Showing posts with label coffee shops. Show all posts


This week I will be talking about the places I plan on taking a book or two with me now lockdown is easing. Sure, I have enjoyed and will always enjoy reading in the comfort of my own bedroom but having been indoors for the past year or so I really want to be outside more. 

Coffee shops, I love going in for a coffee with a good book. I even take a notebook because for some reason I always get a spark of inspiration when I am in this sort of environment. I usually find a seat not too in the way but also that is quite bright with a little table to myself. I feel so at peace with myself when I am drinking coffee and reading a good book. I cannot wait to be doing this again! I shall not take coffee shops for granted, I shall not take coffee shops for granted!

Library, this may be obvious but I haven't stepped inside of a library to just read for pleasure in years! Sure I used them during my time at University but I really like the one in the town centre at home. It is conveniently near my favourite coffee shop too.

Public Transport, I love reading on trains. Not only does it make the travel time go much faster but it keeps you distracted. More often than not I find myself scrolling the whole time or people-watching, whereas when I have a book my energy is more focused and I enjoy the journey much more. 

It is not a lot of places I have suggested, if you have any more recommendations please feel free to share them below!

Reading Out of Lockdown

Tuesday 6 April 2021