Showing posts with label New Year’s Eve. Show all posts

There is a million things I could comment on about this year, how I’ve had the most difficult year of my life or how I’ve achieved things I never thought I could. 

I’ve lost people, and been heartbroken but I have also gained the most amazing flatmates and course friends. 

I got into University and moved away from home to my favourite city: Brighton.

I’ve learned to value my friends and family and appreciate all the little things in life. 

It’s been such a confusing year, from laughing into early hours to breakdowns on the kitchen floor. I’m not going to lie and say I’ve got my shit together this year, because I really don’t and I very much doubt I will any time soon. 

I’m not making resolutions for the New Year, I just want to be happy and healthy. I figure after 2017, I can pretty much tackle whatever 2018 throws at me!

So let the New Year celebrations commence, I wish you all the best! 

Goodbye 2017

Sunday 31 December 2017