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I want to be happy, and I want to be with him. But Lauren you know you don't really want that. I want to move forward from this stage of awkwardness. You would be lost without this stage of awkwardness, you're not even handling it properly as it is. I feel like I'm ready, I'm ready to accept the love I deserve. Lauren you aren't fooling anyone, you're not ready, you're never ready for anything, and we both know you aren't ready to accept the love you deserve, you're clueless to exactly what you deserve. I want to be happy, smiling and holding his hand. Lauren, need I tell you more about how you destroy your own happiness, you rarely smile and you can't even hold your own hand never mind anyone else'. I never want these butterflies to end, they're empowering and motivating. You're deluding yourself, you're not fooling anyone around  you, especially him, so stop trying to fool yourself.

Two Minds

Monday 18 January 2016

My journey to the top
I fight, I write and I don't stop
seconds before walking through the doors of glory
I cry, I doubt, I find flaws in my story

I build myself up
only to tear myself down
one second I think I'm good
the next I'm fleeing the town.

My heart pleads me to go
my brains a constant no
there is support all around
but my thoughts are the only sound

when will I be free
from my own words that demand to hurt me
why can't I listen to the good things
instead of feeling these hurtful stings.

One thing I've found
as my two feet stand rooted to this ground
the one thing that can hurt me the most
the brain, the heart, the skin that I host...

Worst Enemy

Thursday 17 December 2015