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The book I’ve been reading is The Kingdom by Jess  Rothenberg. If you’ve seen this title around you’ll have seen a different cover. I got this version before the final one was published. 

It’s such a magical story, the version I’ve read is the uncorrected version. I really enjoyed this book, it was a break for my brain. A chance to be transported to what I can only describe as fucked up Disney. 

You see a world where it’s scientificially modifier, from hybrid animals to bringing back extinct creatures. The main characters are the fantasists, and you follow the life of Ana. 

In the story you see friendship, love and deceit. It seems like such a happy story as you read through the chapters with the characters, but as the story unfolds you begin to read a tragedy. 

I really loved the characters, all the different princess’ and seeing their capabilities. It reminded me of Disney princesses but maybe modern day and if they were real. 

I really enjoyed the different chapters format, one chapter you’ll get story and it switches between story and court cases and interviews. The court cases are ahead of the story, so you’re constantly wondering what made this event occur. Very captivating. The court cases are somewhat present tense whereas the narrative chapters are dated ‘14 months before trial’. It’s interesting seeing the events unfold this way, watching the consequences without seeing or witnessing the action. Which you don’t find out until the end of the book. 

There is such a brilliant plot twist towards the end of the book, and it was intense and the ending was beautiful. 

This book was captivating, and different from anything else I’ve read. Not a difficult read but definitely a gripping one. I do believe there will be another, at least in the copy I read you’re lead to believe that this is the beginning of a series.

I created a poem inspired by this book, see below: 

The Kingdom - Book Review

Friday 21 June 2019