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This week I decided to try a new place in my city for coffee: Geek Retreat. Upon my surprise, I found that they also sell comic books, and I haven't purchased a comic book since I lived in Brighton! I thought this was a good way to support an indie business and add to my ever-so small comic book collection! 

Before I start the review, I would like to say that the coffee was lovely and I enjoyed the chilled atmosphere of the cafe. I am slowly getting back into the habit of visiting places by myself and enjoying my own company again! 

The comic book I purchased was She Wolf by Rich Tommaso. It's a tale of a teenage girl who believes she's been bitten by her wolf boyfriend Brian, and now she can transform into a wolf. In this volume, we see her go on a journey of self-discovery. We encounter vampires, satan, wolves, and demons on this journey with her. 

In an interview with Horror DNA, the author describes this comic as: "an '80s high-school-teen, coming-of-age story where the main character, Gabrielle, doesn't know what's happening to her.  She's remembering that she turns into a werewolf."

This comic book fitted in nicely with the type of books I have been reading this month: Supernatural fantasy books! This comic book is quite dark with quite a few violent scenes, but it wasn't too disturbing.

I absolutely adored the artwork in this comic book; it's super creative and just a delight to read and look at!

There were some brilliant plot twists, at the beginning we see a rogue wolf tearing through the town who is the protagonist Gabby's boyfriend. He is killed by local police and Gabby begins her journey of self-discovery. We learn as the story goes on that Gabby herself had used a spell to make her boyfriend Brian into a wolf. A shocking discovery but quite clever.

Gabby starts to get the hang of things after making friends with a vampire who helps her perform a ritual to summon demons. A demon tricks her and together they rip it a part; the comic book ends here. 

The overall storyline was really good. I enjoyed the story very much. However, I found sometimes it jumped in places. So, there would be a memory, but it wasn't clear enough, so I often I found myself going back a few pages to make sure I hadn't skipped anything.

It was a fun read, but I didn't feel compelled to read more. I know there are more volumes available, but I am not in a hurry to grab the next one. Maybe if I see it around I will pick it up, but I am not eager to carry the story on. 

I very much enjoyed the surprise after finishing the story, the author Tommaso included a bonus story: King Blood . I really enjoyed this short story, maybe more than She Wolf.

It was a short story about the son of Satan and his endeavours over the years ruling as a demon and roaming earth. It was quite dark and in black and white which was very contrasting to She Wolf. Not a lot happened, but it was a lovely surprise to read. 

I am quite happy with my first comic book of the year. I find that comic books and graphic novels help break up my reading. They don't take as long to read and they refresh your brain between longer novels. It wasn't an amazing read, but I enjoyed it nonetheless!

The next blog post coming is a summary of all the books I have read in January! Spoiler: I am quite chuffed with my reading goal progress so far! 

Thank you for reading my post. Please let me know what was the last comic book you read?

She Wolf

Saturday 29 January 2022


I saw this idea floating around and I just couldn't resist! I found this particular tag and set of questions on another person's blog, I don't know them personally I just loved this idea here is a link to their page:

I will be answering bookish questions this one is in relation to coffee, different types of coffee, which we all know I absolutely adore. 

If you'd like to have a go in the comments or on your own writing platform consider this as a tag to you! Here we go:

1) Black Coffee: Name a series that's tough to get into but has hardcore fans.

This is a no brainer for me, Twilight. I tried to get into it but I just could not. I have this weird hatred for Twilight and don't really understand how people can enjoy it. I know so many people who simply adore this series, but I just don't get it. I think for me it's the sparkling vampires, growing up I was really into bad-ass vicious vampires like the ones from The Lost Boys or Queen of the Damned etc. and I am just in awe at the ridiculousness of the vampires in Twilight. At the time of this release I filled my vampire love elsewhere with Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampire Series- highly recommend. 

2) Peppermint Mocha: Name a book that gets more popular during the winter or a festive time of year.

This is a tough one because I don't really read Christmas books myself, but I must say having worked in a bookshop I noticed the sales of Tom Fletcher's The Christmasarus rise around Christmas time and there is always an influx around this period since it's release in 2017. I bought it for my niece alongside the teddy, she loved it.

3) Hot Chocolate: What is your favourite children's book?

For this, I would have to say The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I read it again a year or so ago and it was just beautiful. As a child, I loved the idea of having a secret garden, the beauty of it. Such a wonderful book, with beautiful imagery and just an all-round good story.

4) Double Shot of Espresso: Name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

The first book that popped into my head is Perfect Prey by Helen Fields. The first crime book I had ever read, and it was so damn good. I read it maybe three years ago and I still think about it.  I finished this book on the train home at night. So much regret, I was incredibly creeped out once I got off the train.

5) Starbucks: Name a book you see everywhere.

This is a good one, at the moment there have been a few books I am constantly seeing everywhere I am not sure if it is the universe telling me to purchase them or what but they are:

  • Sadie: A Novel by Courtney Summers
  • Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
6) Hipster Coffee Shop: Give a book by an indie author a shoutout.

The most recent Indie book I have read would be Beneath the Waters by Juliet Llewellyn! I enjoyed this book and recently written a book review for it, if you want to check it out here is the link:

7) Oops! I accidentally got decaf: Name a book you were expecting more from.

Studying literature we learned the importance of reading the classics and I had heard a few people rave about Virginia Woolf and her works. I thought I would give Mrs Dalloway ago, and truth be told it was entirely boring and somewhat pointless. I had expected so much more! I haven't given up entirely on Woolf, I do hope to delve into more of her work soon!

8) The Perfect Blend: Name a book or series that was both bitter and sweet but ultimately satisfying.

Weirdly, my answer is more or less the same as the person I found this tag from. Divergent series by Veronica Roth, I still remember the first time I read them and finished them sobbing my little heart out. It was so intense. I would also say for this question The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins would be a close second, it played with my heart like a cat with a toy! Both excellent trilogies I would recommend just have tissues near you.

That is the end of this Coffee Book Tag, what were your thoughts? I absolutely loved it! I really enjoyed writing about the books I have read and it was so fun to write this blog post! I think I would like to do more of these in the future. Thank you for reading, hope you all have a fabulous week!

Coffee Book Tag

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Okay, so is this clickbait? Did I buy this coffee for 10p? Not clickbait (ish) and yes I did.
I’ve always been aware of O2 priorities, and I’ve never been on O2. Sucks. However, I’ve recently learned that Vodafone (the company I’m with) have a sort of similar thing. It’s not as big as O2 priorities and there isn’t as much on it. But this weekend (and last) there has been a code on for a free Costa under the price £2.47/£2.67. Which gets you a small latte, the next size up is only 10p extra. So, I got a coffee for 10p. I think this is pretty cool, especially if you’re on the go. Who doesn’t love free stuff? I’ve previously seen offers for Millie’s cookies, you can also get discount on gyms and things. I just wanted to share this information, maybe everyone already knows and I’m just behind.  But if you’re out and about, grab your free (or 10p) coffee from the My Vodafone app!
If you are  Vodafone user or even O2 there is always something free on there. I feel like a student free is the best word you can hear! 

10p Medium Costa Latte

Monday 7 January 2019

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 26 June 2016

Some from last week but here are my weekly favourites!!

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 19 June 2016

I returned to sixth form today, it turns out yesterday was staff training and there were no lessons, only I didn't know this until I got to sixth form. After a wasted three hours of travelling I returned home and decided to play sims. Last night I checked how many hours I've spent playing the game since I installed it (which was Saturday) and so far a good twenty hours. Kind of obsessive but I loved every minute of it.
I am spending the next two hours reading PowerPoint's and revising, it seems I could possibly have a mock exam today for Media Studies, so I am using the free time I have wisely. I just finished a cappuccino and truth be told I feel a little light headed, and perhaps staring at a computer screen (like I have done for the past three days) isn't the best idea, but low and behold I am going to continue to do so anyway.
Today will consume of Revising, Exam, Chinese and later spending time with my niece. That is what I like to call a well rounded productive day!

Mock Exam

Tuesday 3 November 2015

This is typically how my Tuesday begins and ends. Coffee? A must!

Mood: thoughtful and slightly agitated

How Tuesdays go

Tuesday 6 October 2015

An early morning deserves a large consumption of caffeine. It seems over the weekend my head was so far into writing I completely forgot the work I had to do for college, this is th only day of the week I can really have a lie in due to lessons not beginning until half ten. However, I need to keep on top of things and not get behind so I woke up at half six like I do most weekdays and I was soon enough sat in the student gateway at half eight this morning. You can imagine how Zombie I was, luckily for me my best friend lives on campus; Costa. By the picture you can tell I had company to do my work. I like coming in early, it gives me a chance to catch up and prepare for the day/week ahead of me. I think coming in early on a Monday will be a regular thing, then that means my work load on the weekend isn't as heavy. Plus it keeps my sleeping pattern in order! So caffeine has started my day and I'm ready for whatever is presented to me. Quite excited for English Lit&Lang though we are beginning Great Expectations by the amazing Charles Dickens. Definitely looking forward to it! How do you start your day? Usually I'm a tea girl but in necessary measures and mornings coffee is definitely my go to!

Cappuccino? Cappuccino.

Monday 28 September 2015