Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

 Won't you have a coffee with me?

Sit across from me and let me learn your soul,

here, unlock my heart and take the key,

I dare you to make me feel whole.

Sip at your coffee and let me gaze into your eyes. 

Welcome to my brain that is a storm;

falling in love with me probably isn't that wise,

Have coffee with me, and let's make this a home.

Coffee with me

Tuesday 27 August 2024

 The Moon is a lesbian.

How do I know?

She demands my attention,

shining like the boldest in the room.

In my slumber, my body aches for her; 

I awaken and look out for her every night. 

My mind feels settled when I see her.

She is safe, and she is home.

When I am with her, she makes me feel whole.

 Every fibre in my being yearns for her.

She is always there.

I know I’m not her only one. 

There were many souls before mine,

and there’ll be even more after.

All who caught her gaze swore to love her.

Not me; I worship her.

I lay naked in her light,

embracing her energy as her rays touched my skin.

She empowers my soul, making me feel intensely,

electricity surging through my veins.

She is the almighty divine and powerful,

invigorating and delicious.

She takes my breath away

every single time.

The Moon is a lesbian,

And she’ll forever have my heart.

This poem is from my poetry collection, The Moon is a Lesbian. You can order a paperback version or purchase the new extended version on Kindle here. If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read the collection for free!

The Moon is a Lesbian (Poem)

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Hello lovelies!

As some of you may know, on my 25th birthday last year, I published my very first poetry collection, The Moon is a Lesbian! It's almost the first anniversary, and I am still shocked at how much support I received and all the love people have given to it. It is a proud moment when people buy your books (some even take pictures with them and cry each time).  

 Publishing the collection was definitely a highlight of 2023. It made some great sales and, at one point, ranked 9 on Amazon's LGBTQ+ Anthologies list, which was just incredible. Since the release, I've been writing my heart out (as always) and have decided that on the year anniversary (23rd March 2024), I will be releasing a Kindle version of The Moon is a Lesbian. However, it will include some new poems!! So far, ten new poems, but more could be added between then and now!

I altered the cover slightly, wanting the Kindle version to look somewhat different from the physical copy. So, here is the cover for the Kindle edition of my poetry collection:

In case you didn't hear about it the first time, the collection is filled with personal poems that cover the topics of love, lesbian life, coming out, mental health, politics, queer panic, and all that is in my heart. I'm excited to share this extended poetry collection with you in the upcoming weeks! 

Keep an eye out, and thank you as always for reading my blog and supporting my words <3 

Kindle Edition

Monday 11 March 2024

I know my own heart,

even if my brain sometimes doesn't feel like my own.

I feel intensely, even when I wish I wouldn't,

but I know that I know what's best for me.

It isn't always a good thing, but I know the sadness doesn't last forever,

I love how happiness feels, and laughter splurges from my soul.

I also know happiness can be fleeting-

but a bad day doesn't make a bad life.

Happiness Can Be Fleeting

Thursday 3 August 2023

I was sober.

Until I wasn't.

I forgot how good wine tasted,

how good wine would make me feel.

After a rough day,

a bottle of wine greets me like a wife I never had.

Never disappointed in my being,

but always there to soothe and listen.

I was sober,

until I wasn't.

The Wife I Never Had

Tuesday 20 June 2023

 Hello, lovelies!

It has been an incredible couple of days. Yesterday, I turned 25, and The Moon is a Lesbian was officially published and shared with the world! What a way to enter the next stage of my life!

Everyone in my life has been so supportive, and I feel so grateful for every single person. My heart has never felt so full before. When my copy was delivered today, I felt this overwhelming state of pride. I did it. My name is on a book I wrote- it feels surreal! From sharing my poetry on my blog here to actually being able to flick through a book to read them is insane to me. 

I've had the aspiration of publishing a poetry collection for many years. I've mentioned it so much on the blog, and now I can share the link with you so you can purchase The Moon is a Lesbian! I can't thank you enough, yes, you, the reader. I appreciate everyone who wanders onto my blog and reads my words. It means the world to me that you read what I have to say. Thank you!

The Moon is a Lesbian

Friday 24 March 2023


Hello, lovelies!

I am back with the cover reveal for my new upcoming poetry collection: The Moon is a Lesbian. I am super excited about it all,  we're a couple of days away from the publishing date! 

You can buy your copy on the 23.03.23!! 

Out 23.03.23

Wednesday 22 March 2023

Pros of being a poet:

Pouring out your heart.

Cons of being a poet:

Pouring out your heart.

A Poet

Sunday 29 January 2023


Today, I healed my inner teen.

I refuse to immortalise her online anymore,

She is no longer the person I wish to be,

Or wish for the world to see.

She deserves to be healed and be in peace.

I’m no longer my sixteen-year-old self,

We’ve loved, lost and grown as a person.

I feel that I am someone she’d be proud to be.

I’ve parted ways with my teen self,

I no longer wish for her naivety or a smaller waist.

But I thank her, I owe her a lot.

I thank her for being passionate and forever hopeful,

I am proud of who she was,

And who she has turned out to be.

Healing my inner teen

Monday 16 January 2023

 Live for yourself,

don't live up to expectations,

Break your own heart,

don't let anyone shatter your kindness.


Sunday 27 November 2022

 Always pondering,

wondering what could be.

Day dreaming for better,

sobbing over the never could be.

Never present,

but always full of thoughts.

Sad Girl Hours

Friday 18 November 2022

 I liked you better before I knew you,

the idea of you was sweeter than the reality.

I prefer the version of you,

that stays inside of my head.

I Liked You Better

Friday 28 October 2022


He gives each of his lovers his entire being,

and loves them with his whole heart.

He looks for long-lasting love,

he thinks quick and easy love is a farce.

He promises complete devotion,

a kind of love you only see in old films. 

He'll chase the girl across the globe

just so she'll be his world.

Mister gives her his all,

but always end ups being Mister all alone.

She'll be his world

Monday 3 October 2022

 The crunchy leaves beneath my shoes.

The cold air makes me wrap up just that little bit warmer. 

The first sip of my first pumpkin spice latte of the day.

Dark mornings, and even darker evenings. 

Oh Autumn, how I've missed you so. 

Enter Autumn

Saturday 1 October 2022

 The days are getting darker, quicker,

I yearn to be home the moment the skies begin to dim.

The way leaves crunch beneath my feet,

they used to spark excitement deep within.

The seasons are changing,

I am afraid I am changing too.

Once upon a time, I found joy in little things,

Now, I cannot remember the last time something made me stop and think.

Darker Days

Sunday 10 October 2021

Whenever I tell anyone that I am a writer, the first thing they ask is 'what kind of things do you write?' I struggle to answer this question every. single. time. Why is this?

I usually start by telling them about the pieces of writing that I am currently working on. At the minute, they are my feminist and queer fairytale collection and my poetry collection. Even though these are what I currently call my most important pieces, they aren't the only things that I am currently working on. That pile is quite big. 

I know some writers like to stick to a single genre and that is absolutely chill! I have my go-to genre: supernatural! I didn't realise this for a while, it wasn't until recently when I was thinking about everything I have ever written and found that supernatural themes ran through most of my work. I do enjoy dipping my nib into other genres, I think it's important to step outside of my writing comfort zone to improve my skills.

My poetry is quite reflective of my thoughts, feelings and experiences. I pour my heart into my poetry. Not to say, I don't pour my heart into my stories but I see poems as more of a little journal or diary entries. I use stories to tell a much bigger story or meaning. 

I am currently re-editing some of my old work. As a teenager, I had written stories on Wattpad and adult me is a little embarrassed and wish I had proofread back then. I am now going through all my old live pieces and tidying them up as well as fixing any plot holes. I am enjoying diving into my old work. If you're a writer I recommend revisiting your older work and I promise you that you'll see improvement in your craft, you may even get a slight feeling of nostalgia too!

I try to write in my journal most days, sometimes as a writer, I have lots of ideas and things swimming around inside of my head. Journalling helps me to empty my thoughts clearing my head to help me prepare to write other bits. Sometimes a character will be stuck in my head, so I often journal little scenes that I can later come back to. Journalling is one of my favourite hobbies, it's particularly useful for emptying my thoughts at the end of the day so I can sleep better.

Of course, I write content for this blog! If you're new here I have been writing on here since 2015, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. This blog has had a shift in tone, I used to write about anything and everything and now I focus on more bookish content as well as my own personal writing. I know I haven't been posting as much recently I am working on this, life got a little hectic but I love writing for you guys.

I don't think many writers have just one piece they are working on, there will always be something in the 'work in progress' pile! As well as all of the above, I am a copywriter. My day job contains lots of writing and I wouldn't have it any other way! Sometimes I don't always feel like writing after a day at work but I always make sure to write something each day- this is where journalling comes in handy.

So, what do I write? A bit of everything really.

What Do I Write?

Tuesday 28 September 2021

 Right here, right now

this is my stage.

To share with you all of my rage,

rage fucking rage.

My rage is because my body is a topic,

it almost feels like it doesn't belong to me.

Everyone seems to have an opinion,

too fat, not pretty, she must be lazy.

Fuck you, that's not the real me,

but you see what you want to see.

I live for me, and only me.

My rage is for my period,

for wanting it to stop.

I don't want children,

but I am told what if?

I shouldn't need a reason, 

I shouldn't need an excuse.

Don't project your ideals onto me,

for my life is happily childfree.

My rage is for men's opinions on abortions,

you don't have a vagina, you don't get to talk here.

"But a bloke should have a say?"

Why should a woman give birth if she doesn't want to,

spill your sperm somewhere else,

a child shouldn't be left to be a woman's burden.

Just say you hate women and move along.

I rage because as a lesbian I am not taking seriously,

apparently, I just need a bit of dick inside of me,

I'm not sorry sir, I'm not attracted to tools,

even if I wanted dick it wouldn't be from a fool.

Leave me be, I am a woman loving woman.

I rage from the top of my lungs,

knowing it will never be enough.

Our struggles, our bodies always the topic,

fuck that, now drop it.


This is my response to WritingMyPrompt August's prompt.

Rage On A Page

Tuesday 31 August 2021


This week I come to you with a post about the things that I am currently working on! I have quite a few pieces of writing in progress, I am trying to split my time between them all. It allows me to jump from one piece to another, especially if I am not vibing with a certain piece at the time. I always have something else to work on. 

Whilst keeping my creativity stimulated I have been running my new Instagram (@dollysfunkos) where I take photos and share my addiction to Funko Pops! My collection is forever growing and I don't see this stopping in the near future. I love getting creative with photography and it's becoming one of my favourite hobbies! The Funko Community are ever so lovely.

 I am currently reading Jack of Hearts (and other parts) by L.C Rosen. I am thoroughly enjoying the book so far, and I cannot wait to share the book review with you. I have been reading this one for a little while now, not that it is particularly long but I have been in a reading funk. I am getting myself out of this funk though! Chapter by chapter I am falling back in love with reading. Next on my reading list is The Green Mile by Stephen King.

My main writing focus is my Fairytale Collection. The collection doesn't have a name yet but I know it will come to me the more I write and work on the fairytales. The idea of writing a fairytale collection was inspired by my Dissertation. I am creating my own collection of feminist and queer fairytales.  I intend the collection to be accessible for all ages, something to inspire children as well as adults. I am having such a good time writing this collection, it may be the best piece of work of mine yet.  I shared the first story in the collection with the blog a little while back: Such A Fall. I am loving writing queer characters that I (and others in the LGBTQ+ community) can relate to! I am unsure when this work will be complete but I am not rushing the process, just enjoying it.

I am currently putting together a poetry collection of all my best works. I am hoping to self publish the collection in the future. I have really become to adore poetry, and I find it such an amazing way to express myself. I love sharing my work with the blog, the messages I receive are so heartwarming. I know I have a long way to go with tailoring my poetry and learning more, but to capture where I am with a collection would be a dream come true. It gives me chills thinking about flipping through a book of my own poetry - so keep an eye out for this in the future! I am hoping to have published this before the end of 2021!

A few things are going on in my life, from a potential new career starting soon,  to a blooming relationship and friendships. I hate to jinx myself but I actually feel put together. Is this adulting?  I am going to finish the book I am reading this week and I will be back next week with a book review. Hope you all have a fabulous week. 

Work in Progress

Tuesday 11 May 2021

 I never thought I'd learn to love again,

the shattered pieces I look at in disbelief.

I don't feel that familiar cold dread in my chest,

no voices talking me out of this.

I found you,

I am relearning all that I know.

My heart beats faster than it ever did,

this love is different from before.

This love feels gentle,

no games: just our hearts,

I know this is only the start

but loving you isn't hard.

 You make me feel whole,

I know this may not be forever,

I have never felt like that before,

but I like us being together.

Thought of you

Wednesday 5 May 2021


I hope you are having a great week! Recently, I have been delving into more poetry and revisiting poems that I absolutely adore. I go through phases where I don't read poetry for months and then I get a sudden spark and I end up spending the whole week obsessing over it. 

Ideally, I would like to read poetry more consistently but also be exposed to a variety of poets instead of finding comfort in my old favourites! I recently signed up to Poetry Foundation and I opted into being sent daily poetry. So once a day, every day I receive a poem in my emails. Each one different from various poets from around the globe! 

I have been revisiting my favourite anthologies, the first-ever poetry book I purchased was Blythe Baird's Give Me A God I Can Relate To. Pictured to the right. Her words are powerful, I particularly love watching her Button Poetry performances, she such a passionate writer. She is one of my absolute favourite modern-day poets.  

In the future I hope to release my own poetry anthology, I have been writing poetry for as long as I can remember. It would be a dream to see all my poetry together in a collection. One day!

I decided this week I will share with you a list of some of my favourite poems:

  • Robert Browning's The Laboratory 
  • Robyn Schife: Dyed Carnations
  • Asia Samson: 90s Love
  • Alice Futon: Claustrophilia
  • Emily Dickinson: 
  1. Because I could not stop Death 
  2. If you were coming in the fall
  3. I'm Nobody! Who are you?
  • Halsey: Battles
  • Sabrina Benaim: The Loneliest Sweet Potato
  • Blythe Baird:
  1. Pocket-Sized Feminism
  2. This Is Why I Sink
  3. Horoscopes for Forgiveness
These are just some of my favourite go-to poems from the top of my head, these writers are inspiring and their work sparks my soul. I highly recommend you choose to read at least one of my list, I think you will enjoy them. What is your all time favourite poem?

My Favourite Poetry

Thursday 22 April 2021