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Over the last few weeks, I have been rereading the Divergent books by Veronica Roth. It’s taken me a little longer than I had anticipated but at the weekend I finished the final book!  This was my first reread of the trilogy since I read them when I was sixteen. I have been putting off reading them in case the magic wasn't there. I was worried I had grown up and fallen out of love with the faction fictional world. 

Spoiler: that was definitely not the case. I am glad I still love the books is that after reading them the first time around a little while after I got the factions tattooed on me as the start of my book sleeve.

What sparked the reread? Before picking the books again up I was watching the films and it was weird because I felt as though scenes were missing. I then realised the books and films had merged in my brain.  Just to put this out there, I don't think the films were completely awful. I actually adore the first film as that got me into the books when it was released back in 2014. I knew the books had more to them and I thought to differentiate the films and books a reread was necessary. 

In this post, I will talk about each book, including the extra book Four and will discuss what I liked about each etc. Mini book reviews if you will.

Divergent  - ★★★★★

In this book we meet the protagonist Tris, who is contemplating leaving her faction Abnegation, we join her on Choosing Day as she decides to transfer to Dauntless. The faction system is made up of five factions: Abnegation, Dauntless, Candor, Erudite and Amity. Throughout this book, we see Tris struggle and strive through the rigorous Dauntless initiation. Tris discovers she is Divergent and has to hide this to stay alive. On the way, she gains amazing friends and begins a love interest with Four. As the book goes on we find out that Erudite is hunting Divergent and planning to take over Abnegation. 

This book will always hold a special place in my heart. I cannot fault a single thing in this book, it's definitely my favourite one out of the trilogy.  My favourite part of this book was the fear scapes, if you only watched the films you will only know about the physical training and the simulation mind training, in the books, there is a third stage where the initiates enter Lauren's fearscape. I love this whole concept!

I also really loved getting to know and meet the Dauntless born initiates in this book, they're not really present in the films but in particular, I really liked Zeke and Uriah. Dauntless and daring to the bone, their relationship is one of love and playfulness. I love the dauntless compound, I think if I was in this world I would love to be Dauntless but I definitely wouldn't pass initiation. Maybe Erudite or Amity?

I watched the film before reading the book so I already had an image of the characters in my head before reading but the majority of characters matched up. With the exception of Eric, the film Eric appearance-wise is very different to book Eric. Book Eric was covered in piercings! When I first watched the film and read the series, I was obsessed with Eric. He isn't the nicest of characters but I adored him. Is this still the case? Yes and no. I still like him as a character, I think his role especially in the first book was needed for the narrative but I don't think he is a nice guy at all. 

Insurgent - ☆☆☆

The plot of this book is life after Tris, Four, Peter, Caleb and Marcus flee from the Dauntless compound and head to Amity. Dauntless traitors and Erudite team up to hunt Divergents as well as capture the fugitives Four and Tris. There is the return of Four's mother Evelyn, who was previously presumed dead, she wants to overthrow Janine and the Faction system with her team of Factionless. Tris and Four try to seek out the other Dauntless, who are safe in Candor. Both of them undergo the truth serum letting out all their secrets, Four's abuse, Tris' killing her friend etc. It is very intense. Janine sets out attacks on the none Divergent, which Tris hands herself into Euridite where we find out her brother Caleb is a traitor. 

 I cannot stand Tris's brother Caleb, which only gets worse in the next book. This book is my least favourite out of the three, I find it incredibly frustrating at times. This book is probably the biggest out of the three, a lot happens! It ends with Tris being rescued and a video explaining that the faction system is an experiment and that there is life beyond the wall.

I think this book is frustrating because the characters like Four's parents are so infuriating. Marcus is horrible and I despise that he holds the important information that everyone needs to know, he is a horrible character!  Marcus tries to redeem himself but I don't think abusers deserve redemption. I wish he didn't play an important role in the second book, but he does.  Eric dies in this book, I remember being a little upset when I first read it but the second time around it was justified. He was a sadistic murderer who had zero redeeming qualities. I do think it would have been interesting seeing how he would react to the information about the people outside of the wall.

The film went weird with this film and took an unnecessary tangent, if I am honest I pretend the films stopped after the first one.

Allegiant - ☆☆

In this book, Tris and Four take a team beyond the wall. The majority of this book is set in the compound, which is a weird place, I remember being so shocked when I first read the book. It is in the compound where we learn that their world is split into Genetically Pure (Divergent) people and Genetically Damaged (none Divergent). This book is action-packed, Every chapter has you on the edge of your seat. There is rebellion and explosions. Johanna creates an army called the Allegiant to go against Evelyn's army, this causes issues in the compound and the leader of the compound demands a factory reset of the entire experiment. Tris sacrifices herself in order to wipe out the compound's memory and let the Chicago experiment have freedom.

I liked that there were a few different literary techniques used in this book, from switching perspectives (Tris and Four) to reading diary entries. My favourite part of this book is the diary entries from Tris' mother, I really liked reading about her entering the experiment.  I thought this was a lovely way for Tris to connect with her dead mother and see what she was like before having children.

This book is definitely the most emotional of them all, my feelings were a wreck whilst reading the final book. I had to take breaks in between chapters just to gather my thoughts and settle my feelings.  This book was filled with tragedy.

Major SPOILER: Tris’ death broke me. Granted not as dramatically as it first had when I read at 16 but I cried every chapter after she died too. Not to be rude but it should have been Caleb, she deserved a happy ending with Four!

The ending didn't sit right with me, life after Tris just felt sad and tragic. I think it's because we start the trilogy with Tris and we go through everything with her step by step and for her to just die and the book go on without her felt wrong. Tris sacrifices herself to reset the compound's memory so there is no superiority between the genetically pure and the genetically damaged. Once the compound is reset the experiment is over, people have the option to live wherever they please. 

Four - 

I love this book,  a collection of chapters from Four's life. Roth almost written the series from Four's perspective but later decided Tris was the right character to tell the story. Some of the chapters in this book are what you would have found if Roth hadn't changed her mind.

This entire book is from Four's perspective whereas the trilogy is from mainly in Tris’ perspective. The extra details and scenes are an exquisite read. We got to see deeper into Four's life and initiation. We also got to see how he and Eric came to hate each other and it’s juicy! You don’t need to read the book for the plot but it’s very nice extra content! 

Overall? I’m glad I reread the books. They were magnificent and still hold the top spot for the favourite trilogy in my eyes. I love the world so much, Tris, Four and even Eric will forever hold a special place in my heart! I think I’ll be due another reread when I hit my thirties, that should give me enough time to emotionally recover! 

The Divergent Trilogy

Monday 18 October 2021


I saw this idea floating around and I just couldn't resist! I found this particular tag and set of questions on another person's blog, I don't know them personally I just loved this idea here is a link to their page:

I will be answering bookish questions this one is in relation to coffee, different types of coffee, which we all know I absolutely adore. 

If you'd like to have a go in the comments or on your own writing platform consider this as a tag to you! Here we go:

1) Black Coffee: Name a series that's tough to get into but has hardcore fans.

This is a no brainer for me, Twilight. I tried to get into it but I just could not. I have this weird hatred for Twilight and don't really understand how people can enjoy it. I know so many people who simply adore this series, but I just don't get it. I think for me it's the sparkling vampires, growing up I was really into bad-ass vicious vampires like the ones from The Lost Boys or Queen of the Damned etc. and I am just in awe at the ridiculousness of the vampires in Twilight. At the time of this release I filled my vampire love elsewhere with Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampire Series- highly recommend. 

2) Peppermint Mocha: Name a book that gets more popular during the winter or a festive time of year.

This is a tough one because I don't really read Christmas books myself, but I must say having worked in a bookshop I noticed the sales of Tom Fletcher's The Christmasarus rise around Christmas time and there is always an influx around this period since it's release in 2017. I bought it for my niece alongside the teddy, she loved it.

3) Hot Chocolate: What is your favourite children's book?

For this, I would have to say The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I read it again a year or so ago and it was just beautiful. As a child, I loved the idea of having a secret garden, the beauty of it. Such a wonderful book, with beautiful imagery and just an all-round good story.

4) Double Shot of Espresso: Name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

The first book that popped into my head is Perfect Prey by Helen Fields. The first crime book I had ever read, and it was so damn good. I read it maybe three years ago and I still think about it.  I finished this book on the train home at night. So much regret, I was incredibly creeped out once I got off the train.

5) Starbucks: Name a book you see everywhere.

This is a good one, at the moment there have been a few books I am constantly seeing everywhere I am not sure if it is the universe telling me to purchase them or what but they are:

  • Sadie: A Novel by Courtney Summers
  • Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
6) Hipster Coffee Shop: Give a book by an indie author a shoutout.

The most recent Indie book I have read would be Beneath the Waters by Juliet Llewellyn! I enjoyed this book and recently written a book review for it, if you want to check it out here is the link:

7) Oops! I accidentally got decaf: Name a book you were expecting more from.

Studying literature we learned the importance of reading the classics and I had heard a few people rave about Virginia Woolf and her works. I thought I would give Mrs Dalloway ago, and truth be told it was entirely boring and somewhat pointless. I had expected so much more! I haven't given up entirely on Woolf, I do hope to delve into more of her work soon!

8) The Perfect Blend: Name a book or series that was both bitter and sweet but ultimately satisfying.

Weirdly, my answer is more or less the same as the person I found this tag from. Divergent series by Veronica Roth, I still remember the first time I read them and finished them sobbing my little heart out. It was so intense. I would also say for this question The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins would be a close second, it played with my heart like a cat with a toy! Both excellent trilogies I would recommend just have tissues near you.

That is the end of this Coffee Book Tag, what were your thoughts? I absolutely loved it! I really enjoyed writing about the books I have read and it was so fun to write this blog post! I think I would like to do more of these in the future. Thank you for reading, hope you all have a fabulous week!

Coffee Book Tag

Wednesday 24 March 2021

After much contemplation, I decided to stick with the word 'females' in the blog title because I liked the sound of the fricatives. However, I do believe I sound like Martin Goodman- not entirely sure if this is a good thing or bad thing?

Recently I have been thinking about how wonderful women are, and it leads me down the path of considering the character's from the books I have read and how the women in these stories have impacted my life and my own view on the world. Having read quite a bit over the years it was hard to narrow down but I have managed to pick five! 

It was quite the task but I had to consider all of my favourite books and go from there! Some may come to your surprise but others probably not! I hope my list allows you to think of your favourite fictional females! Is there any of mine you agree or disagree with?

1) Katniss Everdeen - The Mockingjay, the absolute gem and my favourite fictional lady of all time. I first read The Hunger Games in my early teens, maybe before, and as one book closed and another opened I remember myself thinking 'What a badass!' A true heroine who I wanted to grow up like. She refused to follow rules and lead a rebellion, we see many women in the media today letting their inner Everdeen roar.

2) Molly Weasley - The mother to all! Admittedly I am not so keen on the writer due to her transphobia but I have always separated the writer from the work. Harry Potter has given me so much light through the years and is still one of my favourite universes in the world, I am not condoning the writer's opinions or actions- I am just ignoring her existence as I don't want her tarnishing the HP Universe. Had to a disclaimer that but back to Molly. I love her caring nature, she doesn't think twice about taking another son underwing, even if he isn't blood-related. I also have kudos to her for dealing with such a big family, especially with jokers like Fred & George. I have mad respect for this lady. 

3) Tris - We had to see this one coming, I love Tris. She is a character I hold very dear to my heart. The resilence of her character and sheer determination puts me at awe. In the first book, we see her almost fail her training for Dauntless, she refuses to let this happen. I think another reason Tris made number 3 is her unjustly death, I have still yet to recover and it just plain angers me. Her brother is a traitor back and forth, and yet she sacrifices herself- you have to respect that but it was heartbreaking. I remember reading the ending of Allegiant and sobbing out loud. My chest hurt and it was hard. I was so angry at Caleb and so heartbroken for Four. Even now when I reread the trilogy I still cry and all those feelings coming back just like they did when I first read them.

4) Mrs Havisham - yes that spinster from Dicken's Great Expectations. An odd one I know, but I cannot help but admire her for how long she can keep a grudge. She is jolted as a young bride which leads to her decay. I love that she just decides to let everything rot, she was done with the world. Refuses to seep back into reality. There is just something so beautiful about her. There was something wicked about her forming Estella into a heartbreaker, it was a very odd dynamic but she wanted Estella to hurt men the way a man hurt her. Not a great thing but lowkey love it and I know I shouldn't.

5) Rosalind - from Shakespeare's As You Like It. If I am completely honest, there aren't many female characters in Shakespeare's plays that I am overly thrilled by. Some are bores or just too soppy. Rosalind is the exception, she is such a wonderful character. It is very rare you see a female character so prominent in a Shakespeare play. She is such a strong character with the ability to subvert the limitations that society imposes on her as a woman. She disguises herself as a young man in order to tutor and woo the man she loves teaching him ways to love and show passion. It's such a fun play and plays with gender is such a farcical manner. 

Favourite Fictional Females (Books)

Saturday 22 August 2020

Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth, after seeing the Divergent movie for the first time, I fell in love and found out that were books so of course I had to check them out and we all know books are always if not most of the time better than the movies.
I started the first book last weekend - I only read on weekends due to college and my habit to not putting a book down until it is finished or at least nearly finished, and of course this a problem because I will stay up as long as is it takes!
Anyways back the books. I adored reading them, and it seems it Veronica has made a huge impact on me with her unforgettable books and I just to share my opinion, thoughts, kind of like a review, but I will be talking about the movie too.
Warning if you haven't read the books there may be some spoilers!
- Also I know there is another book of short stories about Four which I have ordered from Amazon and will be reading when it's delivered I will do a separate review for that!
From the first word I was attached, I instantly started to fall in love with the characters the factions. Veronica transported me to a whole new world, giving me such an adventure just by reading her words.
Having seen the movie first I had already had an image planted in my head for all the characters, which I must say all the actors and actresses fitted perfectly well for the characters in the books, except Eric. I am kind of pleased by this though, generally because I love Eric's look and personality in the movie, I have an obsession with Eric. I am kind of glad the movie differed from the book mainly because of Eric, but only that. The movie added extra things, I like the way the movie changed the paintball guns, and some of the added dialogue especially between Eric, Four and Tris.
I love the book has more things than the movie, it sounds weird but I feel the books are sacred, once reading the divergent book it opened my eyes so much especially with more understanding to the film. When you watch the movie it is brilliant but after you read the book it is insanely even more amazing, it is kind of like you know more than those just watched the movie, like you know a whole secret that they don't.
The book was incredible, I feel like it brought me to life a little, I could feel everything Tris was going through. Despite my love for Eric I even started to slightly fall in love with Four, yeah they are fictional characters I know.
I have to say 100% the book is better than the movie with most aspects, a part from the movie there is more Eric scenes well I'm kind of bias when it comes to Eric.
The first book is the movie, except you go into much deeper concept and feelings and relationships and behaviour is magnified.
The book was incredible from beginning to end, once it finished I had to refrain myself from picking up the next book otherwise I would have become a zombie and no would have been done in college the next day
This book literally blown my mind, I am not even kidding. In this book alone I pretty much felt every emotion possible.  This book was utter brilliance, the plot twists had me on edge, the first book was amazing but the second blew it out of the water!  So many new characters were introduced, another whole new world revealed to us.
Four's story started to unfold and took us on a roller-coaster. I have to say that this book was really intense, I was practically gripping the book as I read the words. Sadly my love Eric was killed this book, it hurt but of course he deserved it! I look forward to how the movie will be, the book was brilliant and I hope the movie really does it justice.
I gasped a lot through this novel, like  a lot. Also I even felt Tris's craziness as she slowly went off the rails. This book definitely makes you feel things the first book didn't. Plus the Tris and Tobias relationship, wow they went through a lot, I think at one point I cried from the almost heartbreak. I did cry a little with this book.
When I finished this book I was slightly traumatized, like my emotions were high and it was all I thought about.
The final book... This had the most impact on me. It shows you so many meaningful things, the more important things like love, sacrifice, family and strength. This book is the different from the rest, we finally leave the factions, to see there a much bigger world than just Dauntless, Amity, Candor, Erudite and Abnegation.
This book was full of twists. I loved the switch of point of views between Tobias and Tris, it was genius. It got us to see things from different perspective.
I felt angry at one point, I didn't like Nita at all, I felt she was trying to steal Four. The moments between Tris and Four literally had my heart in my  mouth.
In my opinion this book was the best, it was so complex and brilliant.
I have to say the ending, well I sobbed I mean at 6:30AM I sobbed and I had to put the book down. I couldn't control myself, Veronica Roth turned my into an emotional wreckage. The final chapters were so raw and tough I felt like I had lost someone dear to me, I loved it though it was incredible.
This book I read last night, I didn't go to bed until 7:00AM, even when I woke up after 13:00PM I still felt the rawness, and until about 30 minutes ago I had to make myself come to terms with the fact that Tris was only a character a made up person, that it was all fictional. It end the way I wanted it to, I am glad kind of because it was such a unique ending, the epilogue did give me closure though.
The whole trilogy was amazing, kudos to Veronica Roth for creating such an amazing set of books, powerful and unforgettable to say at the least. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the books, I would highly recommend that everyone reads them. They were emotional, exciting, thrilling and had me addicted from beginning to end. Usually when you read a series of books they start good and maybe falter further into the series, but that isn't the case here. The brilliance, creativeness were continuous through out!
Be Brave!
Once I read the trilogy I found out that there was another book, about the character Four/Tobias. I bought it and well I just read it and here's my review.
Inside there is a four short stories, and a few snippets of Four's point of view of things that happened in the first novel. They were really interesting, amazing even.  In this book we learn so much more about Four, his background and things that happen behind the scenes. I enjoyed the read, it was calm, relaxing.
It was a really clever idea that Veronica brought out this book, it helps put the pieces together. Plus she shows that in depth of her character, giving us the chance to see why Four acted the way he did in the first novel Divergent.
It was exhilarating reading this book, I wish I had read it straight after the first novel, although it did give me the closure I needed for the ending of Allegiant.
I liked seeing how the rivalry started between Eric and Four, we were able to see Four's past life and his initiation.
When you read the first book, you read and you don't question things, then you read this book and you realize that in the first book things weren't what they seemed, they were much more complicated than that.
If you haven't read it then I won't spoil it for you, but you need to read it! It makes sense, it unlocks part of the story and generally gives you a feeling of wholesomeness.
I recommend you read these books if you haven't already!!

Divergent Trilogy and Four (Book Review)

Saturday 18 July 2015

Insurgent (2015) Poster
Movie Picture - I don't own this image
WOW. I just finished watching Insurgent and I am mind blown! It was better than I had anticipated. I was on the edge of my seat during the whole movie!

IMDB Details;

Beatrice Prior must confront her inner demons and continue her fight against a powerful alliance which threatens to tear her society apart with the help from others on her side.




  (screenplay), (screenplay), 

The movie took a different turn from the book, events were changed yet it sort of stuck to the book at the same time. I loved that it was different though, as having read the book before hand I obviously knew what to expect, however with the insurgent film it wasn't what I was expecting. It was perhaps better!

I enjoyed watching it, very emotional and again exciting. Usually when it comes to trilogy's and them becoming movies, usually the first is the best and then afterwards the films don't really get as good. However, this wasn't the case. The brilliance, excitement and everything you love about Divergent carries onto Insurgent.

Casting again was good, not one was out of step. Again it was faultless! I think next year Allegiant part one will be released, like the books I'm hoping it will be incredible and emotional. I prepared to sob my heart out!

SPOILER - If you haven't seen or read Insurgent well this is a spoiler but I have to discuss it, my favourite character was killed. Eric, he did deserve it but I am slightly gutted that  Jai Courtney won't be making an appearance in the Allegiant movies!

I am thinking about doing book reviews for the divergent trilogy, and four of course. Look out for that:) 

Insurgent (Movie Review)

Friday 17 July 2015

Divergent (2014) Poster
Movie Picture - I don't own this image
I adore the divergent trilogy, and the four book. So obviously I fell in love with the movie instantly, I have watched the movie countless times and each time I enjoyed it so much more than the last!

Imdb details;

In a world divided by factions based on virtues, Tris learns she's Divergent and won't fit in. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris and the mysterious Four must find out what makes Divergents dangerous before it's too late.




  (based on the novel by),  (screenplay)

I adored the movie, usually when books are made into movies they don't come out the same, or the movie doesn't do the book the justice it deserves. However, with the Divergent film that not the case. The book is better however the movie isn't far off!

The movie made me fall in love with Eric (Jai Courtney) the whole bad ass instructor thing is so appealing to me and the actor is definite eye candy! 

The whole story line, characters and just everything is faultless! I thoroughly enjoy watching Divergent, I haven't met someone who hasn't!  It is exciting, you can't take your eyes from the screen!

I love the whole concept of that we cannot be categorized, we will always fall into more than one label. The way it is portrayed in the film is incredible.

AMAZING CASTING! The cast is so on point, and fit the roles they are playing so well. Kudos for the perfect casting roles, Eric however isn't how he is portayed in the book as in looks, but I am so glad of that because damn Jai!!

I shall be watching Insurgent next to keep an eye out for the review for that!

Divergent (Movie Review)

Thursday 16 July 2015