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 The Moon is a lesbian.

How do I know?

She demands my attention,

shining like the boldest in the room.

In my slumber, my body aches for her; 

I awaken and look out for her every night. 

My mind feels settled when I see her.

She is safe, and she is home.

When I am with her, she makes me feel whole.

 Every fibre in my being yearns for her.

She is always there.

I know I’m not her only one. 

There were many souls before mine,

and there’ll be even more after.

All who caught her gaze swore to love her.

Not me; I worship her.

I lay naked in her light,

embracing her energy as her rays touched my skin.

She empowers my soul, making me feel intensely,

electricity surging through my veins.

She is the almighty divine and powerful,

invigorating and delicious.

She takes my breath away

every single time.

The Moon is a lesbian,

And she’ll forever have my heart.

This poem is from my poetry collection, The Moon is a Lesbian. You can order a paperback version or purchase the new extended version on Kindle here. If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read the collection for free!

The Moon is a Lesbian (Poem)

Tuesday 18 June 2024

 Hello, my lovelies!

I'm back from Rome (blog post about my trip pending), and I'm pleased to let you know that, as of March 23rd, you can access the Kindle version of The Moon is a Lesbian. It has 11 new poems. You can buy it now, or if you've got Kindle Unlimited, you can read it for FREE!

I'm ever so grateful for the ongoing support I've received with my poetry collection. I feel so lucky and loved! You can pick up your Kinde copy here. I also recently learned that if you're from somewhere other than the UK, you can order a physical copy from booksellers such as Barnes & Noble and the Bookshop. If you've already picked up a copy, thank you endlessly!

Thank you, as always, for reading my blog. It's been a creative outlet for me for many years, and I'm just grateful for anyone reading this post or who has ever read any post on my blog- it truly means the world!

Available on KU

Tuesday 26 March 2024