Showing posts with label December. Show all posts

The final boxes of 2018, we've ended on a high note. Two wonderful boxes from my usual amazing companies Book Box Club and Book Spot Box! Both subscriptions have been amazing this year, and I am so excited to see what they have installed for us in 2019.  They've really outdone themselves this time! I'll start with Book Box Club.
The theme of the December box is Rule the Stars, this is as cool as it sounds. I was surprised that it was not a Christmas themed box giving the month, but this box was cool. I wasn't too put out because BSB box was Christmas theme. 
There was a range of things in this box, from bookmark to Calendar to an amazing hardback book.
The card revealing the theme is stunning, I just had to snap a picture of it.

I will reveal favourite items at the end! But below is an overall look of the box, and what was is inside. If you are interested in subscribing to Book Box Club, it is £28.99 a month and as you can see, this being my third unboxing, it is worth every penny!

The book and description: 
The Splintered Silence by Kayla Olson
Lusca Space Station is doomed. All first-generation astronauts have been wiped out by a deadly virus, food supplies are running low and now a series of mysterious deaths is threatening the future of the ship's young crew. Cast into the role of the leader way before her time. Captain Lindley has some heavy responsibilities upon her shoulders. Can she navigate her way through the chaos, solve the ship's deadly secrets and survive the dramas of deepest space?
This doesn't sound like my usual kind of book, I didn't really find the description all that exciting. I will give it a go and maybe review it later! 

As always, I am obsessed with candles. I was very pleased to see this little gem in my box 'Cinder' candle by Elvenwick Candles. I love the description of this one: Light up the night sky with the bright flame of the true Lunar Queen! Scented with juniper, elderberries, orange and cranberries, this exclusive super-sparkly candle is inspired by the strong-willed cyborg heroine of the Lunar Chronicles. If you want your own here is the link:

This was a cute little item, the design is very pretty. This is the 'Kady Purse' illustrated by Rowatree. The description: No one rules the stars quite like kick-ass Kady from the Illuminae Files. Save your pennies in this exclusive Kady coin purse and get ready to embark upon your own space adventure. The website to buy this item is:

This pencil is cute, it is the 'Red Rising Pencil'. This is from the company Book Box Club themselves. The description is: Take inspiration from Darrow & Co and plot your path out of cosmic chaos with our Red Rising themed rainbow pencil.

In every box or so I also receive a little book or a snippet of a book. I love receiving these because I am forever looking to add books to my shelves. The cover of this one is quite a pretty one. I think that it is a good idea to share these little books, the company really help out writers- I think that this is wonderful.

I also received a little bath bomb, a little Astronaut. He's quite cute but a little broken. Nonetheless, I look forward to using this little fella when I go home.

Now onto the second box of the month, a Christmas box by Book Spot Box. This is the last monthly box of BSB, they will be moving to produce boxes that are released every second month. This may mean I might pick up another box sub or just keep to my usual two. This box was a festive joy to open. It really helped me get in the Christmas spirit. A lot of effort and thought was put into this box. If you wish to subscribe to this book box company it is £20 a month with £3.99 delivery.

This box was a pretty one, a few items were quite close to becoming my favourite, but I managed to narrow it down to one. The items varied from pins to snowflakes, and to tape and cute postcards.
I got another amazing candle, which I am very excited to light. The snowflake too was quite cute, both together really give you that cold Christmassy feeling.

 Winter warmed up!!

The candle is called ' Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo' I am living for the name! The scent is made of Sugar cookies, Vanilla cream and candy cane! A truly Christmassy concoction. 

The snowflake makes a cute decoration, I haven't found a place for it just yet. I'd better hurry!

The book that came with this box looks very festive with its cover.

Book description:
Snowflakes and Cinnamon Swirls at The Winter Wonderland by Heidi Swain.

After calling off her engagement, Hayley moves to Wynthorpe Hall to escape the town's gossip, but there will be no cowering beneath the covers this winter, as she finds herself immersed in the eccentric Connelly family's festive activities.
As preparations commence for the biggest event of the season, Hayley finds herself drawn to the newcomer Gabe, but unbeknownst to Hayley, he too has a reason for turning his back on love, one that seems intent on keeping them apart.
Under the starry winter skies, will Gabe convince Hayley to open her heart once more? And in doing so, will he convince himself?
Truth be told? I already like the cover more than the storyline. The description doesn't really sound very Christmassy. I don't usually read these type of novels, but it seems to have good praises and that it is more Christmassy than it leads you to believe. I hope so, I plan on reading this on my trip back home for Christmas.

 If you've seen my Instagram, you will know I have become... quite reliant on caffeine. You can imagine how happy this item made me, a cup cosy. Perfect for winter cuppas when I am out and about. I haven't used it yet, but I am excited to. 

I found this candy cane Santa pen quite the novelty item!

 Now, this!! This lovely bookmark quoting a Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 'I will honour Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all year'. I have quite a soft spot for Dickens, his books are just works of magic. A Christmas Carol is definitely one of my favourites, alongside Great Expectations and Oliver Twist!
The colours are just bright and really well designed, this was pretty close to being my favourite item.
The postcard  is also a stunning piece. I won't be sending this out, just because I love it too much to share.

It is time to show you my favourite item from each box. From Book Box Club it is their 'Unashamedly Bookish Calendar' and from Book Spot Box is their Polar Express Pin. I haven't used a calendar in years, but this one is so perfectly bookish! My birth month picture is so cute too, a girl in a room filled with books!! The illustrations are just incredible and I cannot wait to post about them on my Instagram at the start of every month! The pin!! I absolutely adore The Polar Express, it is, in fact, my all-time favourite Christmas film, and the detail put into the pin is amazing. Blue and sparkly. This is attached to my jacket, spreading the cheer!!

Thank you reading this months unboxing, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have! I'll look forward to January and seeing what the new year brings us! 

Book Box Subscriptions (December)

Thursday 20 December 2018

Excited to go home
Cold weather
Elation of spirit
Merriness in high volume
Break- we all need this one
Entertainment all month round
Reindeer we do not care for- just family


Friday 1 December 2017

December is my favourite
Everyone is festive
Christmas it on its way
Evenings become cold
Many layers to keep us warm
Brushing past other busy shoppers
Everyone getting ready for the oe day
Ready for a blissful family gathering


Friday 2 December 2016

For some reason my blogger app wouldn't allow me to post yesterday's count down but never mind. So it's Christmas well it's nearly over.
It's been lovely, family and food. Everything was great. I hope you all have had  a wonderful day. I'm feeling blessed and generally happy.
Also in need for a good ten hour sleep! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas

Friday 25 December 2015

This weekend  I haven't been feeling so well, a head cold and just generally feeling a little low. To keep myself busy I have been staying warm as well as spending some (much needed) time on Sims. I have been creating  new Sims, and I'm getting better and better at it. I have even taking to uploading my Sims onto the Sims exchange.  I have  to say I'm pretty impressed with myself.
Today I feel much better than I did yesterday, I slept a lot yesterday! Monday tomorrow, I'm looking forward to film studies. I downloading editing software today and I'm thinking about my coursework and I'm looking forward to it. This weekend has been chilled, but I have needed every second of it!

Sunday Funday

Sunday 6 December 2015

- a little late posting I'm terribly sorry -

So it's the festive month of Christmas (hooray). It's also the worst month of Winter (BOO) however the weather may be low the spirits must stay high. I begin December wearing a festive jumper, not my usual thing but let's just go with it.
I enjoy December, the excitement of knowing I'm off for two weeks, that is the best feeling in the world well maybe second best, the first best feeling in the world is Christmas day. Having the family together, everyone on their best behaviours, and most importantly the Christmas dinner, oh boy my favourite thing. I am mainly in love with the Christmas dinner because of my mother's homemade stuffing, with sausage meat and what not oh yes!
Also I've realised IT IS DECEMBER!! LIKE ALREADY! Where has this year gone? I mean what? It's almost 2016, a new year and I'm just so surprised how fast this year has gone.
For December I just hope for happiness and hope itself. Also it is now socially acceptable to spend my nights with hot chocolate and grinning from ear to ear at some cheesy Christmas film!
Make this month about family, love and friendship!

Hello December!

Thursday 3 December 2015

I'm a little late with this, I shall post the hello December tomorrow!

My last day of November was amazing, I'm not going to lie it was the best day I've had in a long time! Mondays are naturally my favourite day, so I started my Monday off with making cute Christmas edits and eating a hella lot of Pineapple, which always makes me happy. I then had Film Studies, I'm always enthusiastic with Film. I got put into a group and together we have to make a trailer, and I am so excited. My group is good, we all get on and the ideas we all came up with together makes me feel hopeful for our production.
Even an hour long tutorial session was good, we talked about aids and well I definitely felt more educated afterwards. Lunch is where my luck picked up (literally) so I brought packed lunch and I went with my friend to get her lunch from the Deli. On the way back up to college I literally found a tenner on the road, it was soaked but still lucky. Naturally I look around which no one was around so I couldn't even ask if it belonged to someone, I did however half it with my friend because that's the rule, you have your findings with the person you're with. Lunch was good, I had my favourite sandwiches' and what not.
Media came along after lunch, it was a good lesson. I socialized and we were introduced to the coursework which I can't help but feel excited about. I was going to do film production for it but I decided that since I will be filming for my film coursework it is best to not over do it. I'm going to do a magazine, I'm pretty good with Photoshop plus I possibly want to go into magazine journalism so how could I not jump at this opportunity?
English came along, it was a feedback lesson where we got our initial assessments back. Naturally I was feeling nervous, especially since my recent talk with my tutor about improving my grades. I was shocked when I saw the grade on the front 'B+' I was over the moon, I mean on my last one I got a 'C' which I am proud of but this time I was pretty close to an A. I think it's generally because I'm stronger with creative writing and comparison than anything else. So getting feedback was good, and my teacher enjoyed what I had written. I was having doubts about my capabilities recently in English, but what I've learned is that I just need a little confidence, put the work in and things can only get better. After the lesson I was held back, which made me feel bad I was scared in case she was going to tell me she accidently graded me wrong. I was wrong, she wanted to tell me well done and that out of all the classes she teaches this subject to I got the highest out of all. I'm not boasting, really I was shocked. It felt good to just be doing better than I was, I'm improving and I have hope for this year. However, I am afraid I fall behind or I do crap in the next assessment. I need to maintain this level of work, and in order to do that I need to revise as much. My mocks are in January so I'm going to revise for them.
When I got home my parents were happy to hear my news, they even ordered take out (winning) of course my favourite Kebab Pizza but they even ordered with stuffed crust. I watched some movies and had a chilled night. For the last day of November I did pretty alright, also it was DOUGIE POYNTER'S BIRTHDAY!!
November was quite rocky overall, like a rollercoaster but it's an adventure. December? BRING IT ON!

Goodbye Novemeber

Tuesday 1 December 2015