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I have been playing lots of Sims lately, I have been working on one house for my generation family. Naturally,  I keep tweaking it and changing things around. There are certain parts of the house that I am so inlove with. The house first started basic, for one Sim.

My favourite part of the lot is the Greenhouse I created, infact it may be the best thing I have ever made. The Greenhouse was added in the second generation of my family, one of the twin brothers got into gardening.

I really enjoyed creating this build, I think it is important you create new things when you are working through generations so you don't get bored. Here is come closeups of inside the Greenhouse.

Another favourite part of this house is the little 'inspiration' room I call it. The room where my first sim created her fortune through writing books. I like this room a lot, it's very colourful. It has everything you need to become a bestselling writer and even an internet sensation. I really enjoy decoarating desks, I don't know why but it is my favourite part of building.

Here is a few of my favourite corners of the house, some parts I am still working on so really I am showing you the best bits. I have not used cheats to gain money or to change relationships. I do use the cheat where you can go back into CAS so I can edit new sims clothes but that is about it.

Above is a picture of the front garden, I usually fill this with Sharks. It sounds harsh but I use it to kill townies, like when my Sims marry outsiders I end up getting bored of the townies, so I basically use them to help create babies and kill them off. Harsh but a girls' gotta do what a girls' gotta do.
I never really concentrate on the kids room so I decided to give it ago. I really liked how this one turned on.

This is the room of my lesbian's Sim (third generation) adopted child. I feel like the more packs I buy the more I enjoy building.
As the generations have been going on, I am onto the fourth, I have decided to change the living area as well as the kitchen. I think my favourite stuff pack has to be Vintage Glamour Stuff, I just love everything about it, as you can see by my Gatsby/Jazz inspired living area.

I bought the Romantic Garden Stuff pack, mainly because it was on offer for Valentines day. I decided to try and create a beautiful garden. I also created  a little graveyard, I wanted a place where  I could keep my generations. I don't let them be ghosts, just because I find it  a little weird. Naturally, as I play more the graveyard will expand.

I really want to create a Sims youtube account, but I am not sure if I should. What are your thoughts? Thank you for reading, and below is a picture of the outside lot. This house was originally Cool Cabana. 

New Builds (March 2019)

Tuesday 5 March 2019

 I have been wanting to create a sim version of Alice for a while now, in this creation I have made her a modern teenager. I enjoy making this quick Sim, I also worked on a quick building. 

I decided to make Alice a little preppy in the screenshots below, I figure we mainly see her in one outfit so I explored other ones. I kept her hair the same throughout just so it resembles Alice somewhat.

I did create several outfits but the two above were my favourites. Below is the build mode I created, I just played around with size. Huge plants, small chairs etc. I really enjoyed this quick creation, I don't think I'll go onto gameplay with her but this as just something quick to do. 

I think my favourite part of this was magnifying the plants to give it a wild forest feel to the build. Have any of you created fictional places from books? I want to create more, but I am not very confident with Build Mode so I am just messing around with creations. I am not sure what I will be working on next but I don't think I will be playing Sims as much as I like to due to upcoming deadlines.

Sim Alice #2 Build Mode

Friday 13 April 2018

When I first started playing Sim 4 build mode was a genuine nightmare for me, it took me a long time to actually get into it. But, now I know what I am doing (sort of) I have found things I enjoy building and decorating as well as parts that I don't.  I want to make this a series type of thing, and I want to start off with something I enjoy decorating and that is desks!

A person's desk can tell you a lot about them, so in game, I like to make my Sims desk reflect their personality as much as I can possibly do so. Plus it is cool the amount of desk clutter CC you can find online. I love playing around with different items. There is also a running theme with the majority of my desks, I love using the base game plumbob lamp. It is my favourite item in the game, I kind of want one in real life...

Build Mode #1 Sims 4

Monday 2 April 2018

Meet the Burdick family

Lori Burdick 

Life goal: Nerd Brain
Traits: Quick Learner, Genius, Bookworm and Neat. 
She’s a scientist or at least trying to be but like all Sims she is starting from the bottom! She is all about learning and expanding her knowledge. She’s smart, attractive and independent. She met her now wife in high school, and once they left they moved in together all happily in love. 

Stacey Burdick
Life Goal: Painter Extraordinaire 
Traits: Muser, Cheerful, Art Lover, Family-orientated. 

Stacey is the creative one of out of the two, she doesn’t believe in buying other people’s art but filling their home with her art. She’s a cheerful Sim, which is useful for when Lori comes up grumpy. Stacey adores Lori even though she’s constantly working and trying to build on her skills. When Lori gets the day off Stacey is more than happy to drop everything to spend time with her loved one. Stacey wants a family with Lori, due to their lesbian marriage, they will have to adopt. Stacey doesn’t work, the plan is to be a stay at home artist to look after the new pup and eventually their child.

Beagle, Puppy
Traits: Vocal, playful and Smart.

This is their dog to test if they’re ready for a child.  A little cute addition to the family. Stacey has always wanted children and Lori not wanting things to go so fast suggested they start with a puppy. Both Sims adore the puppy, even if it’s got quite a vocal character

So this is my newest Sim family, I am very excited to see how far I can with this lot. I'll be posting updates on the progress, I think the next Sim update post I will have built their house. I may try and video some footage too.  

The Burdick Family (Sims 4)

Monday 5 March 2018