Every decision we make changes the course of our lives, if we change our route home we've split from a pattern, anything could happen that day you decide to change something, for all you know you could meet the love of your life. Every day you are making decisions, even some you are not aware of. Such as deciding to get up today, or knocking back an invite to party. Ultimately we decide what to next; if it which literal path to cross next or the metaphorical thought to view something a different way. Sometimes even the small decisions can have an impact, if you decide which sixth form you go to, or if you're preparing for which uni to pick, each decision will have a different outcome, and it is up to you to take a leap of faith and follow the path you desire.
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One moment, one feeling, one person... can change your whole life. An experience or influential words or even a simple change of perspective can alter everything you've ever known. Do you ever wonder what would happen if things turned out differently? You turned back time and altered a decision, you wish for something better to have happened. but would you give up every little thing that has happened since? Sure there has been tough times, but would you give up the small things you've witnessed just to go back and change one thing that could change everything?
Change everything
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
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