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- fiction monologue- 
I was raging, furious and damn well in need of a sweet drink of revenge. The signs were there, lipstick on his sheets, I don't wear peach! The perfume scented car, it was too sour for my liking. He was forever busy, or at work. Mate, you work in an office,  you can't be that overworked, you're a millionaire! I gave him everything, I put my all into the relationship, the cheating bastard. I wanted to call him, or worse her, or them. It took me a few glasses of Whiskey to talk myself down, I let it lay for a couple of days, and then I pounced.
He had taken a holiday from work so I dropped by the office, everyone at his work was oblivious of the situation so naturally, they welcomed me with open arms to pick up some things from his desk. I slide his little black book into  my bag, ruffled through his desk for  a bit as a fake attempt to be looking for something, but I knew exactly what I wanted. Let me tell you, I wanted to hit him where it hurts. I went onto his computer, he's not a very smart guy so naturally, I logged into his system with the password he uses for everything; Harley Sasuki - he has a love for Motorbikes as you can tell, his password was a combination of the two bikes he's adored from being a little boy, how touching. I logged straight in, entering the password a couple more times I gained access to his banking accounts, and well let me tell you I am now sipping cocktails in the Bahamas, need I say more?
That's not all I did, god no. I went back to his place, and I took one of his tools from the shed, not sure what it was it just looked like the biggest and heaviest and god damn I was right. I didn't flinch once when it made contact with his Mercedes, or even his lamborgini. The windows were shattered I even went through the wheels, naturally, only three of each car to make sure he can't claim insurance.
I did not stop there, that pretty little black book was not wasted. The girls he had been fucking behind my back were only the wives, and some daughters of some very high paying investors.
So my revenge? It entailed taking him for every penny, which I put into an ofshore account which wouldn't be traced back to me, I ruined his cars but more importantly I ruined his legacy.

His Legacy

Monday 24 October 2016