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I have been trying to broaden my horizons on what I am reading but there is this one book that I always go back to. I read it at least once a year and the other night I finished reading it again. The Great Gatsby by author F.Scott Fitzgerald, infamous for his jazz novellas. I found Gatsby the year before college, and I remembered falling in love with the imagery and the characters. Fitzgerald has a way with words.  I had the pleasure of being in able to study Gatsby during my first year of the sixth form. I try to read different editions of the book and this year was an edition on Kindle and I found myself reading parts that I hadn't read before. Little excerpts that I was eager to read. I found a new quote that I have falling in love with.

I would like to pay close attention to some of my favourite quotes:
“ No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.
“ So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

“ I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.
 These are only a few of many quotes that have stood out to me over the years! 

If I had to name my favourite character I do think it would be Gatsby, he worked so hard to find his love and his death was tragic. He did everything for the love of his life (not necessary the right thing but good intentions were there) and I respect him for that. My least favourite character (let's be real I hate this one) Tom Buchanan. The absolute brute and horrible bloke. Daisy isn't far off this. My second favourite is Jordan Baker. She is absolutely everything, I love that she appears quite aloof and alluring to Nick.  She is very different from Daisy, she is more independent and owns herself. She doesn't chase after Nick and just understands that things are just the way they are. She has quite a sense of humour and is a close second favourite character. I have an odd opinion on Nick, I like the fella but he doesn't really add much to the story. I know he is the narrator and I respect he was the only one left at the end for Gatsby but I just don't have much love or hate for the character. He's just there if that makes sense? 

My favourite setting in the novel I have to say is The Valley of Ashes. I like the rawness of it compared the West and East Egg. The underbelly of the American dream. I particularly love Fitzgerald's imagery of the all-seeing eyes of Doctor TJ Eckleburg. The scenes in this setting are some of my favourites. Home of Wilson and Myrtle, I really like these characters. They are a prodigy of their times, wanting better for themselves but not quite able to grasp it. 

I can't end the blog post without briefly discussing the film adaptation. One of which I absolutely adore, I love how director Baz Luhrmann manages to capture Fitzgerald's bright world and parties. I love the modern soundtrack too, it really gives it a vibrant feel to the film. I cannot fault the casting at all, especially Toby Maguire as Nick Carraway. I like how the film alters the start and end by having Nick attending therapy, I thought that was quite a nice way to start the story but also is quite realistic after all Nick had been through that Summer in a short period time it would do serious damage to a person's mental health. Kudos to the film! Naturally, the book will always be better but the film is pretty decent.

I cannot believe in all five years of my blog this is my first Gatsby blog post, Gatsby has also yet to appear on my book sleeve! Is there a book you find yourself coming back to?

Gatsby? Gatsby.

Monday 5 October 2020