In a world divided by factions based on virtues, Tris learns she's Divergent and won't fit in. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris and the mysterious Four must find out what makes Divergents dangerous before it's too late.
I adored the movie, usually when books are made into movies they don't come out the same, or the movie doesn't do the book the justice it deserves. However, with the Divergent film that not the case. The book is better however the movie isn't far off!
The movie made me fall in love with Eric (Jai Courtney) the whole bad ass instructor thing is so appealing to me and the actor is definite eye candy!
The whole story line, characters and just everything is faultless! I thoroughly enjoy watching Divergent, I haven't met someone who hasn't! It is exciting, you can't take your eyes from the screen!
I love the whole concept of that we cannot be categorized, we will always fall into more than one label. The way it is portrayed in the film is incredible.
AMAZING CASTING! The cast is so on point, and fit the roles they are playing so well. Kudos for the perfect casting roles, Eric however isn't how he is portayed in the book as in looks, but I am so glad of that because damn Jai!!
I shall be watching Insurgent next to keep an eye out for the review for that!