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I recently realised that this blog has been going for 6 almost 7 years! On the 24th of May 2015, I created this blog and shared my first ever post! I am shocked but also thrilled to still be writing and sharing everything on WritingMyHeart. My content has changed over the years, although I have always used this blog as a platform to share my creative writing. 

The support I have received from friends, family, and even strangers online have been overwhelming over the years. The reach on the blog has continued to improve and we are currently sitting at 101K views! I am overjoyed at the success of the page, I couldn't have done it without you. 

To celebrate this amazing occasion, even if it's early I treat myself to a new Parker pen with the blog name engraved!  I am obsessed with it. As a stationery addict, I also treat myself to a new planner from Papier, they're perfect together.  I am so thrilled to still be sharing on this blog, I pour my whole heart into it and will continue to do so. I feel like the blog has come such a long way, it's gone through many changes from content type to the actual layout of the page.  It's come such a long way and I am so grateful to every person who has stumbled on it and read any of my words!

On such an occasion I thought I would share the top 5 posts of my blog according to the stats Blogger has gathered:

  2. Talking with female serial killers(review)
  5. 2/3
This tells me that you guys enjoy my book reviews and little life updates. This makes me super happy as I am really getting into writing book reviews. I will try and do more life updates but truth be told I work, I write, and I read. I sometimes go places my life isn't the most interesting. 

I noticed holding fourth place is a tattoo update from a couple years ago. I don't often talk about my tattoos on my blog but I do post about them on my Instagram. I am working on slowly building a book sleeve,  maybe I will post an update on that when it's complete or near completion. 

I think it's cool that my top post was on my book box subscription, a few of those posts were close to the top 5, maybe I will restart them again sometimes in the future. 

I am so happy to still be writing on the blog 6 years later, this page is my home! I'm so pleased that you're part of this journey!    

Almost 7 Years of WritingMyHeart

Monday 10 January 2022

Whenever I tell anyone that I am a writer, the first thing they ask is 'what kind of things do you write?' I struggle to answer this question every. single. time. Why is this?

I usually start by telling them about the pieces of writing that I am currently working on. At the minute, they are my feminist and queer fairytale collection and my poetry collection. Even though these are what I currently call my most important pieces, they aren't the only things that I am currently working on. That pile is quite big. 

I know some writers like to stick to a single genre and that is absolutely chill! I have my go-to genre: supernatural! I didn't realise this for a while, it wasn't until recently when I was thinking about everything I have ever written and found that supernatural themes ran through most of my work. I do enjoy dipping my nib into other genres, I think it's important to step outside of my writing comfort zone to improve my skills.

My poetry is quite reflective of my thoughts, feelings and experiences. I pour my heart into my poetry. Not to say, I don't pour my heart into my stories but I see poems as more of a little journal or diary entries. I use stories to tell a much bigger story or meaning. 

I am currently re-editing some of my old work. As a teenager, I had written stories on Wattpad and adult me is a little embarrassed and wish I had proofread back then. I am now going through all my old live pieces and tidying them up as well as fixing any plot holes. I am enjoying diving into my old work. If you're a writer I recommend revisiting your older work and I promise you that you'll see improvement in your craft, you may even get a slight feeling of nostalgia too!

I try to write in my journal most days, sometimes as a writer, I have lots of ideas and things swimming around inside of my head. Journalling helps me to empty my thoughts clearing my head to help me prepare to write other bits. Sometimes a character will be stuck in my head, so I often journal little scenes that I can later come back to. Journalling is one of my favourite hobbies, it's particularly useful for emptying my thoughts at the end of the day so I can sleep better.

Of course, I write content for this blog! If you're new here I have been writing on here since 2015, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. This blog has had a shift in tone, I used to write about anything and everything and now I focus on more bookish content as well as my own personal writing. I know I haven't been posting as much recently I am working on this, life got a little hectic but I love writing for you guys.

I don't think many writers have just one piece they are working on, there will always be something in the 'work in progress' pile! As well as all of the above, I am a copywriter. My day job contains lots of writing and I wouldn't have it any other way! Sometimes I don't always feel like writing after a day at work but I always make sure to write something each day- this is where journalling comes in handy.

So, what do I write? A bit of everything really.

What Do I Write?

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Yesterday afternoon I revisited one of my favourite shops in Newcastle, Flying Wizard. The shop is relatively new, it wasn't here when I was last home at Easter time. Today was the second time visiting. The first time was back in July when I picked up part of a friend's birthday present. This time I came back with my mother, who is also a Harry Potter fan, and we both splurged a little. Before I discuss the purchases let me tell you about the shop itself.  Sadly, I didn't take any pictures inside of the shop because I am not quite sure if we were allowed to.
The shop is not just Harry Potter themed, even though you would think so by their shop window. It also sells merchandise from Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Marvel Universe etc. it is a pretty well-rounded shop. It is mainly Harry Potter themed though, you can tell by how when you walk into the shop you can see their television which plays all of the Harry Potter films on loop- what a dream?

The staff are so friendly and welcoming, it has a really good atmosphere inside. Naturally, I am quite the fangirl whenever I visit. It takes all my will to not buy everything. I was only supposed to go in and have a look but I figured it would be rude to not something... right?

I have only been in one other Harry Potter shop before and that is Oliver's in Brighton- I may do a post about that shop when I am back in Brighton next month!

I was so thrilled when my sibling told me that a Harry Potter shop had opened in my hometown, and it is everything. I am ready to hand them all my money!

Above is the first thing I ever bought from Flying Wizards. An amazing quidditch set, I bought this for a friend. I am not sure who loved it most, her or me? I am genuinely impressed by my eye for giving good gifts. Sadly, I went back to buy another one for myself and they're waiting to get more in. Naturally, I am slightly gutted!! Underneath the Quidditch balls is a key for the lock as well as a really cool poster.

Today I purchased a butterbeer, I adored this when I tried it in Brighton. It was a little cheaper too here, bonus!
A new notebook- I AM LIVING FOR IT!! Lately, I have been obsessed with Dobby and I just couldn't help but fall in love with this notebook. I am fully aware  I have quite a few HP notebooks, which haven't been written in, but I just couldn't say no. This was my favourite purchase of the day.

A pack of wizard cards, they're just like playing cards but have pictures of wizards and witches on them. I know it's geeky but I just found them pretty cool, who knows if I will actually use them? They look good though.

My mam bought me the Slytherin tin, I didn't know until we were out of the shop. This was super cute.
I also bought a cool badge, I am not usually a badge person but I thought it would round off my purchase. There is a better picture to the side.

My mother bought some cool stuff too. I am envious of her new notebook, I almost bought a similar one but in Slytherin crest and colour, maybe next time! My mother also hoards notebooks like I do, I know already neither of will be writing in them any time soon. She also purchased a Marauders purse and a little Gryffindor tin.

I would 10/10 recommend you visiting Flying Wizards if you're ever in town or just visiting Newcastle. It's definitely worth a neb!!

Flying Wizards

Monday 27 August 2018


Liberty is our destiny 

Yet why are there souls still caged 

Poverty, war and death 

Please tell me that you’re just as outraged?

Politicians acting like children

Throwing insults like in the playground 

Only the playground is our home 

Threats and fear mongering destroying-

The only place that we know.

How do you expect the younger generations 

To care?

When all you set out to do is humiliate and scare

Treating each other like inferiors

No wonder we refuse to believe-

You are the superiors 

What happened to being kind?

Violence, spats and war

Cold countries, homeless on the street

Where is their peace of mind?

When all you care about it your reputation 

Refusing to defeat starvation.

This is my recent poem I’ve been working on! I’m hoping to perform this as well as some others at the next Shine So Hard Poetry night! Keep an eye out for the video!


Saturday 27 January 2018

I did a piece about my recent publication rejection over on Angela's blog, check it out!

Also follow her blog, very useful as well entertaining for writers, I no doubt will be reading it daily like the gospel! 



Friday 18 August 2017

Today  I was out with my best friend Demi, we were discussing Summer and plans and everything. It got me thinking that perhaps I could do some more things for my blog.
1) Like maybe if I am having an interesting day or something I could perhaps have a go at Vlogging, scary thought I know. I do also plan on going shopping and maybe get a new tattoo or a few, and I could film a haul and some experiences. I would post this content this blog for you guys, I know this is a writing blog but I don't want to limit myself, plus sometimes (especially with hauls) visuals do help! Don't worry videos won't take over my blog, I will mainly be doing things on the weekend due to babysitting through the week. Plus if after the Summer I continued to do video stuff on here it would probably be like once a month if that due to college starting up again.
2) I want to start a college series in August/Septmeber, just to give advice and share experiences. I did try this a while back but I wasn't focused then, and now I am ready to take on more. These series will be like a once a week thing, maybe every Tuesday, who knows things could change by then.
3)If you guys aren't aware already I am very much looking into journalism and well I am wanting to play around with interviewing and article writing, so I think I am going to try and do a few pieces and put them out onto my blog, it isn't very serious like I will be interviewing to teachers, college students, different people who work in different professions, just something chill. Something for me to practice on and for you to be entertained by.
4) Weekly favourites are coming back, now my exams are over I have more time and I'm not being boring(ish) anymore, so I can go back to posting my favourites every Sunday!

That's all for this lovely Friday, sorry for a late one. Any thoughts please let me know!

Summer plans for the blog

Friday 10 June 2016

So it 20th February, we are 51 days into the year 2016. It's crazy right? Of course it is.  This will be just a talking about everything or just general stuff kind of post. You may have noticed I posted twice already today, but on Thursday for some reason I couldn't post the quote of the week. Yesterday I spent the whole day reading Warm Bodies, I didn't want to skip over those days so I caught up and even posted a book review for Warm Bodies for yesterdays' post. I will keep on track and if I miss a day I will just post twice the next day etc.
It is Saturday evening, and I return back to college on Monday. I am not prepared at all. I did do my media work, my enrichment work too. I have free lessons during the week where I plan on doing my English work. Tomorrow I plan on doing all of my film work so that will be out of my hair.
If you haven't noticed I am doing some set weekly stuff -
Thursdays - Quote of the week
Fridays' (or maybe every other Friday) -  Book reviews
Sunday - Film review

I like to have set things sometimes, it keeps things in order and you guys get to read my thoughts on things. Is there anything more or less you guys want on my blog? I am open to new ideas. Would you guys like me to write about recommendations on my favourite things? Or more poetry? Or creative writing. I'd love to hear from you (if you're reading this) please comment, and thank you!

51 Days into 2016

Saturday 20 February 2016