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Videos I believe everyone should see

Monday 28 March 2016

Do you ever hear something, or be told something and it ruins you? It confirms a suspicion and breaks your heart into pieces. You can barely breathe as if the very life has been sucked out of you. You run to escape and it's almost like your legs have given up on you. You fight back the tears even though there's no reason left to fight. You become weak, and the walls you built have smashed right before your eyes. You've got to act like you're okay but you're anything but. You're shaking and every word you type you have to correct, it's like the love inside of you has been pushed out of you. The person you devoted yourself to dotes on someone else. It's heartbreak when it happens once, but it's like home when it continues to happen. A familiar lonely home that you're more than used to, the closer you get to home the numbing begins and it usually stays...

Heartbreak Home

Saturday 30 January 2016

I feel one of my main goals in life is happiness, not just for me but for those around me. I want to make people happy.
I want to make this one person happy. I want to be there on  a Sunday morning when he wakes up, cuddle him and appreciate him. Cook him his favourite breakfast and spend the entire day with him. If he's playing on his PlayStation, I won't nag him to come off. I'll get him drinks and snacks, I want to wrap my arms around his waist and annoy him a little with little kisses on his cheeks and his neck. I want to make him smile, even it's by a post-it note or if we are just laying around talking about pointless things or our future. I want to just lay there and look at him, his beautiful eyes and make him feel wanted, because he is.
It's not about sex, it's just about wanting to spend time with another person, making them smile and just enjoying the presence of their company. Getting to know someone, taking an interest in all their favourite things, showing them just how much you care. I want him to  be able to tell his friends about me, I want him to proud of me, but mostly I want him to know his happiness matters to me the most.
When he's sad, and maybe I cannot make him his happiest, but I can be there. For him to confide in me or just even to sit with and cuddle. If he doesn't want to talk that's okay, I won't winge at him for the lack of communication I will be there for him and not pry out his problems, I want him to be comfortable. And even if we are sat in silence, as long as he knows I'm by his side that is what matters. When we're walking down the street, I'll hold his hand. When he's texting I won't up on his back, I'll trust him and never doubt his intentions. What I am saying is, I'm not asking for much. Just a chance, a chance at happiness for the both of us. I chance to prove myself to you, and make you feel the best you can feel.
If there is one thing in life I know that matters, it's happiness. As along as there is happiness that's all that counts. Like Lucy Spraggan says "As long as you're happy then you've got the game right!"


Saturday 9 January 2016