I have been inspired to start writing poetry daily. Quite a few writers I know have been taking part in #Escapril on Instagram and have inspired me to take part in #WriteWhatYouMay. If you don’t know what this is, it’s basically daily poetry prompts. You get a prompt each day, and you basically write a poem inspired by said prompt. This is a very Instagram based thing, which I find cool because you don’t see much poetry on mainstream media and I’m glad to see this change. 
Today’s prompt was ‘Body Positive Club’ and I wrote a short poem, will post below, over on my Instagram story (go follow my account to see all my daily poems @writingmyheart) I will be attempting to post every day. I thought I’d come and share this over on my blog, only I won’t be posting every day over here just maybe the best poem of the week or maybe every day. I am unsure!