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Truth be told, I suck at goals. Especially my Goodreads, I have been using the app to track the books I have been reading for a couple of years now. I have yet to reach any of my goals. I always start the year with good intentions to read more but one way or another life gets in the way or something. I guess maybe I set my goals too high but I decided to scrap the reading goals for 2021. I managed 22 books this year and even though it doesn’t sound like a lot I am chuffed with myself!
One thing I am very proud of this year is discovering a love for Graphic Novels, something I never thought I’d see myself getting into. I  have read some amazing pieces one being the first two volumes of The Wicked & The Divine. The artwork is incredible and the storyline is so good! I really loved the characters, if you wish to read more about this amazing series I have done a book review on the first two volumes!  Just give the title a search in the top right corner of the page! I am waiting for the stores reopen properly before I search for a local comic book store in my city- rather than fund big businesses like Amazon. This year was definitely one of discovery. The first graphic novel I read this year was Faithless, very sexy but waiting for the next part of the collection which has not been announced yet.

I feel after this weird year I don’t want any pressure, I should just want to read and not feel like I have to.  Even though the Good Read’s reading challenge is supposed to be for fun I found myself rushing novels. I don’t want that anymore. I do want to read more, of course, I do. I want 2021 to be the year of content I care about, in all aspects of my life. I do want to try and not buy as many new books in the next year, my To-be-read pile is huge and my bookcase is full. I want to reread some of my favourite classics like Dickens' Great Expectations, Shelley's Frankenstein and whatever I find on my shelves. I want to be more creative over here on my blog too. Do you ever finish a book but you’re not quite over it yet? I want to explore that, maybe write an extra chapter or something. I know this sounds a little like fan fiction but I just want to share more creative writing with you guys. I will still write book reviews, I very much enjoy writing those and taking cute bookstagram photos to go with them.
This blog post is not disregarding Good Reads, I think it’s brilliant that I can see what I have been reading. Scrolling through the books I have read this year, I can say the book I loved the most, that I very much didn’t expect to, was Carrie Fisher’s Wishful Drinking. I never really showed much interest in this actress previously but I was and still am fascinated by her story. This also started my love of audiobooks (see more about this in my previous blog post) which has helped me discover stories I wouldn’t usually even look at on a bookshelf!   Having talked about the books I love the most it’s only right I talk about one story I didn’t enjoy as much.
The graphic novel version of Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.   If you know me, you’ll know I love the series. I have not enjoyed a series this much in a while. The graphic novel is very different, which as a lover of books I know adaptations change things and alterations are made, but the graphic novel disappointed me a little. I guess it just wasn’t what I was expecting. With the Netflix show coming to an end soon (sadly) I am feeling more inclined to purchase the rest of the volumes so I can keep it alive and maybe see a different ending. I hope the next volumes change my mind. 

I am looking forward to the books I could read in 2021. Let’s make this the year of reading books we actually want to read! What book is at the top of your to-be-read list?

Goodreads Goals

Wednesday 30 December 2020


This week I would like to discuss my thoughts on the world of audiobooks. My own opinion of audiobooks has definitely changed since they brought back into mainstream social media. 

Having done a little research on the topic, I found that the first audiobook emerged in 1932. I didn't know this, personally, I had never heard of an audiobook till the emerge of audible back when I used to watch YouTubers as a teenager (Eg Tyler Oakley, Marcus Butler, Sawyer Hartman etc). At the time I wasn't phased by them, I was young and had zero interest in a subscription service for books, not when I could go to a library and read my little heart out.

Listening to an Audiobook!This is somewhat still my opinion. Fast forward to doing an English degree and simply not having the time to read chunky ass books. I didn't want to subscribe to something for books still but thanks to good ole YouTube I found the big texts on there. Since finishing my degree I have found life happens and I am not able to always sit down and delve into an actual book so I have found myself on YouTube again. This time I look for books that perhaps I wouldn't usually pick up in a bookshop, for example, Carrie Fisher's Wishful Drinking - I am no Star Wars fan but I had heard a lot about this iconic star so I gave her book a go. I got the pleasure of finding a version she herself readout. This was the start and now I have listened to 10+ books this year!

Don't get me wrong I am not about to throwback all my books (I could never) I still very much love reading a physical copy of a book and there is no other feeling like it, but audiobooks do allow me to do other stuff. That is essentially the top and bottom of it.

As I have left University I still want to read as much of the literary canon as possible, and sometimes the novels aren't as exciting as they lead you to believe. I try and listen to one literary book a month just to add to my read list. I am currently listening to William Golding's Lord of the Flies! Not many chapters but it's 7 hours listening time in total. I am enjoying this one quite a bit, the reader does the most amusing voices for different characters.

To finish this post off, it is a big YAY for me with audiobooks! Maybe this isn't the case for you. What is your opinion? If you are an audiobook lover like myself, what are you currently listening to?

My Thoughts on: Audiobooks.

Thursday 29 October 2020