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The title isn't clickbait. I failed to reach the goal of 50,000 words by the end of November. I know exactly where I went wrong and I thought I should tell you all about it. If you've no idea what I am talking about I suggest reading my last blog post 'NaNoWriMo 2021' here.

I'm not writing a pity post but rather a reflection. Using my copywriting experience might have helped me be better prepared for NaNo. I wasn't focused and didn't give myself any direction on what I was working on. I should have approached this the same way I would client work.

Next time, will do these things differently:

  • Create a plan for the piece I'll be working on.
  • Don't just decide to partake last minute (or the first day)
  • Set aside the time to write 
  • Set daily achievable goals 
  • Most importantly: have fun!
As it was my first time participating in NaNo I was overwhelmed quite quickly. For the first seven days, I wrote every day, but a week and a half into November and this wore off.

In total, I managed to write 8000 words before I abandoned the whole thing. Why did I stop? I was no longer interested in what I was writing. As it was something I was just writing on the spot, so inevitably I fell out of love with it quickly. I probably should've focused on one of the novels I already had planned out, but at least I now know for next time. 

For NaNoWriMo 2022, I want to have a plan ready before I begin. I think by being more prepared and actually having a structure and schedule for my creative writing will more likely help me to succeed. I am glad I tried this year, I have learned a valuable lesson. Preparation is key.

I Failed NaNoWriMo

Friday 24 December 2021


This year I have decided to take part in NaNoWriMo. I became aware of it back in my early Wattpad days and I always talked myself out of taking part, well this stops now. 

If you're new to NaNoWriMo or haven't come across it yet, it's a non-profit organisation that promotes creative writing all around the world. They host an annual creative writing event in November. The goal of the event is from November 1st to November 30th to write at least 50,000 words. Hopefully, at the end of the month, you should have drafted a whole manuscript. On their website, you write the details for what you will be working on and you track how many words you write every day. By tracking your word count you can earn fun badges. Millions of people around the world take part in this event, it is a great opportunity to join a great community of writers as well as work on your craft.

My writing sessions have been a little all over the place recently so I thought by taking part in this year's event so I can try to refocus myself. Usually, people plan for the event but this year I decided last minute to partake. I did create a quick fun cover for the story I will be working on:

I have had a few characters and storylines floating around in my head so I am using NaNoWriMo 2021 to put them to use. Today I completed my first section at 1724 words, not a bad start. I worked out that to reach 50K words, you need to roughly write 1.6K words every single day!  I will be giving updates on here but in the middle of the month and again at end of the month to let you know how I am getting on. I am really looking forward to getting back into the habit of writing every day.

NaNoWriMo 2021

Monday 1 November 2021