Showing posts with label book reviews. Show all posts
I can’t believe that we are on the final day of 2021! Today I celebrated with a booster jab, crepes and seeing the new Spider-man film. I will be spending my evening with a glass (more likely a bottle) of wine and a book.  This year has been one of a kind, sort of like a blur. For me, it started off shaky,  as the year has progressed things began to look up. I pursued my career in Copywriting and 6 months in I’m absolutely adoring every second of it. I’ll be continuing my role further into 2022 which I couldn’t be more grateful for. I’ve met some amazing people this year and despite my mental health not being the greatest I’m ending the year on a positive note! 

At the beginning of the year, I decided not to set a reading goal. However, I have still been tracking the books I’ve read on Good Reads and as of today, I read a grand total of 16 books in 2021!  Most of those have been towards the end of the year but I am absolutely chuffed. I finally reread the Divergent series after years of wanting to, I explored new genres and met so many new characters! I’m ready to read even more in 2022. 

 As I managed 16 books this year I am aiming to try and read 1 book a week, so my end of year total should be 52 books. I also want to write and share 2 book reviews a month with you guys, most of the year I was able to post weekly so I am aiming for this in 2022 too!

Out of all 16 books that I’ve read over the last year, one, in particular, stood out to me. Next Exit Home by Dena Blake. 

I read this book at the beginning of the year and absolutely adored it! I posted a review of the book which you can read here. It was this book that started my search for more queer fiction. Spoiler for my 2022 reading list: lots of queer fiction. 

I’ve been purchasing new books so expect a blog post in the new year talking about all the books I aim to read in 2022-with no pressure of course. I have enough on the list to cover at least 2 months' worth of reading.  I have never been more excited to read in my entire life, I can't wait to share more book reviews and bookish blog posts with you guys in the year to come. Wishing you the best for the new year. 

My Favourite Book I Read In 2021

Friday 31 December 2021

I am back and I have been reading some very lovely books this month. The last day of the month (every month) I will be sharing a list of all the books I have read that month and will be rating them out of 5 stars! You will recognise a couple from my reviews! I don't want to post a review for every book I've read, just because sometimes the books are short or that I don't have a lot to say about them. I do share reviews for the books I think you guys would be more interested in! So let's get started:
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's - Truman Capote - ★★★★
  • Diamond Guitar - Truman Capote - ★★★
  • Faithless - Brian Azzarello - ★★★★★
  • Memory of Christmas - Truman Capote - ★★★
  • House of Flowers - Truman Capote - ★★
  • Secret Garden -  Frances Hodgson Burnett - ★★★★
  • Woman of no Importance - Oscar Wilde - ★★

I have read and listened to some pretty amazing books this month! I am going into February reading Ripley's Game by Patricia Highsmith and Carrie Fisher's Wishful Drinking read by Carrie Fisher herself! A very interesting start to February. If you want to know more about the books I have read this month comment below and we can have a chat!

Rating the books I have read this month

Friday 31 January 2020