Showing posts with label alcohol. Show all posts
Every once in a while I feel the need for change, and this time I decided to change the layout of my blog. If you haven't noticed already... if you're on a phone you might not see the full change but I am working on phone layout too!  I just feel as though my old layout was getting a bit dull and I just wanted things a bit more lively!  I am living for my new colour scheme, and I have even changed somethings around. I just feel like a refresh really motivates me, it makes me want to write more and work harder on my blog. Instead of posting randomly whenever I feel like it. I am aiming to post weekly, sometimes my brain is just like 'naahh mate I've got nothing for you.' which isn't helpful but it's something I am working on.
I have been working on one of my other pages too.  I have added a new page Ramblings. I say new page but I edited the name and content of 'Desires' mainly because it sounded weird. I gave that page a little makeover too. I decided that it will be my rambling pages, where I get to write crap basically. Things that don't make the cut for my main blog, but is still important enough for me to want to write it. It's nothing serious. I did post a piece over on there today though, I had written it on my main blog a couple months ago but I don't think it's the right content for here, so I never posted it. I talk about clubbing and emotional comedowns, it's not a very chirpy blog post mind.
This post isn't exactly exciting but I am chuffed with my new layout.  I am aiming to try and post every Monday, mainly because I hate Monday's so I am trying this new thing out where I approach things positively. Instead of thinking 'oh fuck it's Monday' I am trying to think 'Yey blog day!!'. We will see how well this turns out!

New Layout & Ramblings

Tuesday 27 March 2018

There was a time when
I could forget the world
With a singular sour sip
a chug of burning
and I would no longer have;
to be  myself

I'd be a self made champion
a happy hero
all with my trusty dazing sidekick

it stopped
it betrayed me
my stomach got trapped in a whirl
I began to badly hurl
I left my trusty sidekick

Upon my return
Its' lips met mine with a grin
only it didn't work

It lost its magic
the power it had ran out
my once good friend has gone
I am no longer that champion
no longer that happy hero

happy hero

Thursday 29 December 2016

It was all fun and games until I puked in a guys bed...

I will tell you the backstory to the line above, and how I started in one place and ended in another, also not wearing my own clothes.

 I had been invited to a friends' party, it was an early celebration for her eighteenth. I spent the daytime with family and then went back home to get ready. Fast forward to when I meet friends, buy alcohol and then make our way to the hosts' house. We started drinking immediately, and well I was pretty much half way drunk within the first hour. I drank way too much too fast, I pushed my limits pretty much to the max. I did meet a lot of amazing people, I had such a good time until I felt sick. I was sick in the bathroom, the toilet thankfully, then that escalated to outside. Someone tied my hair up, I have no idea, The hosts' mother helped, like a lot. I was sick on myself (I didn't say this was going to be a clean or nice post) she put me into the room the hosts' brother. Where she got me some of his clothes, and I puked more into a bucket (apparently, I don't remember this part) the wonderful mother put me into his bed, where I lay for several hours trying to sober up. I'm not sure of the time but it was pretty late, I got out of the bed and went to the toilet, I needed to pee and then returned to the bed, where no more than five minutes later I was sick,a  lot. On his coat too, I don't know how that happened. It was awfully messy, I hated myself so much for it, I got a huge lecture from the mother (maybe rightly so) and he was pissed off, like I really can't blame him, but then he was also lovely about telling his mother to calm down on me, she made me cry. I don't cry much or infront of people but she reduced me to tears and asked me to leave, alcohol clearly makes me emotional.
 The party was in Rekington and I woke up in Palmserville. I had never been to either of these  places before. A good friend actually took me to his place, with him his girlfriend and another friend. His dad picked us up in his car, I was sick again but thankfully his dad pulled over so I could do it not in the car. When we got to the friends' he put me up in his spareroom, with a bucket next to the bed and a bottle water and some tissues. When I woke up this morning I couldn't be anymore thankful. He was so lovely, all of them were. I left about half ten, had to get the metro. I met with my mother, still wearing the hosts' brother's clothes and I was pretty much suffering a hangover from the offset. When I did get back to my sisters I just wanted to nap. Also I did apologise to the brother, mother and host this mornng, like as soon as I woke up. I had to,  I still feel awful about it. So far this has been my worst night like with alcohol I've never drank so much or reacted to it this way before, let's just say I will not be drinkng for a long time!
Typing this with the screen blaring in my face is difficult but I had to share my night with you guys!Hoping to recover by tomorrow, and thank you for reading.

I puked in a guys bed

Sunday 23 October 2016

Pour myself a drink
I'll pour you one too
Pour myself another
Swig gulp another

Tilt head back
In the shot goes
Tilt head back
In another shot

Clink a bottle here
Spill one there
Tip to lipase
Tilt head back.


Saturday 15 October 2016

Today is one of my best friend's birthday, Lou. Finally eighteen. She is gold, so funny and I am glad that we became friends last year, probably the only good thing tutor ever brought me; real good friends. We've had some good times so far, Edinburgh, weekly Bubble Cha during our only free, and many more to come.

Due to Lou's birthday being today, that didn't leave room to do much celebrating together as a friendship group due to sixth form tomorrow. So we celebrated together last night,

We went for a gorgeous meal on the Quayside (Check my Instagram for pictures) it was hilarious. I got absolutely drunk on this incredible drink called the Mad Hatter. It is for six people but I drank the majority of it, oh what goodness it was. Naturally, drunk Lauren got a slight bit disastourous. Fawz arranged a candle in Lou's dessert where we all got to sing to her. By this point, I drank the majority of the hat and as we were singing (out of tune) I sang the birthday song to Fawz, I was looking at Lou but well drunk Lauren doesn't think. Naturally, we were all howling, and Lou thought it was the best part of the night. I am forever making a tool of myself. Some other stuff happened which was super embarrassing but I'll leave that for another time.

After the meal we went back to Lou's where we drank further, played Cards Against Humanity and eat the best cake of my life. It was such a brilliant night, it was the most fun I have had in a long time.  Thank you Lou <3

Mad Hatter

Sunday 9 October 2016

Sunday I went to Brew Dog. It was my first time there, and oh my. I fell in love with the place instantly, and the pictures in the collage will show you why. It was so unique and mind blowing. The toilets had the 'Brew Dog' on the wall, and inside the cubicles there were shelves with Hairspray on, I literally cannot imagine anything more strangely glamorous. Where we sat, it was so comfy. The sofas were super chill, and the fairy lights, it seemed like a place I could only dream up, only it was real! Needless to say, I will be going back.

Brew Dog

Sunday 2 October 2016

Today, I feel wrecked. It feels as though I have been on a weekend bender. Only I haven't. Not at all, my head is spinning and any sudden movement makes me feel like I am about to throw up. I know I was drinking on Thursday but that's it for this week, maybe it is a delayed hangover. This tends to happen though, after drinking I get ill a couple days after. It's a bit unfair but I have zero sense to not drink again. So I'm spending my Sunday feeling like I am dying, I hope yours is much better.

Hangover without the alcohol

Sunday 21 August 2016

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 7 August 2016

Another one?
Larger, Liquor, what difference does it make?
Can you count how many you've had so far?
Oh another one, go on what could go wrong?
Happiness you say this brings you?
Oh another one, could you possibly consume more?
Larger, liquor, what a difference...


Monday 18 July 2016

Tonight I am meeting up with the girls for a reunion, we are going for drinks and what not so obviously with that comes preparation. For instance last night washing my hair plaiting it ready to take out in twenty minutes for huge hair and more prominent curls than my natural. I have eaten already, something healthy and not too heavy on the stomach. Checked my essentials to bring, and now I am sat on my bed in a towel just finished from a lovely hot bath ready to get clothes and what not. We are only going to a pub so I'm going to dress casual yet still try to look pretty good. However in order to currently feel excited right now I had to pass through the day's moodiness, sadness, the wanting to back out stage and the frustrated phase, which on any day I go out even if its for coffee these emotions are practically part of my routine. I did all the body stuff, like bubbles shaving and making myself feel the best I possibly can. Truth be told sure I am looking forward to seeing the girls, but this will be my first proper legal night out and I am excited, wait no thrilled to drink all of my senses away. I have sleeping arrangments, due to living far from town I will staying at my sister's so I will be less likely to fall asleep on the way home. Just about to start getting clothes on, I will post tomorrow and share all the details, hope you all have a good night!

Preparation Night Out

Friday 8 July 2016

Silly selfies with Demi
I planned out a cute outfit for today, but due to cold weather it got slightly altered, which in turned out for the best. I will show the outfit on Sunday's post, and give information and what not! I first when shopping with my mother, little brother, big sister and my lovely little niece. It was a fun few hours, and then with my sister and niece and went back to their house. Where I played with Kara, she practically forced me into letting her do my makeup, by makeup I mean bright pink lipstick being put everywhere but my lips!
 I then I met up with one of my friends, Demi. We hadn't seen each other in a while so we went to hers where she beautiful did my makeup, we went for Bubble Cha and had some good laughs. It was good to have such an amazing catch-up, it was short though but sweet. We are going out soon again, a couple hours simply isn't enough time for best friends to have a proper catch-up. It was so lovely to see Demi after so long, she is doing well with college and she has so much more confidence with herself. Damn I have missed her!

We went to our all time favourite place Bubble Cha, every time we meet up and go out it is our go to place. Who doesn't enjoy fruit tea with little jellies that pop in your mouth? Also on this day this was the first time I had been afterwards I was there again twice!
This time, we had Grapefruit tea with peach pebbles, interesting but lovely combination. We usually go for Mango tea with Pineapple jellies, or recently my favourite has been Blackcurrant fruit tea with peach pebbles, the combinations you can get are endless really.

Cheeky Nandos
From Bubble Cha I bid farewell to Demi as I had to go meet up with Catheryne for her birthday meal. I didn't know the other two girls but it didn't take us long to become acquainted, honestly by the end of the night I felt as though I've known the girls my whole life. We had a lovely meal at Nandos. I had a little cheat day as you can see! It was lovely, the chicken was hot and the chips were perfect. I didn't eat the salad, I was trying to be a tiny bit healthy but yeah that didn't go to plan. My beer was good, as sad as it sounds I always feel like extra-adult when being asked for my I.D. I gloat to myself almost, like yeah I am an adult.  We talked a lot, and I feel like I know Ca
theryne more than I did, in the best way possible of course. And the girls Emma and Georgia I hope to see them again in the future!
Selfie with the birthday girl
After the meal we all got a little merry, more laughter selfies we got a little deep with conversation. I got terribly drunk with my smart idea of mixing vodka and Bubble Cha (the reason for visiting again) I have to say it was a good idea. Even though my leg got covered in vodka. These girls are hilarious, and I had such a genuinely good time. I rolled in at my sisters house at half 10.  I slept not so well, dehydration is the worst effect of alcohol. Lucky for me I don't get hangovers!
Emma, Catheryne, Georgia and myself!


Thursday 26 May 2016

This is the second week of my weekly favourites, the majority of the photos in these collages are from my 18th on Wednesday!

As you can see there has been quite a bit of alcohol involved this week... also Pizza! Don't worry this won't be a continous theme in my weekly favourites, this is just because it's been an important week.

Weekly Favourites

Sunday 27 March 2016

Last night went amazingly, there were drinks, laughter, loud music, and even facebook messages (oops). I discovered two things last night 1) Drunk Lauren is way better at bowling than Sober Lauren 2) Heels should be worn cautiously. I had a blast, the four of just enjoyed the game. I nearly lost my the bowl and on the way home I almost had an ankle injury. Along with that I even sent some of my friends some selfies, they weren't embarrassing ones so it is okay, they were just drunk ones. Admittedly, it doesn't take me long to get drunk, a double vodka and coke kick started that off!
This morning I expected to wake up with a horrible hangover but it seems that wasn't the case. I spent the whole day chilling in bed with my best friend, where we gossiped, laughed, listened to music, eat food and watched videos until I left about three. Due to match day madness (my team winning!) I didn't get home until five. I then bathed and I've been playing online Chess with one of my dearest friends, turns out I'm pretty crap at that too!
Tomorrow I plan on getting whatever work I have done, and then maybe spend a few cheeky hours on Sims! This weekend has been well needed, and I hope to make it a monthly thing because it's lovely and it's nice to go out have a few drinks and not have a single care or worry in the world!

The Day After

Saturday 6 February 2016