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I attended my second group session of Slimming World today. My weight loss is small but within the last two weeks I have lost 5lbs. I am finding it a little challenging mainly because of college and the fact I spend most of my time at my sister's house due to babysitting. I find it difficult to like find things to eat through college but I have been just eating fruit through my college days, it's delicious and I'm not spending hours pondering on about what I can possibly eat. I have been doing some packed lunches with homemade cooking which I do like once a week, surprisingly helpful. Plus at my sister's I basically have a lot of eggs (which is good for you) but I lack veg. At my house it isn't difficult because family members there are also doing Slimming World so it's easier to have meals.
Since starting Slimming World, even though my progress is slow (at least it is better than gaining) I feel good for it. My skin is clearer because of all the fruit I eat (Who knew fruit could taste so damn good and be extra beneficial for your health and skin!) I have more energy, plus I am more open to try out new things. Veg, I was practically a stranger to now I eat it. Maybe not as much as I should, and sometimes I find it emotionally draining but I know if I stick to it, it will get better with time. In the Summer after my exams I will be adding Gym to my program so I can work out as well as optimize my food.  It is interesting the Slimming World diet, it's not restricted even though sometimes I need to use all my might to stop myself from overindulging.
I will get back to you with progress maybe in the next 2-3 weeks!

SW Progress

Monday 9 May 2016

I've just realized so far I have managed to update my blog every day of October so far. This is like a record for me! I am currently in sixth form, it seems my lessons don't start until an hour and I did all my work yesterday so yes I actually have a free period (this word will forever make me cringe) to myself.
These cold mornings just won't do, I wanted to be imprisoned in my blanket this morning. However, I got up and thankfully my dad handed me a hot cup of tea which was more than helpful at warming me up. Today let's say my appearance is  a little lacking (yes more than usual) so I've done the classical thing by applying some eyeliner on my waterline to make myself look and feel a little better, I say apply to my waterline because I don't know how to apply it elsewhere and those flick things just aren't me I guess. And when  I say apply I mean flapping my hands around either because I've poked myself in the eye or since I haven't wore eye liner in a while I'm more than likely crying.

Today is my second day of dieting, I've started well with brown breaded toast! I'm feeling very determined for this diet, obviously I'm going to be doing work outs and things to further the weight loss. I'm going to do a weekly body check in, and keep track of everything. I bought my lunch this morning, sandwiches, water and a huge fruit salad box thing. I love fruit, pineapple's are my favourite.
I'm glad you guys can join me on this journey, the journey of my writing, my physical and mental health. Together we shall develop as human beings. If you are following or wanting to go on a body journey or weight loss thing, even though I am just starting out on this new diet I have a few tips. I have done diets in the past, which didn't go well. I used to go to gym regularly but with college exams it got busy. But I have picked up a few tips so far.

I will do a full blog post later in the week or maybe even next week about my whole body journey and things like my inspirations, my downfalls, my weight gain and what not.

 I shall leave you with the first tip though;

Tip One; The most important part of your journey (if it be weight loss, or emotional or any kind of journey) is that you must begin it with a positive mindset and maintain that positive mindset. You are why you are on this journey and a little positivity (and determination) can take you a very long way.

Monday Talk

Monday 12 October 2015