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Naturally, as a book lover, I’ve just got to make a post about World Book Day! A day we celebrate writers, novels, and creative beings. A day people dress up as their favourite characters, we celebrate writers and book creators from all platforms. World book day isn’t just for literature but for all means of storytelling, from novellas to graphic novels.

This post isn’t going to be a long one but on such occasion, I’m going to share my list of favourite  authors as well as share some pictures of my favourite books or just some books I’ve enjoyed reading. Reading is a big part of my life, not only because of my English degree but because books and reading is where I found myself. If it weren’t for books I probably wouldn’t be a writer, I mean I most definitely wouldn’t be a writer because I would never have met inspiring characters and explored different worlds which ushered me to create my own.
So below is a list of my favourite writers:
• Veronica Roth (Divergent will forever be my favourite trilogy plus Four!)
• J.K. Rowling 
•  Suzanne Collins (My second favourite trilogy)
• Harper Lee
•Miranda Heart (Comical genius)
• Charles Dickens
• F.Scott Fitzgerald 

There are many more writers I adore but I’ve kept the list short! Feel free to comment some of your favourite writers.

My sister has dressed my niece up for two years in a row. It seems we have a running theme. I didn’t dress up but I’m glad she did. She loves dressing up as well as books, she’s so into it, I love it. I love that children are eager to dress up, up and down the country children dressing up as their favourite characters and celebrating in school.

I think reading is important, I love that schools celebrate world book day. Sadly, my niece’s school is shut due to the weather but she loved dressing up regardless. Books are important and reading is vital for children to grow and learn. Even as I grow I’m always learning new things, broadening my horizons with books. I’ve been trying different genres, some I kind of wish I hadn’t but still gave it a go. And I will continue to do so. How can we learn if we just stick to what we know and like? Sometimes it’s good to read beyond your own bookshelf. 

World Book Day

Thursday 1 March 2018

There are endless amounts of books that I want to read, some I've already read and want to read again some I have come across recently and just fancy something different. I am trying to find more time to read, and I thought I ought to share my reading wish list with yous;

1) Warm Bodies -  Isaac Marion - Watched the film and adored it so it's about time I read it!
2)Let the right one in - John Ajvide Lindqvist 
3) To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee (Again)
4) Go Set  A Watch Man - Harper Lee 
5)Horns - Joe Hill - FYI he's the son of Steven King
6) Paper Towns - John Green - retry, the first time I gave up after the first chapter
7) Is It Just Me? - Miranda Hart (again)
8) Cat O'nine Tails - Julia Golding (again)
9) Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
10)The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S.Lewis 
11) Face - Benjamin Zephaniah  (again)
12) Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell
13) Harry Potter books - JK Rowling  (again!)
14) The Perks Of Being A Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
15) Divergent Trilogy, plus Four - Veronica Roth (again)
16) The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins (again)

That's all I can think of at the moment, I will obviously put the books I haven't already read as priority. A month from now I will make another post and we will see if I've ever many (or any) of the books on the list. This my reading wish list, what about you?


Wednesday 3 February 2016