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Weekly Favourites

Sunday 26 June 2016

This week has been filled with fruit, healthiness and all round goodness. If you're interested in any of my weekly Favourites or wish to know more about any productions just comment I'd be happy to tell you all about them!

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 1 May 2016

A video/photo summary of all my favourite things this week! Pictures all my own I have put them into two collages! I hope to do weekly favourites at the end of each week!

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 20 March 2016


So this is my Tuesday summed up with pictures; a busy productive day!

Tuesday in pictures

Tuesday 15 December 2015

This is typically how my Tuesday begins and ends. Coffee? A must!

Mood: thoughtful and slightly agitated

How Tuesdays go

Tuesday 6 October 2015

An early morning deserves a large consumption of caffeine. It seems over the weekend my head was so far into writing I completely forgot the work I had to do for college, this is th only day of the week I can really have a lie in due to lessons not beginning until half ten. However, I need to keep on top of things and not get behind so I woke up at half six like I do most weekdays and I was soon enough sat in the student gateway at half eight this morning. You can imagine how Zombie I was, luckily for me my best friend lives on campus; Costa. By the picture you can tell I had company to do my work. I like coming in early, it gives me a chance to catch up and prepare for the day/week ahead of me. I think coming in early on a Monday will be a regular thing, then that means my work load on the weekend isn't as heavy. Plus it keeps my sleeping pattern in order! So caffeine has started my day and I'm ready for whatever is presented to me. Quite excited for English Lit&Lang though we are beginning Great Expectations by the amazing Charles Dickens. Definitely looking forward to it! How do you start your day? Usually I'm a tea girl but in necessary measures and mornings coffee is definitely my go to!

Cappuccino? Cappuccino.

Monday 28 September 2015