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Amsterdam (7th Oct.) We were very tourist like this day, we visited different places and it was pretty fun. The first place we visited was a science museum 'Nenno; Science Museum. It was frickin' insane, the peep show was hilarious' yes we saw a peep show in the museum. Me and my friend Shannon clearly found it hilarious, the place was huge and it was general all round blast. Later we then visited an art museum, which all honestly I kind of found a little boring, we were walking around a lot, but I did enjoy the colossal pirate shit and of course the huge historic library, which with all honesty gave me chills. That day I spent more time with Dutch people, who I swear are all naturally lovely. I was kind of a bad mood for a little while, mainly because I was hungry (who can blame a girl?) so when we were allowed off the reigns (as such) we ventured to McDonalds and well problem was averted. The spent a lot of my time at Holland with Shannon, and there is two songs we listened to most of the time which now I always think back to Holland 1) The 1975 - Chocolate 2) The Cab - Angel with a shotgun. I bought some souveniers; a little pair of blue clogs and a 'I <3 Amsterdam' t-shirt which funnily enough I am currently wearing. It was such a good day.
The fourth day in Holland (8th Oct.) this day was the day I remember the most. 'First time on a boat, it was amazing. So magical, sailing the water, ships like the ones pirates use, it was amazing. I felt alive as I watched the captivating sites.' Admittedly what I didn't write in my diary is how lonely I felt, sitting staring out of a window whilst most people were gathered around a man playing guitar whilst students from my college performed, it was a friendly atmosphere it was enjoyable to listen to. I kind of have a habit of sitting myself out of things, I don't know why. Anyways, the boat took us to a little island thing, where I ended up buy 16 euros worth of godly chocolate. I went on my first steam where we were served cute little crepes, more conversation flowed and it was a lot of fun. We later got free time, where I ended up buying my next diary, it is beautiful and I still have it. It is full but I kept it. I also bought some gifts for the family, I hate being selfish. I ranted in my diary I won't say what because it's rude and mean, even though I am laughing at it a lot now.
The last day (9th Oct.)  it was a weird day for me. My emotions were all over the place. I missed my best friend, I wanted to be alone, I don't know what was wrong with me. Something did make me smile though 'Some random girl just came up to me show me her phone and asked if it were my Instagram on her screen and she told me she was stalking me' it was funny, and we still follow each other and stuff to this day. We did a whole ceremony thing and it was lovely, and kind of weird saying goodbye.
Home (10th Oct.) We woke up early, before heading to the airport we had breakfast which was cake or very like cake. It was lovely all the same.  We wandered around the airport once checking in, had another McDonalds (cheeky) and then it was the plane ride. I was ready to go home to be honest, it felt like an overwhelming week. Once we landed we were allowed to leave, my mother came to meet me and surprised me with my sister and niece, I cried there and then. My niece was so excited to see me. It was just really nice after a week of being away. We had a Starbucks before leaving, and I managed to whole week up until this point without any embarrassing moments, until one of the teacher's Flynn was walking by and said farewells etc. and my sister shouted 'Bye sexy' after him I was super embarrassed, to this day I pray he didn't hear it.

Holland Part II (2014)

Sunday 15 May 2016

Let me take you guys back to the beginning of October 2014, I went to Holland with my old college on a Comenius for five days. I want to tell you guys about one day in particular, I did keep a diary at the time and I wanted to share those diary entries with you but, let's just say I was a bit of an asshole and yeah I can't show them. But I can sum up some of the days I perhaps stick a very quotations in from my diary. I will do this in two parts, I'll do the first three days and then tomorrow (Sunday) I will post the rest since I am not doing Weekly Favourites this week!
First of all, the day before going to Holland (4th October 2014) I had a little bike accident, I hadn't ridden a bike in years so I went out in the woods on the bike with my dad and well I ended up crashing into a huge metal gate, which affected my entire week, because I was injured. They weren't bad injuries or anything nothing was broken, but my stomach and like private area were badly swollen and bruised like I wasn't aware down there could even go purple nevermind ache as much as it did - wearing tight jeans was a no go!
So the day came (5th Oct.) and it was a day of firsts for me, it was my first time abroad, like leaving the UK and my first time on a plane, it wasn't my first time away from my parents as I went to Wales (disaster!) but this was probably the furthest. 'The first ever plane ride, it was fascinating. Staring out the window seeing the earth move beneath us' so yeah that happened but what I didn't mention was the popping of ears, like damn even though I was warned about it I was not ready! Also the flight we were on we got these cute little snacks, like a tiny pack of plain Doritos like crisp and the tiniest can of lemonade ever, it was adorable. I tried reading Bridget but I was way too excited! We landed in Amsterdam which actually the airport is pretty big and impressive! Everyone seemed loved and then we got the coach to the hotel which was called de halve maan hotel bovenkarspel  I think, it was small and lovely but it wasn't near Amsterdam.  So we got to the hotel, where we sorted our stuff and then they sprung this thing on us where we had to ride to this restaurant, bare in mind my injury and Dutch bikes are completely different to English bikes, it's like a whole other contraption, after and hour of trying my best and being in pain and falling into rose bushes I ended up being driven to the place with another girl. Of course, I felt crap and that I felt I let everyone down. We got the Italian restaurant which was lovely, and we got to meet the Swedish people who also ventured to Holland.  We were out pretty late, and I think that night a guy had an accident on the road on the bike or something. My first night was terrible I have to admit and here is the last thing I wrote in my diary that night 'I loved the idea of Holland, but I am in a whole new country and I want to go home! It's impossible :( help me, I am falling apart!' -  I do speak to my diary as if it's a person.
Improvement! (6th Oct.) I woke up feeling motivated and one of the staff members that came with us Flynn, he helped me try and improve the whole bike situation, as I didn't want to give up and feel like I am getting special treatment, admittedly I also didn't want to seem weak. Being the nice supportive teacher he is, he did the 'believe in yourself' thing which admittedly he isn't the first teacher to give me that talk, my history teacher was constantly telling me in high school, and I've recently had it too. I am working on it but yeah back to Holland. Even though I was making small improvements I wasn't ready and ended up getting driven to our next place. Which was the Dutch high school where I swear to god is the best high school, it was so vibrant it didn't feel real. It was colourful, and kind of something you would see those teenage American movies but like so much better. It was amazing, we got a tour of the school and then we actually went around the city with a team. Where we had to go places and learn things, it was very touristy but in the best way. I met some lovely people, this one guy actually helped me a lot since obviously I couldn't ride he walked me to the museum and it was so lovely because he didn't have to, and he was just so lovely, everyone was so lovely. I also bonded with people from my own college, like people I hadn't ever communicated with until then. A girl, we worked on the bike thing more which was really kind of her. We then had a Chinese buffet, which was so beautiful like the place itself. There were cute dangling lights, amazing artwork on the walls, we got to be with good company and it was delightful. We got to see some beautiful Holland sites, the second day was definitely better as you can see from this extract 'Holland is beautiful, so many sites, pictures, selfies and people. Everything is stunning, I love it. Everything and every place feels like a movie. I am in love with Holland!'

Tune back in tomorrow probably about 7PM for more of my Holland adventures like Amsterdam, drama and another first!

Holland (2014)