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(I was told and encouraged about a writing Competition in college, and I have been asked by several members of staff who know me in the college (Angela, Carolyn and Mirian) to enter something.  In fact several pieces. And well this is one of my enteries!)


Why is it called heartache?
When the pain is in your stomach.
Sitting on your windpipe
Making each breathe wince.

Your heart is fine
It's the rest of you that isn't.
Small daggers constantly reminding you
Just in case you forget.

Between thoughts and your surrounding
It swings from vein to vein.
Slowly numbing you
With shards of ice.

Heartache you say?
No the heart is fine.
It's your feelings that take the damage
Shattering your confidence.
Making you even more broken...


Monday 22 February 2016