Showing posts with label May. Show all posts
Another May gone,
A special month I think. It was last year this month I made this blog, and it was a good decision. Since I've found a place I can write whatever I want, somewhere to put my voice even if I'm the only one reading it.
This month has been tough nonetheless. I've shed tears and I've broken down, I've stressed for hours and lost myseld a little. But I also picked myself up, and moved forward. Haven't quite got the hang over being an emotional mess but I'm sure I'll find a way somehow.
Exams are almost over, giving the first one was definitely testing. I feel glad I only have one left, I'm depending on June to bring me some goodness for that.
A weird month definitely, but I don't think I'd change anything at least not much.
May has been a mixture of feelings, a balance between good and bad. Tears of stress and tears of god damn laughter. Thank you May, see you next year.

Goodbye May

Tuesday 31 May 2016

April. dear April,
What a surprise you've been. You've brought me happiness, tears, breakdowns' and snow. A nightmare if I ever had to recognise one awake. Granted you've had your moments like making me laugh at something that once made me cry, you've brought me the goodness of health. It has been a difficult month, a bit sketchy in places and damn right rude in others. A bit problematic but you've put me on the right path I suppose. You've been a lesson, I guess a tough cold one but hey I got through it!
I'm ready for you May, bring on the exams and whatever else you want to throw my way, after this month I feel invincible.

Goodbye April

Saturday 30 April 2016