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I received the best advice I could ever be given and at the time I didn't even realise. It was not long after I changed sixth form last year and the advice was from someone I'd never expect to be right. A woman who has lived a long working class life, grafting for a living and raising a family. She has seen somethings and I respect her dearly. A woman as she told me about her education, with regret in her eyes told me these words

"Education is the only way to get out, get out of this city and go somewhere and be a somebody."

And this,this one piece of advice, from a woman whose living on a council estate getting her and her family by, changed me. With this one piece of advice, I keep in my mind. I work hard for this quote, cause I don't want to be stuck in this city that is my hometown. I want to be educated, travel and go places and be my own person and not be held back by my social class. It's not a fools dream,as I go through my A Levels I am making this a reality. I cried the other week, I sobbed tears of joy as I received an offer from the University of my dreams; The University of Brighton. I'm predicted at the end of A Levels BBC and they offered me CCC. I sobbed because this lovely woman made me realise if you put in the work and follow your own direction you don't have to be attached to the constraints of your hometown. I'm not sure she is aware of the impact she has made on me, a neighbour of my sisters, this is to you. Thank you, you have no idea how much I think back to your words, when things are fussy and I feel like giving in sometimes, it is those words that put me back on track.

The best advice

Sunday 4 December 2016

I want a triangle tattoo, either both of them or someone dear to me have one and I have the other. It is simple yet meaningful. Here are several meanings;

Greeks believe the triangle to be symbolic of  a doorway. The thought was that the combination of polarities would provide a new opening or doorway to a higher wisdom.

A triangle has three sides, each side could represent something different;

  •  past, present & future
  • thought, feeling & emotion
  • creation, preservation and destruction
I feel like if I were to get the triangle(s) it would be tattooed on my bicep. I don't know why there but that is where I picture it in my head.


Wednesday 26 August 2015