Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
I submitted my final deadline, of my second year at University, approximately a week or so ago.
What a relief! I did an end of year post last year and its only natural I had to this year too! I hold my hands up to this, but damn has this year been hard. Nothing on the first year of Uni. Sorry to scare all you first years out there, please enjoy first year whilst you can.
Something weird has happened this year, not entirely sure what though. I have worked 100% harder like I have put so much more effort into my work but I cannot help but feel I haven't got my shit together. I keep leaving everything to last minute, which I didn't really do last year, and it is driving me insane.
 Realistically, I know it doesn't help working whilst doing my degree but a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do. I finished the second year, I suppose that counts for something. I want to wish for a better third year, and tell you I'll get my shit together over Summer, but will I? I will try but I know I'll be just as stressed this time next year.
That aside, we have to celebrate getting through it. I am super proud of all my fellow students and friends, you guys are amazing. I hope we all have the well-deserved Summer we need!
A week into summer, and I have no clue what to do with my time. It's weird not feeling guilty about doing things, I am so used to that nagging feeling in the back of my head telling me to do work. I am currently on a two-week break from work too, I am visiting home and enjoying long baths again and naps. Oh, the naps! 
I joined the gym too, a good way to kick off Summer. I am writing this whilst a bath is running, I am using the most gorgeous yellow bath bomb. I have been using quite a few bath bombs whilst being home, I might do a blog post rating and recommending some. 
I am not sure what I am going to do when I am not working over Summer so I have created a Summer goals list, something to complete and work towards and make sure I don't just waste Summer.
Summer goals:

  • Read at least 15 books
  • Socialise more (this is important because I have a habit of playing sims all day)
  • Gym 3-4 times a week
  • Cook more (pot noodles don't count)
  • Finish Glee
  • Finish writing memoir
I didn't want to set too many, but I feel like I have created a chilled list. Nothing in the list is unrealistic, it includes everything I enjoy doing. I am really looking forward to spending my first Summer in Brighton. I am hoping to start reading the books for the third year, but we will see...
What are some of your Summer goals?


Thursday 6 June 2019

Up to this point this is what you've worked for
Never did you think you would survive to this point
It took time, tears and traumatic stress
Vigilance and determination
Every second has paid off
Ready for your next big ass adventure?
Stress doesn't stop here it just gets better
I believed in myself and I'm almost there
Time has been against me and backed me into covers
Yet here I am ready for the next part of my life


Saturday 22 October 2016

I started back at sixth form last Thursday, this is my final year before University,if I get in that is. This year my work load has widened greatly, all my courses have coursework now, whereas only two did last year, plus I am redoing coursework from last year too so things are going to be heavy and stressful. I'm spending most of my time staring at a screen, I am thankful though that the majority of the coursework for all my subjects involve creative writing. I'm writing scripts, opening chapters to novels, essays and it's brilliant. Even though it's stressful writing different texts and not focuses on one writing project at a time like I usually do its definitely interesting. It's certainly sparking ideas, I'm finding inspiration from the most curious of things. I wish I could show you guys what I'm working with, but due to regulations and what not I cannot, so maybe next Summer when my exams are over I will be able to share these projects with you. I am having fun with it, pressured fun definitely but it's important I learn to write on demand especially if I'm wanting to pursue a writing career. So if I'm blog updates are a little late, all of the above is why. I have not forgotten about this place, my little haven for everything.


Wednesday 14 September 2016

Can you make it?
Onto the next year you go
Life doesn't get easier as move on
Learning is important  we both know that
Even if you want to give up and be done with it all
Go on give up if you think it's too hard, fold and do nothing
Eventually you will regret it, you need to hold on because it is worth it.


Friday 17 June 2016

Being off for easter I had planned to spend most days revising, working through exam questions and trying my best to not mess this year up. I go back to sixth form tomorrow and I have done none of the above. I have been baby sitting for the majority of the easter holidays, so I haven't spent much time at home. And Saturday my sister surprised me with three Sims Expansion packs, I may as well kiss goodbye to my education right now.
I have zero motivation and I hate it. English isn't too bad because it's linear and we have to do this year's exams again at the end of next year. Film I feel fairly confident with I just think it's Media I am lacking with. Today is a new day, I am eating healthier and setting my head straight.
Tomorrow I will use my free time more productively, I will study in my free lessons and do at least an hour out of sixth form hours. I refuse to muck up another year!
It is so tempting to go with the 'Wing it' attitude. I know it doesn't work. I go on study leave May 14th, and it's frightening! I am still going to attend those lessons at least the ones where my teachers will be doing. I need to not mess this year up.
I am aiming to go to Brighton University in 2017, to study English Literature and Creative Writing - the entry requirements are BCC. I need to get the grades I refuse to put Uni off for another year!

Zero Motivation

Saturday 9 April 2016

A little quote that took my fancy

Wednesday 22 July 2015