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Another college has been survived. Naturally, the girls and I decided to go out. We decided upon a meal and the cinema. The meal we had Spoons in the gate, it was incredible and my first time. I ordered some kind of burger, its name escapes me and I drank a large pitcher of Sex on the beach. It seems alcohol has become my every outing things, probably not the best idea but thankfully no disasters occurred this time. Collectively we decided to go see The Girl On The Train, and what a film. I hadn't read the book beforehand so all the plot twists blew my mind, so many unexpected turns and I was practically sitting on the edge of my seat. It was a good timeout.

Girl On The Train

Friday 14 October 2016

Today I met up with an old friend, we both decided we were going to see the new Bridget Jones' film. I am a huge fan of Bridget and have been for a long time. Despite being only a character, she is relatable, and just humorous. I adore her. I had heard so many good things from people about the film, and I finally set aside some time to go see it. IT WAS AMAZING. Ar the beginning I was a little worried, kind of if it was just going to copy the first film but no, it was original with some references to the past films, it was wonderfully hilarious. I could not stop laughing, I enjoyed every second of it. The new character Jack, what a guy! He was super hot, and Patrick Dempsey was a wonderful addition to Bridget. I must say, I have always rooted for Mister Darcy he has always been my ideal man but Jack definitely has a lot going for him. The film couldn't have gone any better. I adored it, all of it.

Bridget Jones's Baby

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Today with my best friend we were supposed to go see The Boy but due being unprepared seating was sold out so we settled for Eddie the Eagle. I was a bit skeptical beforehand unsure if we had made the correct choice. However, afterwards I can gladly see it was a very good choice.
The film followed Eddie, a guy who dreamed of being a part of the Olympics. Throughout his life he's had knock backs and people telling he can't do it. It does sound kind of cliché but I think the fact that comedy plays a huge factor in the film it makes it utter brilliance.  It was heart warming, hilarious and fist clenching! Hugh Jackman was also in the film, I was nervous about this because of his previous roles in film but again my nerves were completely at ease.
It was so funny, a scene in particular with Hugh Jackman in literally brought me to tears because of how funny it was.

Eddie the Eagle is the best new film I've seen in a while. Also before the film started there were adverts and trailers to new films coming out (I always enjoy it) and well I took an interst to a lot of upcoming films so I shall be reviewing them when I do! -also I will post about today's complete experience but for now farewell and good night!

Eddie the Eagle (Film Review)

Tuesday 5 April 2016