Showing posts with label acrostic poem. Show all posts
Excited to go home
Cold weather
Elation of spirit
Merriness in high volume
Break- we all need this one
Entertainment all month round
Reindeer we do not care for- just family


Friday 1 December 2017

So I'm trapped in this flurry of light
Pause this please I need a moment
Oh what do you mean I cannot stop it?
Take your time and stand in line
Lights like this are harsh
I need to make my own decisions
Get away, get out all of you
How can I think with all this noise?
Tough? I'm stuck under this spotlight


Wednesday 28 December 2016

I think

That this is beautiful
How life works
All around us 
Never ending things
Keep happening.


Tuesday 20 December 2016

Hurt me if you will
Eventually I will heal
After the last I did and I will again
Really I am ready and willing
To infinity and beyong


Tuesday 13 December 2016

Love yourself, and every inch of yourself
Inspire yourself and other
Keep your head held high
Even when things aren't going to plan
Selfish? No, it's just called looking after number one.


Sunday 11 December 2016

One month, one whole month
Never have I ever had so much fun
Every second I've learned something new

Memories are being made
One day at a time
Never do I want this to go away
To one month and hopefully many more
How you've made me so much happier!

One Month

Saturday 3 December 2016

December is my favourite
Everyone is festive
Christmas it on its way
Evenings become cold
Many layers to keep us warm
Brushing past other busy shoppers
Everyone getting ready for the oe day
Ready for a blissful family gathering


Friday 2 December 2016

Up to this point this is what you've worked for
Never did you think you would survive to this point
It took time, tears and traumatic stress
Vigilance and determination
Every second has paid off
Ready for your next big ass adventure?
Stress doesn't stop here it just gets better
I believed in myself and I'm almost there
Time has been against me and backed me into covers
Yet here I am ready for the next part of my life


Saturday 22 October 2016

Can I go in today?
Oh look at free
LOL only been in an hour today
Let's just nap the teacher won't notice
Everyone else hasn't done it either
Go on I dare you, let's get drunk
Everyone here is either drunk or high?


Friday 21 October 2016

Stress, stress and did I say stess?
I have so many essays to do
Xxxx - does he like me?
Thanks for the extention sir.
Hurry up this food queue is huge

Fuck, when will this end?
Ooo look at that a social life
Really how can I balance all of this?
May as well give up now

Sixth form

Thursday 20 October 2016

Hey there let's be friends
Into friendship groups we go
Gosh I hate her
Heck no I fancy him

So you talk shit about me?
Cool I don't care
Have you been here long?
Oh just get me out of here
Only one real friend
Look at all these snakes

High School

Tuesday 18 October 2016

School sucks
Can you hear the names?
Help me, no one can hear you
On it goes
Only it doesn't end when high school starts
Look,  you will survive, there's always college


Sunday 16 October 2016

Can you hear the alcohol
Everyone laughing
Loving the atmosphere
Eating delicious food
Bringing friends together
Real love for one another
All around smiles
Everyone around one table


Saturday 8 October 2016

All the leaves are shedding
Under the bark of their old homes they lay
Touching the souls of my boots as I walk through the cold
Umbrella above my head battling the breeze
Mocha heat pressed to my lips in a shiver 
No other season is quite like this in it's aesthetic. 


Friday 7 October 2016

Friday? Cool
Unload the week's troubles
Nap the whole weekend


Monday 3 October 2016

Spice on your tongue
Poison on your mind
Intensified negativity 
Together infuriating
Enemy to yourself!!


Thursday 29 September 2016

Fuck, it's happened again
On this cycle it moves forward
Only to move back
Like a spinning top
Spinning but never coming to a stop


Wednesday 28 September 2016

Saying how I feel isn't an easy thing
Everything I say comes out wrong
Not that I don't know what to say
Saying my feelings outloud come out differently
In my head it sounds much better
To be honest, I feel a lot
I feel and think way too much
Vast world of nonsense and tangled thoughts
Every second of every damn day


Tuesday 27 September 2016

Self obsessed
Every angle controlled
Learning to love yourself
Fear of judgement
I decide how to be seen
Everyone else can just look away


Sunday 25 September 2016

Words escape me
Only they also don't
Really they're my friends
Decent companies
Sentence us together forever


Wednesday 21 September 2016