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It was this moment, her stress disintegrated with the rays of the sun shining down on her. It was gods kiss that made her skin glow, her freedom had finally washed upon her. Her sins vanishing into the thin air as her angelic tendencies arise. She was no longer troubled by demons, instead empowered by the inner hope that always glowed in the centre of the flesh that would beat only intensely for him, but no longer it beats for that  monster but beats only for herself. For now she is no longer that damsel in distress, for now she is stronger than any man that would dare to challenge her, she does not need a single soul to cheer her on, or drag down, she has discovered that overwhelming independence. And forever more she shall hold onto that fierce feeling, and will conquer any wall that shall arise before her. This woman does not live for the sake of others, she will not be belittled and told she is nothing, for she is everything and much more.

Gods Kiss

Wednesday 15 March 2017

We lost our minds to the
Internet; it controls us
Forever you will be trapped
In the links and social media...


Thursday 14 July 2016

If you think outside of the box there is no such thing as square one 

We as humans limit ourselves, we are constantly following blueprints, we are sticking to the lines we are told to stay on. We are trying to exceed other people's expectations. I understand as a community we need to conform somewhat, we need something to follow or have an example of. However, we may be guided it doesn't mean we have to stick to it. Over the millions of years of our evolution we have not come all this way to not be independent. We have developed into something beautiful, we have our own minds, personalities and abilities. There are no two minds that are the same, so why should we act and do as everyone else? We are capable of so much than we allow ourselves to do. 
Have your own thoughts, think what you like. Do what you want and not what someone else tells you. We won't learn and continue to grow if we don't take risks and step outside the line. We will not learn if we don't go on adventures, we won't meet the unknown if our heads are clouded with what others want us to think. We hold our own pens for life, each and everyone of us. Pen cannot be removed, you don't want to reread your story and realize you were never telling or living for yourself, instead you allowed your pen to be influenced by another. It's your pen, you can scribble outside the lines all you want, it will do you all the good in the world. Hold your own pen, make your own mistakes and by god allow yourself to learn and evolve, your way. 

Scribble outside the lines

Saturday 5 September 2015

Tuesday the 30th of June - I went to Sunderland University for the day. It was a creative industry type of thing, it was mainly based around Media. And since I enjoy being creative and take Media Studies as one of my A Levels I thought it would be an excellent opportunity. I was right.
We had a splendid day, we got to work in a TV Studio, personally it was my favourite activity of the day. It isn't the first studio I have been in, I have been in the ITV Studio and Northumberland Studio. But this one was huge. The control room captured my attention immediately, and I insisted on working in there. I got to control the screen, and control what the viewers would be able to see. It was so much fun, I enjoyed it and I was even shown some effects which were pretty cool. I felt in place, like I belonged there. Needless to say I could honestly see myself doing that in the future. 
On the rest of the day we got to see music studios, radio stations and they contributed to the idea that I'm strongly thinking about taking Media Studies (and creative writing) at University, as I really enjoy Media Studies, and it still gives me a chance to write. I think it would be a strategic career move. 

Obviously I still want to be a writer, and publish books but in order to get there I guess I have to support myself, and at least this way I am enjoying myself whilst I do it! 

Control Room

Saturday 4 July 2015