Showing posts with label blythe baird. Show all posts


I hope you are having a great week! Recently, I have been delving into more poetry and revisiting poems that I absolutely adore. I go through phases where I don't read poetry for months and then I get a sudden spark and I end up spending the whole week obsessing over it. 

Ideally, I would like to read poetry more consistently but also be exposed to a variety of poets instead of finding comfort in my old favourites! I recently signed up to Poetry Foundation and I opted into being sent daily poetry. So once a day, every day I receive a poem in my emails. Each one different from various poets from around the globe! 

I have been revisiting my favourite anthologies, the first-ever poetry book I purchased was Blythe Baird's Give Me A God I Can Relate To. Pictured to the right. Her words are powerful, I particularly love watching her Button Poetry performances, she such a passionate writer. She is one of my absolute favourite modern-day poets.  

In the future I hope to release my own poetry anthology, I have been writing poetry for as long as I can remember. It would be a dream to see all my poetry together in a collection. One day!

I decided this week I will share with you a list of some of my favourite poems:

  • Robert Browning's The Laboratory 
  • Robyn Schife: Dyed Carnations
  • Asia Samson: 90s Love
  • Alice Futon: Claustrophilia
  • Emily Dickinson: 
  1. Because I could not stop Death 
  2. If you were coming in the fall
  3. I'm Nobody! Who are you?
  • Halsey: Battles
  • Sabrina Benaim: The Loneliest Sweet Potato
  • Blythe Baird:
  1. Pocket-Sized Feminism
  2. This Is Why I Sink
  3. Horoscopes for Forgiveness
These are just some of my favourite go-to poems from the top of my head, these writers are inspiring and their work sparks my soul. I highly recommend you choose to read at least one of my list, I think you will enjoy them. What is your all time favourite poem?

My Favourite Poetry

Thursday 22 April 2021

For months now I have been taking an interest in slam poetry, it's enticing and emotional and I have really taken a liking to it. One poet  I have come to adore; Blythe Baird. She is inspirational with her words, and when you watch her you can almost feel everything she has been through. 
For a while now I have been contemplating buying her poetry collection; Give me a god I can relate to. I got some extra money from work, a big tip, and I finally decided to purchase the book. Waiting upon the delivery I have been excited. As you can see below, the cover is beautiful and so aesthetically pleasing. 

Naturally, I read every poem in one sitting. I can definitely say that Blythe is one of my favourite modern poets, her words are real and honest to god relatable. As I am consumed in her words I am reflecting back on my own life. Her use of metaphors blow me out of the water, in one of her poems she does at poetry slams, that isn't in her poetry collection, there is a metaphor that resonates with me The quote is from Pocket Sized Feminism 

"This house is for wallpaper women, what good is wallpaper that speaks"

I think that Blythe is the kind of poet every young woman should invest their time in, I wish I had her poetry when I was entering my early teens because by god I needed to hear her words, but I am so thankful that I can read her poems today and have them influence me the way they do. They inspire me as well as make me much more aware of society than I was. I feel her poems definitely make you feel more self-aware, of yourself and other people in your life. I highly recommend purchasing a copy of her collection, I know already that it will be one that I will read often and it will never get old to me.

Give me a god I can relate to

Wednesday 22 February 2017