I am onto my third week back at sixth form, and to be truthful it's becoming emotionally draining. I am swamped with work all of the time, and I am tired pretty much 95% of the time and it's stressfull. I am actually contemplating changing the posting dates on here, mainly because I've been finding it difficult to keep up. I live for this blog, writing is my life you guys know that, it's just daily posts are hard to maintain. I have been doing more creative writing on here which I have been adoring. This isn't me stopping blogging, I'll never stop. I'm just warning you guys, in case I am not posting as much but I will try and aim to post every day like I've been doing!
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Yesterday summary - So I met my best friend, we got caught up in the rugby fans which by the way was exciting, the atmosphere was insane. We went for bubble tea (Mango with pineapple bubbles) we found somewhere to basically sit and catch up. We then went stationary shopping (my favourite kind of shopping) I had to pick up some notebooks and binders for college and some eye liner it was fun. We laughed, talked (a lot) too plenty of pictures which then we were going for food but my favourite place was shut so we went to her house, where we laughed a whole lot more and what not and we eat noodles. We spent hours just talking and listening to music it was a best friend kind of therapeutic.
I suppose this a Sunday with WritingMyHeart just share this Sunday with you. I might do a couple of these a week but obviously for different days.

11:51 Currently swamped with work. Since I bought new notebooks yesterday I now have one for each subject instead just one so I have a lot of note transferring to however it also counts for revision so not only am I organizing things I'm studying things at the same time.
15:34 Not long ago had a healthy lunch now back to work. Film Studies is almost done then just English and Media Studies to go...
17:40 just finished all the work and I'm now ready to relax. I hope bubble bath is definitely on the cards and who knows I might watch a film!
19:39 Feeling as chilled as possible, everything is sorted for college and well I think I may just spend the rest of my night on my laptop doing whatever. I feel as though today has been productive! So for the blog I shall call it a night and I will see you guys tomorrow for Monday's post, whatever it may be!
Sunday with WritingMyHeart
Sunday, 11 October 2015
So today has been quite busy, I had to wake up at half five (always an ugh!) to go to my sister's house and baby sit for a few hours. Only I felt travel sick so guess who had to get off several stops earlier and woke up a huge hill? I suppose on the bright side it didn't do me any harm, if anything it's good for me. So after baby sitting my wonderful niece, I met with my mother and her group (N.H.A.P) and we went to Sunderland so she could be interviewed and filmed about her group and the amazing work she does, it was aired on Made in Tyne and Wear! It was fun however I felt a little out of place being seventeen and the rest of the women there were a lot older but nonetheless I went to give my mother support and just be there for her. I did wander off at some point to talk to the guy in charge of Sunderland radio to discuss volunteering and he gave me some suggestions and what not and I am so pleased I hadn't passed on the opportunity to go! We did a bit of shopping afterwards too, new shoes for sixth form (YEYY) <3
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
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