it's no surprise it was busy, especially considering how cute the place is. 

We also visited this really cool ghost shop, The York Ghost Merchants. The staff dressed up; it felt theatrical and was just good fun. Naturally, we had to purchase some ghosts to take home:

York is genuinely a joy to visit, perfect for a day trip. Around every corner, there was inspiration. Although I didn't plan to write (even though I carry my notebook everywhere), I did feel inspired and did some really good writing. I could see myself visiting again if I'm ever short of inspiration.

A Day in York

Saturday 14 September 2024