Showing posts with label Jane Austen. Show all posts


This week's blog post is a little different from the usual, I have written about Funkos in the past in my blog post A Growing Collection. In that post I mentioned having about 50 and that was in February of 2020, a whole year and a bit later and I have 253. If you are interested in seeing them closely I do have an Instagram & Tik Tok dedicated to my Funkos: @DollysFunkosYou may have noticed these figures appear in some of my photos. 

I adore collecting these figures and despite Funko continuously releasing new characters I feel like there is still something missing. Some people missing.  I purchased this Pop of the writer: Jane Austen. She is one of my favourites. Pictured to the right. She is really cool, I love having her in my collection.  As I look at her most days I cannot help but wish for more writers to be released. There is such a huge market for them amongst the Funko community,  So far they have released Jane Austen. Edgar Allen Poe and Stephen King. All brilliant writers and I do hope to be adding them to my collection very soon. I do think there should be more Funko Pops of writers made. 

I have created  a shortlist of people I think they should make into a pop vinyl next:

  • William Shakespeare 
  • Emily Dickinson
  • Charles Dickens 
  • Maya Angelou 
  • Oscar Wilde 
  • Harper Lee 
  • Lord Alfred Tennyson 
These are only a handful of influential writer's in the world, there are so many famous amazing writers that could be added to the list and potential collection. If I could choose only one from the list it would have to be William Shakespeare. The writing legend, the most famous writer in the world. I am tempted to try and order a custom of him from an independent artist, he would look amazing on my bookshelf. Funko if you see this please take the hint. If you could have a Funko Pop made of anyone in the world, real or not, who would it be?

Funko Pop Ideas: Writers

Saturday 12 June 2021

Just over a week ago I travelled down South to Alton for a week. It was to celebrate a friend’s birthday, it was such a lovely week! My favourite day has to be when we visited Jane Austen’s house. Naturally, as an English student it was must I visited her childhood house when I got the chance. Truth be told I have not read as many of Jane Austen novel’s as I would have liked to but I have faith my degree will soon change that.
It was such a lovely experience to visit the house Austen grew up in.  The house itself was quite lovely.  We got the chance to dress up too, which was a blast!  We didn’t take the visit all too serious, otherwise, I don’t think it would have been as enjoyable. On the day we visited there were quite a few tourists (including myself) we figured this would be because the day we visited was close the anniversary of Austen’s death. I was pleasantly surprised to find that a few of the other tourists were American.
Myself and Tiana

It was lovely to see the house kept well and museum like. The house is in Chawton if you ever feel inspired to visit, I understand it can be a required interest. The garden was my favourite part, so beautiful kept.

We also got to make little lavender bags and I tried writing with a quill. Much harder than I had anticipated. There was this notice board, which I regret not taking a picture of. People wrote little notes (like mine above) an attached it the board, it was so lovely to read and look at. 

I adored how walking into her house felt like I was walking back in time. Things looked and felt so different to the current society we live in.

There were lots of really cool things to look at and learn about, like the desk Jane Austen used to write at. I liked how spread across the site you would find different copies of her books that you were able to read if you wanted to.

It was just a really cool day, finished off with a pint and a burger in a pub across the road! If you want to check out more images and things from my trip down south follow me on my Instagram!

Jane Austen’s House!!

Wednesday 25 July 2018