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If you are a writer like myself you will know the pain of having 'writer's block' every now and then. I know that sometimes I can go week without writing, and well until recently I didn't quite know what to do. Until last week I met  poet - Stevie Ronnie. He came into college in my Creative Writing class, and well I learnt a little something. This can be applied to any type of writing not just poetry, so I thought it would be good to share!

1) Pick a subject (it can be anything)
2) Write seven sentences but you can't  repeat any word
3) Once you've done seven sentences jumble up the words to create new sentences, don't think about it, do it at complete random.

This is what I came up with

Subject; Piano

First seven sentences; 

The white keys thumped upon to release a feeling.
Heavy random sounds fill up.
Musicians heart becoming audible.
Breathless audiences anticipating.
Traditional but never out fashioned.
Delicate, heavy and glossy.
Music, melody, melancholy?
Piano I am.

Seven jumbled sentences;

Release keys feeling white a upon the thumped.
Up heavy random fill sounds.
Becoming audible musicians heart.
audiences breathless anticipating.
But out fashioned never traditional.
heavy and glossy delicate.
music melancholy? melody.
Am I piano.

It was completely random, and turns out I liked it. You're probably wondering what the point is, well the point is to forget the rules. From a young age we are taught and told rules, with writing and how things should be. Sometimes you need to put the rules to the back of your mind, and allow yourself to create. We are our own critique, we are constantly punching holes in our own work, and when writing and creating you need to turn that off and allow yourself to purely create. This is just one technique you can use. I hope this is helpful to you as much as it is to me. 

Writer's Block?

Sunday 25 October 2015

What is Creativity?
 I personally believe creativity coincides with your imagination. Creativity is the true expression of yourself. It is an escape, and an indistinguishable feeling.

Are you creative? If so how and why?
I am creative. My imagination is my portal into other worlds, its my ticket to adventures and expressing myself, truly expressing myself. Creativity takes me from everyday life, it pulsates through me as my hand moves twenty to a dozen with a pen across a page. It's my never ending thoughts and day dreams where I am never really truly present, instead I am thought deep is stories and imaginative plots.

Where do you write?
I physically write whenever I feel like it, if it be when I am in a library, on a bus or my usual place of thought in my bedroom. My writing is in journals, my blog, many word documents and wattpad. My laptop gives me access to all of it.

When is the best time for writing?
The best time for me to write is usually midday, it isn't too early nor too late. My inspirations and inklings of ideas same to reach almost always around midday, plus it is when I feel best.

How often do you write?
I write on a daily basis, pretty much most days. If it be a blog post, a journal entry, or even a paragraph or two on one of my stories. Writing plays a huge part in my life and happiness, so I try to do as much as it as I possibly can.

Some questions I answered, all personal answers. If you were asked these questions what would be your answers?


Thursday 24 September 2015