Today I met up with my two friends Demi and Jordan. We met up, went to townhouse chatted plenty and later went to Bubble Cha to chat more. It was a good day, I hadn't Demi in well over a month. I hadn't seen Jordan since before Christmas. So, food drinks and chats were well needed! I like to think I looked good today, I felt confident at least. However I feel as though I have done enough socialising this week for a good week or so. It lovely seeing people but I'm not used to being so busy, it is nice to be in the flurry of life and not think everything over too much alone. But I do enjoy being in my bedroom and playing Sims too much. I think this weekend I might possibly go shopping though, I feel the need to buy some new jeans! On Monday things get serious, I am going to begin revising. Exams are coming up and I refuse to fail! So this has been my Friday and I plan on spending the rest of it with my earphones in shutting the world out and playing the Sims!
Friday - After watching the hilarious Pitch Perfect 2
Saturday - Shopping
I have had the most incredible weekend! My best friend from Manchester came up to Newcastle, and the past three days have been the best days I have had in a long time. It was so good to see her after months. It was
Sunday - Kaspars
fun, hilarious and a completely girly weekend. I feel like words cannot really describe how great it has been so maybe the pictures will do the talking!
Oreo Sundae - NOM
Saturday Primark
Red Berry - Starbucks is a must when shopping
I went out three days in a row, this is rare I usually go out with friends once every few months or something, yeah I'm not a huge fan of going out, this weekend was the perfect exception.
Buys things from New Look takes picture in Primark