Showing posts with label autumn. Show all posts

 The crunchy leaves beneath my shoes.

The cold air makes me wrap up just that little bit warmer. 

The first sip of my first pumpkin spice latte of the day.

Dark mornings, and even darker evenings. 

Oh Autumn, how I've missed you so. 

Enter Autumn

Saturday 1 October 2022

 The days are getting darker, quicker,

I yearn to be home the moment the skies begin to dim.

The way leaves crunch beneath my feet,

they used to spark excitement deep within.

The seasons are changing,

I am afraid I am changing too.

Once upon a time, I found joy in little things,

Now, I cannot remember the last time something made me stop and think.

Darker Days

Sunday 10 October 2021


I don't know about you, but I love seasonal reads! There is nothing better than welcoming in a new season with a book that gives off all the right feels. 

My favourite season is upon us: Autumn! I love the crisp leaves beneath my feet as I walk, the (many, so many) pumpkin spice lattes and all the spooky vibes this season brings us. I definitely feel my happiest at this time of year. As I write this I have a PSL to the right of me, I can see leaves falling off trees right outside the window. 

I have a few books lined to read this Autumn, but I am always looking to expand my horizons. I have curated a list for you, showcasing some books I think would be perfect to read this season:

  • The Light Between Worlds by Laura Weymouth - I loved reading this book last Autumn, the cover is stunning! 
  • Coraline - Neil Gaiman - perfect for a short spooky evening.
  • The Whitby Witches - Robin Jarvis
  • Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Comic series - Archie Comics
  • The Shining - Stephen King - perfect for those who like to scare themselves.
  • Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
  • The Bloody Chambers - Angela Carter
  • Pumpkin Heads - Rainbow Rowell
I'm enjoying my evenings with a good book, the wind howling outside. What do you plan on reading this Autumn? 

Autumnal Reading List

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Summer is coming to an end, and I couldn't be happier!
It means I only have a couple weeks left of working full-time, and University starts again. Summer has been long, I spent most of the Summer working  which lead to lots of time at the pub. I haven't been as creative as I would have liked to be, working sucks the life out of you. I did get a few books read, and I started my Sims YouTube channel - this  is still very productive and I am super proud! Summer was the start of  a new creative outlet.
Pumpkin Spice Lattes' are back and those autumnal feels are hitting me in every direction. Conkers falling from the trees leaves on the floor and the weather is getting colder. Autumn is heading our way and I am ready to snuggle in jumpers watching Hocus Pocus.
This will be my final year in Brighton, this time next year I will be in a whole new city. One year to make the most of this seaside town. I am more than ready for a new adventure.

Hello September > Hello Autumn

Sunday 1 September 2019

I have created a new blog! A blog especially for my photography, you can access the new blog in the tab underneath the blog title and alongside Desires. I won't be updating that blog as frequently as I update this one. So far I have one post, which is called Autumnal. Please check it out :) Here's the link in case you get lost

Photographing my heart

Tuesday 22 November 2016

To November,

I walk into you with high spirit, October has left me reeling with excitement, and I hope you will carry on to do so. It's now acceptable to bring out the Buble Christmas album, so my mornings will no doubt be more cheery. I'm hoping you will bring me sparks and explosions of happiness and goodness.
You are the penultimate month of twenty sixteen, a frightening yet warming thought. This time last year I started with aches and pains and this year? I begin with butterflies and smiles. I did rekindle my love for Sims this time last year too, which I still adore and plan on playing after I finish writing to you.
Last year I spoke of taking on any challenges you would throw at me, and this year? I think we will get along just fine. Over the years we grow and we are becoming more accustomed to one another, I'll take you step by step all whilst enjoying your company.

Until the thirtieth my friend.

To November

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Goodbye October,

A pleasant month you have been. You've shown me the true beauty of Autumn, you brought out my love for photography. This month you've shown me the leaves on the ground, the cold air that refreshes the world. This month you've made me feel blessed, blessed for the world we live in, blessed for having all my loved ones, blessed for all those who've have wrote a passage in my story. This may be the best October of my life, and all because of the little things life has to offer. I thank you for the happiness you've brought me, the shake  back to reality I trully needed.

I bid you farewell, until next time.

Goodbye October

Monday 31 October 2016

This afternoon I decided to go on a walk, admittedly it was to check out the new Pokemon GO event, which I am currently living for. Along the way I took pictures and actually enjoyed my surroundings. I don't think I have ever appreciated Autumn as much as I did today. It was inspiring and I loved being amongst the autumnal colours and it most refreshing. My walk inspired me to write a poem, as I was walking I was piecing it together in  my head, it wasn't set out to be a poem just a thought process but then when I returned home with many more Pokemon, I sculpted it together and below you have my poem alongside a very gorgeous picture I took today.

I fell in love today

With the patchy sky so grey 
Soggy leaves beneath my feet 🍁🍃
They beam at me with autumnal thoughts 
The trees above me🌳
Losing their leaves🍂
As I'm gaining my faith
Stepping through the autumn🍃🍂🍁
It's cold outside
But the colours warm me
Orange Greens and yellows 🍁🍂🍃
Welcoming passing ivory 
I fell in love today...

I fell in love today

Wednesday 26 October 2016

All the leaves are shedding
Under the bark of their old homes they lay
Touching the souls of my boots as I walk through the cold
Umbrella above my head battling the breeze
Mocha heat pressed to my lips in a shiver 
No other season is quite like this in it's aesthetic. 


Friday 7 October 2016

Dear October,

A spooky hello to you! I'm excited for your arrival, as with you you bring colours of orange and brown, early dark nights and pumpkins. You bring my love for hoodies and hot chocolate, and the need to put my feet up and watch Hocus Pocus. A busy month, but a one I am more than happy to greet. Please don't fly away from under my feet so soon.
Autumn you greet me with, and I greet you with open arms. Ready together we shall make the best of this.

Dear October

Saturday 1 October 2016

Today didn't go to plan, in the early hours of yesterday it seemed a migraine (or at least a terrible headache) began and it just won't budge. I've found it difficult to concentrate, my eyes have been hurting and a pounding in my head, no good. Thankfully I only had one lesson in college to day, so taking the day off I didn't miss much. The interview I had on Saturday (despite how well I thought it went) it seems I was unsuccessful for getting a job, I'm not dishearten by this though. It was my first ever interview, and I can learn from it and hopefully I will come up more successful in the future.
I am feeling a little (okay maybe a lot) drained today, these cold nights and mornings aren't helping. However, it is bed (more like all day) socks appropriate season, as well as hoodies and coffees, these aren't exactly specific to these season but they are typical. I do say the pretty leaves scrunched up upon pavements, or even as they fall from their trees, do make up for the darkness. Admittedly I am looking forward to Halloween, I might go to a friends gig then cuddle up in bed (with myself or the cat...) with my coffee (probably tea) and watch a couple of horrors (more like hocus pocus) whilst ignoring the children knocking at my front door, a plan fit for royalty indeed.
It seems this week is taking flight not so positively, oh well on and upwards eh?

Tuesday Terrors

Tuesday 20 October 2015

So as it seems the Summer has been whisked away and we are starting out in September! A busy month for most if not all! Realization is beginning dawn in that perhaps the summer was slightly wasted and that preparation should be done for another year in sixth form.

I have been taking some time away from writing and the blog, but I am back and ready to type till my hearts content. I kind of noticed that my blog doesn't really have a theme, I just post things from my daily life, my thoughts and whatever I write or ideas. So what this blog is about well, I'm not sure how to categorize it to be honest!

If you are reading my blog, at some random chance, please share as it would help a lot!

Hello September,

September you have arrived again, usually I dread you and wish there was someway to delay you. However, I have come quite accustomed to your arrival over the years.This time I am quite thrilled by your occurance, I am ready to begin a new term in my life. Turn over a leaf if you will, plus I have become quite in love with Autumn and the beauty it brings with it.

I will make this a good September, I welcome you with open arms and ready to take on any challenge you face me with!

Hello September!

Friday 4 September 2015