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As a student almost everything is expensive. Food, travel and just basic living. My hometown is over 300 miles up the country and my University is the bottom of the country. To get to A to B I use the not so classy transportation of Megabus. It’s a  long ass journey but it’s cheap and usually a pretty easy journey. Unless there is a few individuals on board that just piss you off immediately! This is a list of people you may come across on your journey on a megabus!

1) The one having a phone call out loud! Not only are they shouting down the phone, before 10am may I add, but also has their conversation on loud speaker. So two people shouting and one isn’t even on the bus! Did I mention it usually goes on for the majority of the journey?

2) Can’t type their conversation person, similar to the one before but only they sit beside you at Wake Field and voice notes all of their friends until Sheffield! 

3) Constant Pee Person, I always make the stupid mistake of sitting near the door in the middle which is also where the toilet is located but also one of the few charging ports on board. On a long journey you can’t help but notice people going to the toilet, or one person going at least 9 times during the one journey. Not judging just worried for you hun.

4) The idiot. On my last journey home the driver was forced to stop the bus and couldn’t continue the journey for a while... all because some idiot decided it would be a good idea to smoke in the toilet. Brilliant, it’s not as if the bus was already two hours behind on this journey already. Thanks for that. 

5) Music for all. I’m not talking loud earphones or the driving having the radio on because that’s chill. You blast those earphones but please don’t play the music on your phone out loud. We aren’t thirteen nor are we in a local park. We are adults on a bus, please remember that. You’re not the megabus DJ and and quite frankly your music taste is a little crap and disturbing. I kind of want to sleep through the journey not rave with a headache. 

6) Smelly food person. I understand you need to eat trust me I wanted to bring a McDonalds on board too but I decided to have consideration for all of the other passengers on board. After all, no one wants to be on a stinky bus for 9 hours. Clearly I’m the only person with this consideration, great.  I also feel like if I tried to do this  the one time, everyone would probably hate me. 

7) Clueless person. This person I guess is somewhat helpless but you’re also helpless and can’t actually help this person. Yet the clueless person continues to ask you when the bus is coming or how long until we get to this place and the thing is I’m not the driver of the bus I have no clue what is going on either. I don’t know why the drivers have been switched, I don’t know when we are going to Leeds. I’ve never stopped in Leeds my stop is Newcastle, the last stop. Please leave me alone and ask the driver who has more of a clue that the both of us. 

Fully aware this was more of a rant type of post but trust me it was needed! I meet all of these type of people every time I get on a long journey. There are probably a lot more, and I’m sure I’ll come across many more people who annoy me. I will be getting another Megabus coach in July and then again in September. Maybe there will be a Coach People 2.0.  Have you come across any annoying people on a coach? Should I do more of these? For example ‘The types of people you find in an airport?’ I work in an airport and have been for a week and trust me I can go on forever about those types of people! 

Coach People

Monday 11 June 2018