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As of a couple of days ago, I handed in my last bit of Uni work, and I have now finished my degree! Three emotional years, it’s been such a wild ride. For the past three years, I have been studying English Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Brighton.  I have learned so much in the space of three years, things about my degree and many things about myself. I have met so many amazing people, new friends and I have experienced so many new things. University has been the best time of my life so far, granted it has not been easy. At times I just wanted to give up, sometimes I felt like I would rather be anywhere else. The friends I had made in Brighton have really kept me going, and have quite frankly kept me sane.  From Maccies drives with my number one to Ramen nights' with a housemate. Everyone I have met has really contributed to my time in Brighton. There has been a lot of laughter and a lot of tears. Yesterday, I celebrated with a small get-together (following lockdown rules) and popped a few bottles of champagne. I never had champagne before and can confirm it does not taste so great, two bottles almost to myself did get me a little tipsy. It was a lovely celebration with family when it all calmed down and I had a moment to myself I felt emotional. It finally hit me that I have achieved something so great and now it is all over. I am sad that we could not end the year with a massive celebration due to Covid-19 but we will all see each other again at our graduation ceremony in February.  A chapter of my life has ended and now it is time for my next adventure, a new chapter awaits me!

Class of 2020

Sunday 14 June 2020

The last two excursions were half days, so I figured it would be best to connect them in one post.  On one of the trips, I got MANY photos and the other literally zero photos. Granted this is because one of them I was in a submarine and the other I was under water.
Out of both trips I have to say the Submarine was my favourite, this was the trip I was looking forward to the most. I had never been inside of a Submarine up until this point so I was more than eager for the experience. This post mainly pictures, there really isn't much to say.

 I was so impressed with the Submarine, I did feel a little sick by the end of it though. I am not a good traveller it seems. SO many fish were seen, I mean I cannot tell you what types of fish or names but they were all really pretty. It was also cool being underwater, in a machine and still being able to see the sea life.

 Snorkeling was something I had never done before, I had given it a go. It was cool seeing turtles but I just didn't enjoy the snorkeling all that much. I am glad I tried it though, something to tick off the list!
The place we did the snorkeling 'Turtle Bay' was so pretty, it had cool huts and an ice cream place which had the cutest decor.

You're probably glad that this is the last time I'll go on about Egypt, my regular posts should start up again. I might try to post two days a week but we shall see! Thank you for reading, and have you been anywhere cool this Summer? Leave a picture below of your favourite Summer memory!

Submarines and Snorkling

Tuesday 2 October 2018


As promised here is my Uni post! However, due to there being a lot of content and things to write about I have decided to section things. This way you aren't scrolling down forever plus I have limited free time due to studying. So this post will be about moving to University, how I'm coping and meeting my flatmates and what not- the basics and the beginning. I shall be doing a few Uni posts in the future about different topics such as: Making my room my own, Night Life, Lectures and Seminar tips and just how I am dealing with everything. I may even make Uni posts a weekly thing and my other content just whenever I feel like it. So, let's begin.

Newcastle Central Station
23rd of September I moved to Brighton. At 04:45AM I sobbed farewells to my family and set off down South. After 6 and a half hours of traveling,  a change over in London I arrived at Brighton station, feeling overwhelmed and excited to the core. This was the first time being in the city on my own. I had previously been here with my mother so it was bizarre to be lugging a case figuring out my next step.

I say lugging a case because that's all I came up with, a huge heavy ass case and a bulging backpack. I did this journey alone because for a long time I have had this need to be independent. I was sobbing on the train but decided to spend the majority of my train journey between small naps, drinking hot chocolate and reading a book.

I couldn't pack my entire 19 years of life into a single case so back home I packed everything and got everything I had missed delivered down to me- which has been mighty convenient. Plus I love that feeling of knowing you have a delivery on its way- extremely satisfying. My family is the best! Being so supportive and patient with me- thanks parents for sending my belongings down and surprises!

London was busy, like always. I love London but it's just so rushed. You never get the chance to absorb your surroundings. I was worried when I arrived in London, I had no clue where I was or where to go next. Google Maps- always the answer. To be fair, I was only at Kingross and needed to get to St Pancras International- it is literally around the corner. It was definitely a dumb moment on my part.

From Brighton station, I got into a taxi to my accommodation campus Varley Park. The driver was lovely and advised me on taxi services and student nights out. He essentially was the first person I talked to upon my arrival.

As soon as I had arrived I got my keys, this was very exciting. Into the flat I moved, I met my housemates one by one at various times through the day. I was worried about this-  but I really shouldn't have been. Almost two weeks later and I feel like I have known my 4 flatmates my entire life- they're funny, crazy, slightly alcoholic but most of all the best flatmates  I could have ever asked for. However, we do have some communication issues. Mainly because I am a northerner. There has been a couple of times where what I've said has been mistaken for something else. Last week I offered a flatmate a can of dark fruits- they thought I said dog food. I still laugh at this. The other day, I got a delivery with my hulk (teddy) and I've been excited about it the whole week. I showed him to my flatmates in our group chat, and well. For the entire week, they thought I'd been saying 'hug' they just assumed I named a stuffed animal hug.

I love my room, I am excited to show you guys the transformation.

The first week was crazy, nights out, attending introductory lectures. I think the first week was hard on me, by the weekend I had homesickness swelling in my heart. Every time I FaceTime a family member I come off the phone almost sobbing. I miss Kara, my niece, especially. I miss taking her to nursery, and picking her up. Reading her books before sleeping, and having lazy days watching Moana and Trollz on repeat. I miss her waking me up every morning, just because she wanted to see me. It's strange going from seeing someone every day to literally not being able to see them until December.

I am not as homesick now, but little things make me miss home. Like the other night, we had crumble for pudding, and it instantly made me miss my dad. He makes the best homemade rhubarb crumble known to mankind. Sleeping is still uneasy on me, the first night I slept so much but that was due to exhaustion of traveling and since it's been a few hours here and there. I sleep better through the day than at night. My wonderful mother has sent up my hulk, you will probably see him in the photographs on the next Uni post. He smells of home and he's good to cuddle. My mother also sent up a huge wool blanket she knitted, especially for Uni. I love it so much, I think I would be a mess and even more homesick without it. A little piece of home with me.

I have always known I wanted to move away from home, and I have always anticipated it as this great big adventure, which it is, I just didn't give it a thought about how much I'd actually miss home. I don't regret my decisions, I am excited about the future and I love University. I just think it will take some time to get used to.

Until next week!

The Move ((University))

Saturday 7 October 2017

We all have this little bubble, it's our safe place. It's everything we know and are used to, it's something we can control, something we can run back to when things get a little too much. Sure it's good to feel safe and follow your own little pattern through life. From time to time is good to step outside of that bubble, take some risk and have an adventure, experience new things and live a little. It's the strange curious adventures you will look back on the most, sure it may not go to plan but sometimes the best things are outside of the box. Breathe, stop thinking and walk forward, do something challenging, enjoy life and scribble outside of your box and take it further pages. You don't have to, it is your choice. Life is your choice, you decide what you do or do not do. It's your pen, don't let someone else handle it and draw the lines for you, the lines are for you to discover.

the lines

Friday 28 October 2016

I'm packing hope and filling my heart with adventure. Gathering my thoughts and preparing my stance.I am leaving and I shall not return. Villages await me. Even when I do return I won't be the same person. Understand, this isn't a bad thing, it is the best thing. Passenger of life, I am ready for the world.

Passenger of Life

Wednesday 29 June 2016