Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

 Hello, my lovelies!

I meant to share the post with you a little while ago, but life has been super busy! I do not want to go into too much detail, but I started a new job and have been on a few small adventures (with more to come), and things have been changing super quickly around me. I haven't had much time to stop and write, so it's nice that I can do so now!

It's no secret that I spent my birthday in Rome (back in March); it was, in fact, a dreamy long weekend holiday that was just gorgeous and bookish! Rome was my second solo trip, and I think I'm addicted to travelling alone? Especially when it means I can visit all the bookish spots I want. 

My birthday looked like this:

Keats-Shelley House Museum

Before the death of beloved writers John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley, they lived in small quarters in Rome. In 1909, the house was opened to the public as a museum and library. As a lover of literature and a writer myself, the Keats-Shelley house was at the top of my list to visit. I'm very glad it was because it was beautiful.

It was a very small museum, but it was powerful. You could see old texts of the writers, letters from close friends and even the bed Keats died in. 

The gift shop was quaint but lovely. I picked up a couple of poetry books, including a collection of poems about Rome. It was only natural that I found myself buying more books on my trip!

Birthday wish at the Trevi fountain

One of the first things I did on my birthday was head to the infamous Trevi fountain to make a birthday wish. I had, of course, seen many photos and videos of the beautiful fountain, but none of them had ever done it justice. It was truly beautiful, and many people flocked to see it and toss a coin.

Antico Caffé Greco

After my touristy exploration, I decided I needed a little midday treat at Antico CaffĂ© Greco. The establishment has been around since 1760 and is known as an 18th-century cafe and writer's haunt.  

I found this spot on an Instagram reel, and naturally, it had to be at the top of my list of places to visit in Rome. It did not disappoint. 

The decor was beautiful, the service was amazing, and it was definitely one of my favourite spots on the trip. 

Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola

I'm not a religious person, but I appreciate the architecture and beauty of churches. I had seen many photos and videos of the Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, and I knew I had to come and see it for myself. Seeing the beautiful ceiling and artwork within the church was certainly a highlight of my trip to Rome.

Liberia Tuba

I ended my birthday night with a Cosmopolitan at the brilliant, bookish bar. The owners are lesbian, and it's a sapphic safe environment for queer people; it was only right I visited a place that embodies so many of my own beliefs. The atmosphere was amazing and I'm really glad I got to visit this great space!

My birthday in Rome was truly special! I had so much fun exploring, and even on the days around my birthday, I visited some amazing places! I ate incredible Italian food, took many photos, and just enjoyed my visit. The other days, I visited incredible spots like the Colosseum, Vatican City, Spazio 7 (a book cafe), and many more. 

I have decided to make it my annual tradition to wake up in a new country every birthday. I do have my heart set on Paris next year!

A Bookish Birthday in Rome

Saturday 8 June 2024

Hello, lovelies!

March has been and gone, if you didn’t know already it's my favourite month of the year. Yes, it was because my birthday was in March. On the 23rd I turned 24! Oh, how glorious ageing is. 

This isn’t a post about me but about the fictional characters whose birthdays are also in March! I love it when writers share every detail with us about their characters, it definitely gives them more depth. It's interesting seeing when they're born, their star signs, and their general attitude surrounding their birthday. 

I've compiled a list of fictional characters who were born in March: 

  • Ron Weasley (Harry Potter): 1st March
  • Aragorn (Lord of the Rings): 1st March
  • Sybil Trelawney (Harry Potter): 9th March
  • Remus Lupin (Harry Potter): 10th March
  • Wonder Woman: 22nd March
  • Hannah Marin (Pretty Little Liars): 7th March
Do you think I’m missing anyone?  There are quite a few interesting fictional characters who were born in April and have upcoming birthdays, to name a few Jenny Humphrey from Gossip Girl, Chandler Bing from Friends, and Lisbeth Salander from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

When I am creating characters for my writing, I plan out their birthdays and star signs accordingly. I think it's a brilliant way to explore character dynamics and personalities, especially if their birthday happens between the pages of the novel. A character's birthday can play a big part in the story, in YA novels usually when it's a young person's birthday they become legal to do something, for example, become old enough to learn to drive or be able to drink alcohol. A birthday can be a great driver for a narrative.  

As a reader, I like reading about a character's birthday. Witnessing how they do or don't celebrate ageing. I am a sucker for knowledge, the more I know about a character the better! I like to fully immerse myself into their world as I possibly can. 

Who do you share your birthday month with?

Fictional Characters I Share the Same Birth Month with

Monday 11 April 2022


I don't know about you but most of my friend's birthdays are near the mid to end of the year, so this is the time I start thinking about gifts and things they perhaps would like as well as something meaningful. Quite a few people in my friend group are booklovers, they are some of my favourite types of people to buy for! I thought whilst I am currently looking for their gifts I would write a post for you guys: 6 Tips for Buying Gifts for Your Bookworm Friends.

1) Your favourite book - I know this sounds a little odd but I personally love reading my friend's favourite book, not only does it make me feel closer to them but I believe it gives me more of an insight into their personality. It also gives me a chance to see what we both had taken from the book, did we like different parts, which character did we both relate to? I think it's a beautiful idea to get to know someone better. 

2) Informed Book Purchase - have you seen the types of books your friend likes? Go hunting for something that they perhaps haven't read before, or if you have been out shopping with them did you notice they picked up a book that they seemed interested in but didn't buy? Maybe go back and purchase it. I have received a few books that my friends have noticed me looking at, and not only did I feel incredibly grateful and lucky but also amazed that they paid attention to what I was doing, it really meant a lot. Another way to approach this may be your book-loving friend has an amazon wishlist? That is always a good place to look for when searching for a book to buy them.

3) Book Merchandise - Do you know their favourite book? You could find gifts relating to their favourite book or character. Places like Etsy and Redbubble are amazing for finding bookish things such as badges, stickers, mugs, posters and the list go on. You will more than likely be supporting a small business along the way.

4) Gift Card - Sometimes it can be hard buying for your book lover friend, they have that many books and their TBR list is piled high maybe you're unsure of which book to pick. You could get them a gift card for Waterstones or other bookshops, then this way they can pick the books they want. They will appreciate being given the option. I know sometimes gift cards can come across as impersonal or not thoughtful so why don't you team this up with a little book date? Take your book lover for a coffee and hunt for a new book together. 

5) Book Box Subscription - I have shared a few of these on my blog in the past but you can get a subscription or a one-off box of a book box. Usually, you get a book based on the theme with quite a few bookish goodies alongside it. It's fun and your book lover friend may continue buying them. You get all sorts of bookish goodies!

6) Write for them - This option is one of my favourites, it is a little more time consuming but as a writer it is fun for both me and the friend. You don't have to spend loads in fact this option is little to no cost. Is there a book or chapter your book lover likes or feels strongly about? Rewrite it, make it more suited for them or extend the ending to their favourite book. You could go as far as writing your friend into a scene, sort of like fanfiction but more personal to your friend. This is creative and plus which bookworm hasn't imagined themselves into their favourite novel? 

No matter what you decide to buy your book lover friend I am sure they will appreciate it, all the same, after all it really is the thought that counts. My heart melts when anyone remembers my birthday, and I am sure they will be pleased you thought of them. Next week I have a post about my new job! Is there something that you think should be added? Please let me know in the comments!

6 Tips for Buying Gifts for Your Bookworm Friends

Friday 16 July 2021

Tomorrow I head back to Brighton, it’s been a marvellous three weeks at home but I have to say: I’ve missed the Uni life! 

Today is my Niece’s fourth birthday, I couldn’t miss it for the world hence why I’m going tomorrow. My last week at home has been wonderful and bizarre. I’ve seen my best friends, had some valuable bonding time with my family, got an amazing new tattoo, spend lots of time with my double bed before our departure, and today my sister and niece talked me into dying my hair. 

I’m in love with my tattoo, my tattooist Demi Patten is so talented! It’s getting finished at the end of the month, colour added as well as getting another new tattoo! Janaury is looking like a good month! 

The hair dye situation, it was supposed to be just the underneath but it messed up. From what should have been underneath has leaked into my whole hair. I was freaking out at first but I’m warming to it.

No doubt I will change it in a couple weeks and go back to my original hair colour brown! 

Loved spending the day with my niece, I can’t believe she’s four. Four years she has been my little best friend, we wind each other up and make each other laugh like their is no tomorrow. 

She dressed up as Moana today and we sang along to the soundtrack and just had an amazing day. She has her birthday party tomorrow with all her little nursery friends and I’ll be on the train back to Brighton...

Last Week at Home

Friday 5 January 2018

A year ago today
I handed you your present with a kiss
I spoke those three words to you for the first time-
a year later I can longer see you

What was love that filled me a year ago today
is sorrow, grief and lonely replaced on your birthday.
Hearts of who knew you ache
I knew that then you  would hold a place in my heart
and today I am certain I will never be able to forget.

For my first love, was the best and worst love I-
I know I will ever know.
Meeting so pleasantly and you leaving so dangerously
and now here we both are.

I moved down the country and you moved under the earth
And I am sorry.

his birthday

Tuesday 28 November 2017

I am on the coach back to Newcastle, feeling very melancholic about having to leave Brighton. This morning we got up early and had breakfast, and then we went out for a walk along the pebbled beach. It was lovely, I felt so in sync with everything around me. I only hope to have many more walks along the pebbled beach in the future. Of course, we had to go back on the pier. It was fun, I also purchased a pair of pants from a man working from a red phone box, the pants are a mothers day gift for my mother. So, goodbye Brightion, till September!

It is also my 19th today - I am glad I got to spend some of it in Brighton!!

Brighton day 3

Thursday 23 March 2017

Today is one of my best friend's birthday, Lou. Finally eighteen. She is gold, so funny and I am glad that we became friends last year, probably the only good thing tutor ever brought me; real good friends. We've had some good times so far, Edinburgh, weekly Bubble Cha during our only free, and many more to come.

Due to Lou's birthday being today, that didn't leave room to do much celebrating together as a friendship group due to sixth form tomorrow. So we celebrated together last night,

We went for a gorgeous meal on the Quayside (Check my Instagram for pictures) it was hilarious. I got absolutely drunk on this incredible drink called the Mad Hatter. It is for six people but I drank the majority of it, oh what goodness it was. Naturally, drunk Lauren got a slight bit disastourous. Fawz arranged a candle in Lou's dessert where we all got to sing to her. By this point, I drank the majority of the hat and as we were singing (out of tune) I sang the birthday song to Fawz, I was looking at Lou but well drunk Lauren doesn't think. Naturally, we were all howling, and Lou thought it was the best part of the night. I am forever making a tool of myself. Some other stuff happened which was super embarrassing but I'll leave that for another time.

After the meal we went back to Lou's where we drank further, played Cards Against Humanity and eat the best cake of my life. It was such a brilliant night, it was the most fun I have had in a long time.  Thank you Lou <3

Mad Hatter

Sunday 9 October 2016

Silly selfies with Demi
I planned out a cute outfit for today, but due to cold weather it got slightly altered, which in turned out for the best. I will show the outfit on Sunday's post, and give information and what not! I first when shopping with my mother, little brother, big sister and my lovely little niece. It was a fun few hours, and then with my sister and niece and went back to their house. Where I played with Kara, she practically forced me into letting her do my makeup, by makeup I mean bright pink lipstick being put everywhere but my lips!
 I then I met up with one of my friends, Demi. We hadn't seen each other in a while so we went to hers where she beautiful did my makeup, we went for Bubble Cha and had some good laughs. It was good to have such an amazing catch-up, it was short though but sweet. We are going out soon again, a couple hours simply isn't enough time for best friends to have a proper catch-up. It was so lovely to see Demi after so long, she is doing well with college and she has so much more confidence with herself. Damn I have missed her!

We went to our all time favourite place Bubble Cha, every time we meet up and go out it is our go to place. Who doesn't enjoy fruit tea with little jellies that pop in your mouth? Also on this day this was the first time I had been afterwards I was there again twice!
This time, we had Grapefruit tea with peach pebbles, interesting but lovely combination. We usually go for Mango tea with Pineapple jellies, or recently my favourite has been Blackcurrant fruit tea with peach pebbles, the combinations you can get are endless really.

Cheeky Nandos
From Bubble Cha I bid farewell to Demi as I had to go meet up with Catheryne for her birthday meal. I didn't know the other two girls but it didn't take us long to become acquainted, honestly by the end of the night I felt as though I've known the girls my whole life. We had a lovely meal at Nandos. I had a little cheat day as you can see! It was lovely, the chicken was hot and the chips were perfect. I didn't eat the salad, I was trying to be a tiny bit healthy but yeah that didn't go to plan. My beer was good, as sad as it sounds I always feel like extra-adult when being asked for my I.D. I gloat to myself almost, like yeah I am an adult.  We talked a lot, and I feel like I know Ca
theryne more than I did, in the best way possible of course. And the girls Emma and Georgia I hope to see them again in the future!
Selfie with the birthday girl
After the meal we all got a little merry, more laughter selfies we got a little deep with conversation. I got terribly drunk with my smart idea of mixing vodka and Bubble Cha (the reason for visiting again) I have to say it was a good idea. Even though my leg got covered in vodka. These girls are hilarious, and I had such a genuinely good time. I rolled in at my sisters house at half 10.  I slept not so well, dehydration is the worst effect of alcohol. Lucky for me I don't get hangovers!
Emma, Catheryne, Georgia and myself!


Thursday 26 May 2016

This is the second week of my weekly favourites, the majority of the photos in these collages are from my 18th on Wednesday!

As you can see there has been quite a bit of alcohol involved this week... also Pizza! Don't worry this won't be a continous theme in my weekly favourites, this is just because it's been an important week.

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 27 March 2016

-Due to being drunk and whatnot I could not post this on the 23rd but here it is-

I had an amazing birthday Wednesday, I got spoilt, and it was lovely. I had college but even that was quite successful. I got to wear my new jacket, I have had my eyes on the type of jacket for a long time so I saw my 18th as a chance to get one, and well I wear it everywhere. (Picture to the side)
My first lesson Film Studies they even sang to me, which was cute and awkward, I really wanted to join in but I'm sure the birthday person isn't supposed to! Film is always good, the people are great and the vibes are just phenomenal so it was good to have lesson on my birthday. I had english next, but I felt sick. An hour of nearly falling asleep and not being able to pay attention, it was a shame really because I genuinely enjoy my English lessons.
Afterwards I was going for lunch with the lovely Jane, she is a friend from Film she has saved my ass over the last couple of months,  she is amazing!! We went for... pizza and a pint, well I had a pint due to being the only eighteen year old, I cannot wait until she is eighteen,then we can drink together. Anyways so of course I had to take my I.D, which I used my passport, the woman who served me had to get second approval due to my dying my hair, currently a blonde but was a brunette in passport photo. So I got my first pint, which was Stella, I am told that's a good choice. The pizza was amazing too, pollo - I'm not usually a fan of sweetcorn but I liked it. So, by one in the afternoon I was drunk. please hold judgement, it was my 18th after all.
A drunk Lauren made her way to her sisters, I may or may not have serenaded the bus and the driver with music from my earphones. I bumped into an old college friend, lovely as ever and then arrived at my sisters. My niece was lovely, she is just a bundle of joy and I love being around her, she is my little partner in crime. My family came over and brought me roses and lilies with champagne, I was close to tears, it was so lovely and I have never had a bouqet of flowers before so it was definitely something. Forgot to mention I got given at least three wine glasses from different people - are they trying to predict my future?
 I continued to drink at my sisters, I also had a cake which looked like a pizza, it was so cool. I will do a whole picture thing on Saturday! I also got a new Sims Expansion pack - University life - Kara was more excited than I was. When I told her I got new Sims she was screaming and running around me and my laptop "NEW SIMS NEW SIMS" I recently showed her the Sims and whenever she sees me she wants to play, so naturally I know play Sims with my two year old niece whenever I am at my sisters. I stayed over that night, and we got a Chinese. It was so good, my birthday was amazing, also I didn't even get a hangover on Thursday!!


Friday 25 March 2016

It has finally sunk in, that from tomorrow I will be an adult, I will have responsibility and well it means it is time to grow up. It also means cheeky pints and being able to get served, but mainly grow up.
I have spent years, especially these last few months, wishing the days would hurry along and I'd be 18 already, and I am a couple of hours away I want to put time to a halt and breathe and let everything sink in. Nonetheless I cannot stop time I just have to carry on.
I believe the past 17 years have been good, there were challenging times and battles with myself along the way. I am grateful that nothing too tragic has hit my path yet, and I am lucky. I've had a good childhood, my parents have always done their best for me and they've made as happy as I can be.
I am excited, is it weird that today I feel I am moving out of this stage of my life. I am transitioning into a new stage and I'm ready for an adventure and owning whatever comes my way. I feel a new found confidence on my shoulders, I feel good, finally me maybe?
Tomorrow, I will be 18 and I feel like I will reborn into an adult. Goodbye childhood and hello responsibility and alcohol (joking... maybe)
See you on the other side.

Time to grow up

Tuesday 22 March 2016

So this week has been one of poems, I have been busy but I've been trying to keep up to date. As you know if I miss days I will catch up and post how many I need to on the following days. This is just a chatty post, bits and bobs and whatever else comes to mind. 
I'm 18 in 10 days - I cannot believe it, like at all.
65 days until my first exam, which is film.
116 days until I break up for the Summer.
124 days until pride!
What an exciting time to be alive.
I have been thinking about my future, exciting and scary prospect of life, and well after college in 2017 I think I want to go to University. Due to not doing so well last year I am obviously redoing my first year, which means my friends are going to University this year. I don't mind too much that I will be going later, at least I am on the track to bettering myself and getting where I want to in my own time. I've been looking about for Universities and courses, I kind of always had my heart set on Newcastle Univeristy, it's close to home and their library is amazing.  However, growing I realise I need independence, I need distance from the norm, I need to stand up on my own two feet. So I have been looking at places away from home. I know I want to write, like that is a must. So my English teacher helped me and I found the perfect course and the perfect University - Brighton University - English Literature and Creative Writing. I've always wanted to go to Brighton, it's stunning, alternative and kind of old fashioned, apparently a lot writer's live there. That is where I aiming to go, I understand that there is higher universities on the league table but that kind of doesn't matter. I have to take the place into consideration, I don't want to go to University where I don't like the location. So I am aiming for Brighton, I have to keep looking around as for Ucas you have to put at least three maybe five. Next on the list would be Bolton, admittedly that may just be because I am a sucker for the accents and it's where Danny Jones is from (he turned 30 yesterday, still my favourite, and he's still attractive as ever!) but you know, we will see what happens. 
What's next on the agenda to talk about? Snapchat. I have discovered the new Snapchat filters on my phone, it's an android and I kind of assumed they were only available for iPhone. I was wrong and now I am addicted, my niece adores the doggy one, she loves it. They're fun and personally if I feel a little crap and look a little rough then puking rainbows or drag filters take that worry from me.
I've been playing a lot of Sims lately, I am even considering getting the Sims sign (plumbob) tattooed behind my ear, it would be super cute. 
I am kind of full of cold, which sucks. But I am drinking plenty of tea, and I would say keeping myself warm but I am wearing ridiculous multi-coloured leggings and a white vest. 
I have been thinking about what to post so here is a list of things for you to expect within the next week or couples of weeks
- 17? Reflection on growing up.
-18? Officially an adult.
-Film review - The Green Mile
-Book Review - Fangirl 
-Film Review - Shawshank Redemption
-Outfits of the week - Attempt to look somewhat girlie.
- Favourites of the week - foods, drinks, items, songs and other stuff

Thank you, and I'll see you in tomorrow's post. Recommendations are always welcome, thank you and have a good day.


Sunday 13 March 2016

Well hello there, it feels like a long time eh March?
My favourite month of course, slightly biased due to it being my birth month! This month I will be 18. Justin's birthday is today and my high school English teachers. My Nanna's birthday is on the 5th, Mother's day on the 6th. Danny's and my gay's is on the 10th, and mine the 23rd, as well whose every it is on Facebook when I'm reminded.  Eventful month indeed. I aim for March to spend more time revising as well as writing at least one poem per day. I have channeling my inner poem quite a lot lately, last week especially.
I feel as though March is the month I need to get my shit together, I need to start being serious and just getting myself working properly.
I didn't do a Goodbye February due to the fantastic Leap Year. So well last month was a mess, like an actual emotional mess. Every seemed to go wrong for me, so this month is definitely in need of getting my act together.
March we are in this together, three months into the year and it's about time we come together and got ourselves sorted. So together we will stand and conquer.
March please be on my side.

Hello March!

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Tuesday was a very busy day, I barely had any time to myself. I am aware of this day late post but it covers the 5th and obviously later I’ll be posting 6th Blog post.
So the 5th of January is in fact my lovely nieces birthday, the small bundle of joy turned two. I cannot believe it at all, she has literally grown up right before my eyes. Two years it really isn’t a very long time even though sometimes it kind of feels like it is. I stayed the night before so I could help prepare for the day, by prepare I mean practically losing my breath and capturing my laughter inside of balloons. We put banners up and brought all her birthday presents through.
So yesterday morning, I heard them awaken so I opened the curtains to allow the banners to show, we all also slept in until nine (bonus) and as expected she wasn’t really interested in the huge presents (which all had matching Minnie mouse wrapping paper, yeah my sister is one of those people) but instead she played for a good twenty minutes or so with the balloons, which were blown up quite big if I do say so myself.
She was lovely opening everything, we had breakfast cereal rice crispies (her favourite) and we chilled as she played with some of her toys. Her big present got delivered, which she adores. A child size car, it’s a masa roti it obviously has parental control. She has been playing with it nonstop, it took a while to put together and charged but still it was worth it. We prepared food and family came over and together we all had a blast, we basically had a family sized game of don’t-let-the-balloon-touch-the-floor which is always exciting.
She adored her Pepper Pig Birthday cake (she picked it herself) and it was such a lovely day. As the hours unfolded and the later it got, she didn’t really settle for bed so instead we cuddled on the sofa watching Tangled (which will be mentioned either in the next post or a later one).
I cannot believe she is two though, I remember when I first met her. I was super nervous and afraid to pick her up, and now well she jumps and climbs all over me, I pick her up and swoop her into the air and we crawl around and I toss her on the bed (safely obviously) and well I have come to the conclusion that she is my  little best friend. We adore each other, we make each other laugh, she is sarcastic and she isn’t two faced. I mean for a two year old she can be a little harsh. I love being an auntie I mean I have taught her some pretty useless things, for example;
-          My mother brought her a knitted clown the other week, and well I’ve taught my niece to honk its nose (with the sound also honk honk) every time she sees it.
-           In the early days I taught her to say potato
-          Another sound I’ve taught her ‘dun dun dun’
-          The popular Charlie Sheen phrase ‘Winning’
-          I accidently taught her a swear word ‘Oh shit’ yeah I got in trouble for that one, word of warning toddlers pick up on everything!
There are more but those pretty much the post pointless maybe, because I mean a two year old really needs to know that? NO of course not but hey at least she’s learning.

Yeah so that’s how my 5th January went, it was wonderful!

5th January

Wednesday 6 January 2016