I love a good meme, they're humorous and brighten your life for like 30 seconds at a time. We all see them as jokes and as of 15 minutes ago I just thought that all they do is make people laugh. Until I came across Wentworth Miller's facebook post. He mentioned something he had posted prior and how it effected him, so naturally I went to check it out. And it was about the meme that went around of him comparing him from prison break to a point in his life in 2010 where he gained weight with the caption about McDonald's monopoly. I had seen this meme prior to the post and found it amusing but then I read the every emotive piece he had to say about it and how in the second picture he was at a rough time in his life and how food was one of the things he used to help him through it, and like it hit me. Like how relatable that is, like all I've known is food and how I turn to it to heal my wounds to make me feel better to enjoy when I do feel good. I used to binge eat (sometimes still do) and his post brought tears to my eyes. I felt so guilty of ever laughing at that meme, and how horrible it is it ever happened. To mock a person for a time in their life where they were basically in the shit and god I just. I like others at first don't think these things have effect and they do, they god damn do. He's so strong for coming back the way he did and speaking out, personally if it had been me I know I would have crumbled and cried and just I couldn't handle it and every time I'd see it I would break down every single time, and his response speaking out damn that takes bravery. He is inspirational. He is much more than hot actor who played a role in prison, and I just feel bad. I feel bad for the memes ever happening even though I have no control over it. I feel guilty for ever finding it amusing. I'm sorry Wentworth.
The point I'm making is, we see things and laugh and we don't ever think of the context. Or the things these people are going through at the time, instead we share these things and not even taking the person they're about into consideration. These things tear people a part and we need to be aware that everything we do can effect those around us. And yeah Wentworth is a famous actor, or any famous person, they are people just because they're recognised internationally at something they're good at and have their lives publicised (sometimes they don't) it doesn't mean they aren't human or don't get insecure.
I see things clearly now, we should just be careful on the negative crap we share. Even if you disagree with something don't share it, because you're making it more famous. We need to just be aware of the things, and just wonder if what if you were that person this memes about? How would you feel, I bet it wouldn't be good.
So this is today's post, a rant you could call it, I just needed to get this out of my system and just share my thoughts on it. Thank you for reading and I'll be back tomorrow with Thursdays usual quote of the week.
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