Showing posts with label bored. Show all posts
It is one of those days, where I feel lost. Inside and out. I don't know what to write, so writing whatever comes to mind has become of me. Ten working days until I'm off for Christmas, I am pretty excited.
I feel bored, I hate feeling bored. Let's write a descriptive piece on boredom.

Boredom is the same dull colour repeated over and over again in your head. It's like watching the fuzzy screen on your television when the signal has gone down. Imagine watching a wall, a plain wall, doing nothing, thinking nothing. Boredom. It's annoying, and it can make you feel lifeless. You can be doing something, like typing away, and you can still feel bored. You watch the words on the screen as your hands type away, I'm rather good at typing without looking, like the rest of this generation. Knowing, knowing where the keys are exactly located. However, now that I've noticed I'm not paying to the key board my fingers keep slipping. so I have to go back and delete that repeated letter, fix that spelling error.

I think I want pizza.


Monday 7 December 2015