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Weekly Favourites

Sunday 24 July 2016

Silly selfies with Demi
I planned out a cute outfit for today, but due to cold weather it got slightly altered, which in turned out for the best. I will show the outfit on Sunday's post, and give information and what not! I first when shopping with my mother, little brother, big sister and my lovely little niece. It was a fun few hours, and then with my sister and niece and went back to their house. Where I played with Kara, she practically forced me into letting her do my makeup, by makeup I mean bright pink lipstick being put everywhere but my lips!
 I then I met up with one of my friends, Demi. We hadn't seen each other in a while so we went to hers where she beautiful did my makeup, we went for Bubble Cha and had some good laughs. It was good to have such an amazing catch-up, it was short though but sweet. We are going out soon again, a couple hours simply isn't enough time for best friends to have a proper catch-up. It was so lovely to see Demi after so long, she is doing well with college and she has so much more confidence with herself. Damn I have missed her!

We went to our all time favourite place Bubble Cha, every time we meet up and go out it is our go to place. Who doesn't enjoy fruit tea with little jellies that pop in your mouth? Also on this day this was the first time I had been afterwards I was there again twice!
This time, we had Grapefruit tea with peach pebbles, interesting but lovely combination. We usually go for Mango tea with Pineapple jellies, or recently my favourite has been Blackcurrant fruit tea with peach pebbles, the combinations you can get are endless really.

Cheeky Nandos
From Bubble Cha I bid farewell to Demi as I had to go meet up with Catheryne for her birthday meal. I didn't know the other two girls but it didn't take us long to become acquainted, honestly by the end of the night I felt as though I've known the girls my whole life. We had a lovely meal at Nandos. I had a little cheat day as you can see! It was lovely, the chicken was hot and the chips were perfect. I didn't eat the salad, I was trying to be a tiny bit healthy but yeah that didn't go to plan. My beer was good, as sad as it sounds I always feel like extra-adult when being asked for my I.D. I gloat to myself almost, like yeah I am an adult.  We talked a lot, and I feel like I know Ca
theryne more than I did, in the best way possible of course. And the girls Emma and Georgia I hope to see them again in the future!
Selfie with the birthday girl
After the meal we all got a little merry, more laughter selfies we got a little deep with conversation. I got terribly drunk with my smart idea of mixing vodka and Bubble Cha (the reason for visiting again) I have to say it was a good idea. Even though my leg got covered in vodka. These girls are hilarious, and I had such a genuinely good time. I rolled in at my sisters house at half 10.  I slept not so well, dehydration is the worst effect of alcohol. Lucky for me I don't get hangovers!
Emma, Catheryne, Georgia and myself!


Thursday 26 May 2016

May's first week of weekly Favourites!

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 8 May 2016

Today I met up with my two friends Demi and Jordan. We met up, went to townhouse chatted plenty and later went to Bubble Cha to chat more. It was a good day, I hadn't Demi in well over a month. I hadn't seen Jordan since before Christmas. So, food drinks and chats were well needed! I like to think I looked good today, I felt confident at least. However I feel as though I have done enough socialising this week for a good week or so. It lovely seeing people but I'm not used to being so busy, it is nice to be in the flurry of life and not think everything over too much alone. But I do enjoy being in my bedroom and playing Sims too much. I think this weekend I might possibly go shopping though, I feel the need to buy some new jeans! On Monday things get serious, I am going to begin revising. Exams are coming up and I refuse to fail! So this has been my Friday and I plan on spending the rest of it with my earphones in shutting the world out and playing the Sims!


Friday 25 March 2016

Bubble Cha

Saturday 7 November 2015

I always love Fridays. Despite starting the first half of the day with a cold and feeling like tired crap I survived, enough so I could talk to my favourite human, and get more than a moderate amount of work done. It is also the last day of term so it has been chilled, not too much pressure. I usually finish quarter to four on Friday but my film teacher (A GOD SEND) allowed us to about five past three, oh yes! So I went to see my friend, we watched Jezza (Jeremy Kyle) he is hilarious and well you know yourself what those shows are like. We went for Bubble Tea at Bubble Cha, we met up with another friend. It was kind of a goodbye, because she is going away for five months. It was lovely, we drank bubble tea and even had bubble waffles (FABULOUS) it was good to chat, take pictures and enjoy each other's company. I am now ready to relax however I still have bits of work to do which I plan on getting right off my chest tomorrow so I am not stranded last minute. Since it is half term and I'm off for a week I will be posting everyday! SO ITS FRIDAY! I'm listening to music I think I may have an early night or just watch some videos on Youtube, probably sims game-play.


Friday 23 October 2015