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 I have been wanting to create a sim version of Alice for a while now, in this creation I have made her a modern teenager. I enjoy making this quick Sim, I also worked on a quick building. 

I decided to make Alice a little preppy in the screenshots below, I figure we mainly see her in one outfit so I explored other ones. I kept her hair the same throughout just so it resembles Alice somewhat.

I did create several outfits but the two above were my favourites. Below is the build mode I created, I just played around with size. Huge plants, small chairs etc. I really enjoyed this quick creation, I don't think I'll go onto gameplay with her but this as just something quick to do. 

I think my favourite part of this was magnifying the plants to give it a wild forest feel to the build. Have any of you created fictional places from books? I want to create more, but I am not very confident with Build Mode so I am just messing around with creations. I am not sure what I will be working on next but I don't think I will be playing Sims as much as I like to due to upcoming deadlines.

Sim Alice #2 Build Mode

Friday 13 April 2018