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Last night I took a coach to London. Being a student of course I want as cheap travel as possible. So 7 hours on a coach to London... oh boy. Barely slept, cramp everywhere but I felt alive with London as soon as my case rolled on the pavement.
We were in London for an hour or so, getting food and sorted before getting on the hour train to Brighton. Which was far more pleasant than the coach, I did my makeup eat wonderful cupcakes we bought in London.  The closer the train was getting to Brighton the more excited I felt.

Leading up to my firsr trip to Brighton, everyone told me I'd love it and it will be amazing. I hadn't quite believed them. Until I stepped out of Brighton Station, and I have never felt so at home in a place I've never seen before. It was love at first sight, and it became even more so when we explored. Wall murials and art on every corner, shops alive with colour and unique qualities. My soul found its home.
We explored coffee shops and food places, we visited The Lanes, which I see myself spending all my time (as well as money) during University. Brighton is like no other place, it wasn't fast like London, it was chilled and welcoming.
I met someone new, another student who I connected with and it felt amazing. With Brighton I'm not that nervous wreck I am in other cities, I'm not that self concious person in the city I've come from, I feel so relaxed and confident and unique. I have never felt this free or good before, I think Brighton may just be the best thing for me.
We visited the pier, and amusements. Pubs and endless shops. We trullt explored today, and as I walked through the streets each step I knew I was home. The hotel is lovely we are staying in, spacious and spectacular. We've been for drinks and just had such a good first day. I can see myself living here for a long time. It's picturesque and the creative vibes radiate through  me, I am so excited for the future.
Tomorrow, on the cards we have University of Brighton applicant day (the main reason we came down) where I will meet other students, the lecturers, and get tours. I am super excited! After this we plan on shopping as well as stroll along the pebbled beach.  Check back in tomorrow, I am having an early night since I haven't slept much within the last 48 hours!

Brighton Day 1

Tuesday 21 March 2017

The city flaunted around me
The hustle and bustle of every day life.
Passing with a singular breeze
Gushing towards me.

Looking ahead a familiarity in the distance
A puzzle of a face I once knew.
Lifting a reluctant hand I wave
Like a ghost I remained unseen.

Light winds brutally bash into blizzards
Memories and moments bump into me.
Almost knocking me off my feet
I hold my breathe with an epiphany.

The familiar face is no more
A mere stranger mistaken for a man.
A simple stranger in the passing
No one, nothing. 

Stranger in the city

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Today for Media I had to take out the camera, but had to get batteries first. So through town I went not really paying much attention, I knew were I was going so it was simply A to B. Once I obtained (the pokemon...) the batteries I slowly made my way back to college, but on the way I noticed something. I noticed how beautiful my home city really is. In the blur of life and being used to something you forget to see it's beauty, you take it for granted without a second thought. So my walk gradually got slower and my eyes wider. My city is pretty stunning! It inspired me, very much! For the next week so I'm going to explore my city, I'm going to photograph all the little moments and all the pretty places. I haven't done proper photography in a long time and well it's well overdue. I have the camera, and I'm inspired and that's all I really need! For the next week beginning tomorrow every blog post will have a photograph with it, one taking mine by me. As I explore my beautiful city,  you can to.


Tuesday 12 January 2016

Me and my Geek - WritingMyHeart

Falling For The Geek; The Sequel! In the first book;Falling For The Geek, the two unlikely lovers Bad-Ass Ethan Blake and Geek Bella Edmonds, fight through a battle of hate, ex's and drama to find what they never knew existed between them; Love! After everything surprisingly they were happy, ran away together and living the life they both dreamt of together! It comes to their dream life but what happens when their past comes back to taunt them? Ethan and Bella are happily together living the dream, new place, new friends, new jobs what more can you ask for? Everything is finally going great, and things are starting to settle, but how long will this really last? What happens when trouble bubbles in the new life, people turning back to their old ways and feelings are corrupted. Do you think they will finally live the happily ever after they always dreamed of or will it will shattered and ruined by their not so kind past? Will the drama, cheating and lies finally break them, even sun sets in the city...

Me and my Geek

Monday 20 July 2015