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-monologue inspired by McFly's Bubble Wrap-

How could you just move on like that? Quick and easy like I was nothing, like we didn't happen. You hurt me, you hurt us. You pushed me away like you always do, but I'm the one feeling guilty, but it was you! I am broken, and you? You're smiling with her! Whoever she is, she'll be added to the pile, like me she'll be just another ghost in your bed!

How could you manipulate me like that? Make me belief I was the one who kept fucking up, you monster. Did I mean nothing to you at all? Even after you torn my heart to shreds you kept pushing, painting the city with rumours about me.  You cowardly liar! 

How could you make it about you? Make it out as if you can relate to every sad song. "Don't get all emotional baby" That's what you always told me, you're the one who was so unable to communicate.
This is the last time I let you hurt me. Have fun with her, I so hope to God she doesn't have to go through the shit I did, no person deserves your crap. I want nothing to do with the things you're going through!

How could you?

Wednesday 2 November 2016